


  • AFWife1029
    Hi everyone, I am new to the group but not new to my fitness. I have fibro and was diagnosed last September, but have had the health issues and indications of it for 9 years now. I am 31 years old and have also been dealing with a version of vertigo since October 2011 which makes it even harder to do things.

    I was reading through the posts and definitely agree with how hard it is to be able to be healthy sometimes with dealing with the pain everytime you try and work out. Im lucky some days if my exercise is just walking up and down the stairs in my house and sometimes just that makes my ankles hurt and feet hurt. I do my best though and at least try to eat a little better.

    I welcome anyone who wants to add me as a friend on here for us to help encourage each other.
    CACKWITH Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Everyone. I'm glad to see people talking about this. I hate to admit that I use to be one of those people that thought FibroM was an excuse to not do anything. What a rude awakening I had back in October when I was DX'd. I was only 33 and in great physical shape since I was doing Kenpo Karate for 3 years up to that point. I was noticing some pain in my neck but mostly in my hips and legs. I just thought "oh- arthritis, family female trait" and kept going about my business. One day I woke up and could barely move. I walked like a 90 yo woman. Tried to do karate that night and couldn't even lift my leg to kick. Went to the doctors and of course it took them 4 months and about 40 tubes of blood to formally DX. In the mean time, I couldn't work out and all I could manage in a day was to wake up, get the kids off to school, go back to bed, wake up and make them dinner and take them to karate, come home and go back to bed. Sleeping 12-14 hours almost everyday for several months didn't help my weight. I gained 30 lbs that I'm now trying to work off. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but when your only 5-1 and small frame 155 Lbs. is a lot to carry around. My Dr. put me on a medication that helped enough so that I could go back to karate, against her wishes, without a lot of pain. However I pay for it in fatigue. I use to be an insomniac so it's a real switch now that I can sleep the night and day away. I do feel better now that I've lost 1/2 the weight but I'm still not use to the fatigue. I'm also thankful that she told me about this web site. I didn't realize how many calories I really ate in a day. It never really effected me till I couldn't work it off. I have to say, learning to eat right and getting back to a healthier lifestyle has made all the difference for me. Though I still have bad days, I'm thankful they're not everyday and I can lead a pretty active life. My favorite pain relievers now, other than my RX, are OTC Motrin and a heating pad. I found the warmer I am, the less pain I'm in. So that's my story. I hope everyone keeps this forum going. I saw that there were several people that have been dealing with this issue for a decade or more. You guys are the ones us newbies with FM could lean from. Good luck everyone and know that my prayers go out to you all for great, pain free days!!!