Week 3 Challenges!!

Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
Happy Monday everyone!! Some updates to consider:
~This weekend, I designed a t-shirt for Team RAWR through cafepress.com. I plan to create a couple more designs, and then show you all. If you have any ideas, bring it!
~We are slowly growing. Please connect with other members, be supportive, and invite people you think might be interested!

Now, onto the challenges...

1. Get 8 hours of sleep at least 4x's this week.
Why the repeat? Because so many people remarked that this was a difficult challenge! It's also very important to a healthy and successful fitness program. Plus, let's face it, PILLOWS ARE AWESOME!

2. Revitalize your protein.
Did you know that red meat has properties that increase the swelling in your joints by bloating your cartilege? It can actually make pain from skeletal conditions like arthritis worse. Don't get me wrong, protein IS important, and I personally believe active people, particularly women, should incorporate a steak or two a month for the iron boost, but in excess, it can cause pain issues, be hard on your digestive tract, and counteract some of the efforts made towards cardiovascular fitness!
So the goal this week is, diversify your protein. If you eat steak/hamburger often, try to switch it to other lean meats like skinless chicken. Always eat chicken? Try switching up with some fish! Healthier than that even? Then I challenge you to try incorporating organic plant proteins from Chia or Quinoa, or other super foods.

3. Explore an exercise that you've never tried before.
All too often, we get caught in ruts regarding out fitness options. This can make one more prone to boredom and losing interest over time. So, my challenge to you this week is, try something NEW. Yoga to swimming to high impact aerobics, whatever you have had a passing interest in, make an effort to go out and give it a go. It can add some great options to your fitness program, as well as boost the effectiveness of your physical activity.

How's that? Any questions? Good luck everyone, and have a beautiful week!


  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Sleep Goals are hard. I will try and get at least one this weekend.
    My proteins are fairly varied, from tofu, tuna, chicken, turkey and sometimes beef. I will keep this up.
    For Exercise, I am trying to incorporate small arm weights into my Wii stepping, and doing different arm lifts while stepping.

    As a note, for the month of May I am going to try and walk 15 miles, over and above the daily walking. So just on the treadmil.


    That is my ticker to track.
  • law2getfit
    law2getfit Posts: 12 Member
    When it comes to sleep I was doing great for a while, now going back into bad habits. I am up late again, but sometimes I cant sleep so I am up on the computer. But working on it. As far as exercise routine, I am on wk 4 of P90X so it give me some changes on a daliy basis. Plus I also run and or walk but you are right we have to change it up.:wink:
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    I feel as though the sleep goal is always on a week where I have MASSIVE reports/exams/presentations, etc. due lol I'll try my hardest to get at least 8 hours. I've been close with 7 hours lately though! :bigsmile: