
Renee2743 Posts: 17 Member
My girlfriend just bought me a bike. A BIKE! and no gears! Her bike had no gears, so she wanted to ride with someone that she could keep up with. We have been riding at least twice a week on a challenging trail in Lexington, KY. I also attend a boot camp that has us revved up for 60 minutes. Just trying to stay on top of the hill, not under it.


  • coldiron50
    coldiron50 Posts: 23 Member
    Good Luck on that new bike, and enoy that beautiful Ky countryside. Used to live and work in Lexington, and love the town. Go Big Blue! I am new to MFP and hanging in there, have lost 10 pounds since March. Have a ways to go, but feel better each week. Hope we can encourage each other over the coming months! :wink:
  • sumo42
    sumo42 Posts: 7
    Lucky you to have a biking friend! I got a new bike last year, but am looking for a bike buddy. Anyone from Baltimore looking for an active friend?
  • Renee2743
    Renee2743 Posts: 17 Member
    Lexington is a great place. I actually live in a small town north of Lexington, Stamping Ground. Yes, I know its a wierd name. Its for the hundreds of thousand of buffalo that visited our salt lick. "stamping ground" refers to the sound made by the buffalo as they migrated by. Since the Bluegrass is the heart of horse country, I also have 2 pleasure riding horses and they keep me busy. I actually got exercise points for grooming them. Yea!
  • Renee2743
    Renee2743 Posts: 17 Member
    Hope you have luck finding a riding partner. Its much safer to ride with someone. It's also nice to cheer each other on. I am "old school" and don't use the riding helmet, but all my grandchildren do. Hope you have success on your weight loss.