30's Daily - 4/27

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
Welcome to our daily thread!

We post here for motivation and support. Feel free to share your successes and your failures. Really, you should feel free to share whatever is on your mind. Just be respectful and expect respect in return.

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  • PJYoung2012
    PJYoung2012 Posts: 191
    Howdie gang, sorry I'm feeling a bit dramatic today for a repressed resident of the UK hence the howdie. Have another day of netting fish ahead of me. After 6 tonnes yesterday todays an easier 3.2 tonnes. I won't be going to the gym tonight but will do an early session tomorrow morning. Looking forward to dinner tonight. I'm having chilli mackeral kebab with some grilled squid and the usual veggies. It's been a long week and even my boss managed to notice how much i've been working. Not expecting much of a loss at weigh in on Monday. But i'm feeling good and my diet remains pretty centred. Whatever the result is i'll be fine with it. So how's everybody doing?
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    That's funny, I actually just looked at what I was wearing today and thought it was looking a bit too much like Western Wear so the howdie actually suits me! Of course I also live in Colorado and apparently there's a large misperception that we're all cowboys anyways.

    Well I'm just looking forward to the end of the workday and starting my weekend! Probably not going to exercise today, I'm already feeling sore from last night's workout but maybe a little walk or something. We'll see. Other than that I'm just muddling over the difficult decision of where to go for lunch today (payday Friday, always eat out as a treat). The question is do I eat at the place with nutrition info available for logging or the to the place without? I really want to try the place without the nutrition info....and their sandwiches come with a cookie. Tough decisions ahead on my Friday :smile:
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    Other than that I'm just muddling over the difficult decision of where to go for lunch today (payday Friday, always eat out as a treat). The question is do I eat at the place with nutrition info available for logging or the to the place without? I really want to try the place without the nutrition info....and their sandwiches come with a cookie. Tough decisions ahead on my Friday :smile:

    I have the same problem on Friday. Decisions, decisions, what is a girl to do!:laugh:
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Other than that I'm just muddling over the difficult decision of where to go for lunch today (payday Friday, always eat out as a treat). The question is do I eat at the place with nutrition info available for logging or the to the place without? I really want to try the place without the nutrition info....and their sandwiches come with a cookie. Tough decisions ahead on my Friday :smile:

    I have the same problem on Friday. Decisions, decisions, what is a girl to do!:laugh:

    Its tough to turn down a complementary cookie....oh wait, perhaps that is what got me here in the first place!
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member

    The scale finally moved for weigh in this morning, but only 0.5lbs. The weird thing is that some of my measurements went UP :grumble: I'm not sure if it's the neck/back injury (I'm not surprised with swelling from that), or some excess salt this week, or the fact that I couldn't lift this week. Either way, I'm trying to keep my head up and keep on keeping on for next week!

    Race tomorrow, so I'm not running as usual today.

    So I noticed something interesting and annoying. I've been tracking my macros in a spreadsheet as well (hey, I admit to being a data geek) and when I multiply out the calories from my macros, it's almost 600 more calories for this week than my total calorie count says! If I'm only creating a 1750 calorie deficit a week (for 0.5 lb loss) that's a big chunk of that! I wonder which is more accurate? I'll have to look at prior weeks and see if the same thing occurs.
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    Happy Friday ya'll . . . keeping with the country/western theme. :wink:

    Little incident at the office yesterday threw my whole day out of whack. :ohwell: Ended up going home early, skipping the lunch I brought, missing out on some the water I usually drink . . . last night was damage control. I managed to get in my 8 glass minimum and compensate for the missed lunch but I screwed up another potentially "perfect" macros day. :grumble: And I just felt generally drained and crummy - tired, headache, puffy eyes . . . it was the "perfect storm" of allergies, hormones, weather, and inconsiderate humans. Much better today though - attitude wise at least. :tongue:

    Gym day for me - should be fun since I'm still sore from Wednesday and I'll be upping all of my weights again. I'll be happy to go though. I seem to have reached a point where it feels wrong to not go to the gym. Who'd a thunk it?! I used to dread it, now I look forward to it!

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • AmandaK3
    AmandaK3 Posts: 80
    :laugh: Happy Friday! This week went crazy fast for me. When I'm busy at work it always does, and I'm always busy so life goes by too fast.

    Weekends are always so bad for me. I don't generally eat bad, but my schedule is so out of wack, I normally don't eat breakfast until 10am...then lunch time comes and goes, next think I know its 7pm and I realise I haven't eaten since 10am! I'm going to try and do better this weekend! I do say that to myself every Friday though.

    Tonight is a gym night, I woke up to snow and freezing rain so no outside time today. Last night I did 40min on the Arc trainer, I maxed out the elevation for about 25 mins of the that so it was more of a climbing motion. I thought my hams and butt were going to be sore today but it's not too bad. Tonight I'll probably hit the rowing machine, and bike. If it's not too busy then I'll do some free weights.

    Hope you all have a good day.