Really could use some help learning about this



  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    I just pretend i'm a caveman and eat loads of fishes and little chicken birds and little chicken eggs....wash it down with a leaf or two of romaine lettuce. I got that from a nature documentary I saw once on BBC. David Attenborough said that gorillas eat like that....a mouthful of meat ....then eat a leaf....he said the gorillas do it to help with digestion...makes sense to me. Also i eat a good bit of pork...the other white meat.

    I have to take issue with this representation of paleo/primal.

    A nutritional analysis of what gorillas eat show that it is only 9% protein. Their diet is essentially vegetarian, with their protein coming mostly from the grubs and larvae attached to the vegetation they eat. While there ARE apes who are more omnivorous - gorillas aren't among them.

    A paleo/primal diet should still be more plant and animal. While we no longer need to fear fats and bacon, if we rely and a primarily protein diet - we'll still wind up with health issues.


    Gorilla nutrition analysis:
  • MrsAbles
    MrsAbles Posts: 117 Member
    bump for websites
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I wrote a simple guide as I understood it from my research...
  • coconutty420
    coconutty420 Posts: 47 Member
    i did primal for about 1.5 months before i ever read the i want to get the 21 day transformation book but am in the same boat as you are...i have the one book so why should i buy another just seems silly. i found a lot of the basics at but if you are still confused i could lend you my copy of the book....send me a private message and i can send it off (just gotta please promise to return it!) Good Luck! it is an amazing way to live...has done wonders for me in feeling better and resolving many health just hoping to start dropping more weight soon!
  • uniqsol
    uniqsol Posts: 36
    There are some interesting links here...thanks peeps!
    I'ma get to readin' :glasses:
  • uniqsol
    uniqsol Posts: 36
    For me the big difference between low-carb and losing weight with Primal is that Primal is essentially real food, and low carb tends to have a lot of products involved. Bars, shakes, fake sweeteners, faux desserts, etc. If you are trying to lose weight, just stick with the low carb but only eat real food.

    p.s. for me, going primal did not help my weight loss until I started to also watch my calories, which when doing low carb is reasonably easy. But I am in my mid-50's and starting menopause.

    p.p.s. this guy is pretty level headed when it comes to the Primal diet...

    Good Luck, I really think the problem with the MDA is there is almost too much info for a beginner. Start small with something you know you can stick to, then add to it.

    By the by, I've been reading the above suggested about the Primal diet over my lunch break...
    Very enjoyable & super easy to follow for anyone just starting out or interested in learning more about Primal/Paleo!
  • banksave
    banksave Posts: 18 Member
    if you have an Itunes account you could search for Robb Wolfe free podcast. They are Free to download... I think you could also
    acces them from

    Hope this helps.
  • mom2tek
    mom2tek Posts: 75 Member
    I've been Paleo for 2 months now and still have loads to learn! Some good information on here! Will read again and look into the sites when I have more time. I've been very interested in purchasing the Primal Blueprint but like you I've tried to learn most about it online. I also love checking out these blogs/discussions and learning so much from those with experience.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    MDA does have a lot of lingo, but I've eventually learned what most of it is. I got the book from the library, but honestly never finished it as most of the info I wanted I had already found on his site (or I had already read elsewhere). The "Start Here" tab pretty much linked everything I needed in one spot on MDA. But I also have a lot of primal-esque buddies on here that also helped me!

    One person mentioned Dr. Mike Eades of Protein Power; his website has also been useful to me:

    Another good reference I've found is Wellness Mama. She explains things well (and has a phone app!).

    PS - another good site is - hpsnickers1 introduced me to that one. Great info there!