Just about to start...tell me how you did it...

So, I am just about to start the whole sha-bang! Upping calories and adding in weights...feeling a little anxious about it since it's new (I like my predictables :)), but I believe in this all, so I have faith it will work :)

What I'd like to know is, how did you start? When you upped your calories, were you already lifting weights? Do you even lift weights at all?

Also, how did you begin your weight lifting routine? I am always going to be on limitied time, so I want to make my beginning sessions count...I really have NO idea where to begin in the weight department.

Can I still do cardio half of the time? Or every other time? Or do you think half cardio/half weights each session will work fine?

I'd love to hear how YOU started...AND, if you kept your cardio routine WHILE you upped calories, or if you added weights WHEN you upped your calories...we ALL have a different beginning and a different story...give me a general idea of yours, your routines and what you eat/work out now...

Thanks in advance :)


  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Hi, I am 28 and work out 4-5 days a week. 3 strength days one cardio and when I feel I need it I throw in a yoga day. My opinion is to just jump right in. When I started I had been eating low calories not to lose weight but just because I didn't think about food or my health. I had not been working out either I always knew that when you lifted you had to eat more to build the muscle so when I decided to get healthy I knew I wanted to lift which meant paying very close attention to how much I ate. Thank God I found this group because I didn't know how much to eat. So long story short when I decided to do this I did everything at once. Upped my calories and started a lifting program. I fluctuated for the first 3-4 weeks and have now leveled off at my current weight is is actually a pound more than my starting weight but have lost so many inches so far. I am consistently losing body fat and building muscle which is my goal.
  • mom24littleones
    Hi, I am 28 and work out 4-5 days a week. 3 strength days one cardio and when I feel I need it I throw in a yoga day. My opinion is to just jump right in. When I started I had been eating low calories not to lose weight but just because I didn't think about food or my health. I had not been working out either I always knew that when you lifted you had to eat more to build the muscle so when I decided to get healthy I knew I wanted to lift which meant paying very close attention to how much I ate. Thank God I found this group because I didn't know how much to eat. So long story short when I decided to do this I did everything at once. Upped my calories and started a lifting program. I fluctuated for the first 3-4 weeks and have now leveled off at my current weight is is actually a pound more than my starting weight but have lost so many inches so far. I am consistently losing body fat and building muscle which is my goal.
    thanks for that great summary! That is the part that has sold me: losing inches. Who cares, really, what number is on the scale...when you see all these "before and after" pics, that show the definition and tone, how can you argue with that? I couldn't care less what that person weighs, I just want "those arms", "those abs" and "those legs"... :wink: I hope to post a story like yours in a few months :)
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I'm now going on 7 weeks of EM2WL and I love it!

    I began Jillian Michael's Body Revolution 8 weeks ago and tried her eating plan, which is only 1200 calories a day without eating any exercise calories back and I was miserable! Then I stumbled upon this awesome group and slowly began to increase my calories. I went from 1200 to 1400 and then 1600 to 1700.

    JM's program is basically circuit training 4 days a week, 2 days of cardio only and 1 rest day.

    So I guess to answer your question, I guess I just did it all at the same time!! While my weight fluctuated in the beginning and then I got stuck losing and gaining the same 2 pounds for weeks, I was dropping inches. I finally got past that 2 pounds and the weight is coming off, along with the inches!!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I was already doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution 90 day series when I started EM2WL.

    With that you are doing a "weight workout" 4 days and 2 Cardio workouts~ each workout is 30 minutes. I also have a nice schedule of classes that I do at my gym nearly every day~ a dancy-aerobic class called Swing Lo, Pilates, and Yoga. So a lot of days I exercise a total of 90+ minutes.

    After JM BR I'm going to try New Rules of Lifting For Women and that's 6 months~ I will keep my classes since I like them and that's that.

    I have come to FINALLY learn that losing INCHES= losing FAT while losing POUNDS= losing LEAN TISSUE AND FAT!! If you lose lean tissue (MUSCLE) you will continue to GAIN FAT and NOT LOSE WEIGHT!! (memorize this!)

    If you only have a limited amount of exercise time MAKE SURE you give some time to weights!! How much I will leave up to the wise women who run the show here!!

    The foods I've added so far have mostly been snacks~ as healthy as I could find~ and close to 100 cals
    Kashi Bars~ 130 cals (protein)
    Lightly Salted Almonds-100 cal packs (protein)
    Fiber One Brownie~ 90 cals (high fiber)
    Murray Sugar Free Chocolate bites~ 80 cals (high fiber)
    Jillian Micaels Whey Protein 100 Cal
    Sargento Cheddar cheese sticks~ 60 cals
    Over the Moon Fat Free Chocolate Milk~ Protein

    I eat larger portions of some foods too like Low Sodium Tuna and use TWO slices of whole wheat bread and most of my other proteins in general.

    But the MOST IMPORTANT piece of advice I can give you is this:

    STAY OFF THE SCALE!!! (refer to your memorization homework)
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi !

    I jumped right in because I was on MPF for about only 10 days. So I jumped from 1600 calories a day to 2250 calories. First few days were hard because I didn't knew what to eat, how much...Now, everyday I have some improvements.

    Still hasn't lose weight though but it's only my second week on EM2WL. I find my belly slimmer but I didn't take any measurements.

    Starting NROLFW on next monday, can't wait to lift some weights ! Seems fun and I'm sure I'm gonna love it. Still have 3 days of cardio too.

    And I try to stay off the scale ........(but it's not quite a success)
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I started out doing mostly cardio. I lived on the elliptical while DH was in the weight section of the gym.

    Then I moved on to Jillian Michaels (did all her old stuff "winning by losing", then 30DS, NMTZ, etc. as they came out)

    Then I wondered why i didn't look like Jillian.

    Did some research, and realized I couldn't get ripped, because I didn't have muscles to "rip" because I wasn't lifting heavy/eating enough.

    So I ate a bit more. Then one day I told someone that I worked out and they looked surprised.... :grumble:

    So I bumped up the weights a little

    then I bumped the cals a little more.

    Then one day I got tired of playin around, lol, and I got REALLY serious about lifting.

    The rest is history...

    Now, I'm a heavy lifting fiend, w/the cals to match. :drinker:

    So I kinda did it in stages, but I wish I'd done it all at once...
  • terrieloose
    Well there we go! We need to just do it! When I go to Lifetime tomorrow, I am going to get a trainer scheduled for us for the big weight room on Tuesday!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Well there we go! We need to just do it! When I go to Lifetime tomorrow, I am going to get a trainer scheduled for us for the big weight room on Tuesday!

    Congrats doll!! I know "Lifetime" is a BIG deal!!

    And good luck with new workout regime!!
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Well there we go! We need to just do it! When I go to Lifetime tomorrow, I am going to get a trainer scheduled for us for the big weight room on Tuesday!

    There ya go! Once you just get the guts to go IN that room, it stays with you. Eventually, you'll be the ladies that the other ones are looking at like :huh:

    and as your body continues to progress, while they watch you from their treadmills, you will get the moment that sticks w/you for a lifetime...the day when someone stops you and says..."hey, I've been watching you, and you're progressing much faster than I am. Tell me about this 'strength training'..... :wink:

  • rds532
    rds532 Posts: 109 Member
    I've been reading a lot of these posts and my question is....can this work for me since I weigh 208, 5'6" and want/need to lose at least 50 lbs? It seems like most everyone only has 20 or so to lose and this program is great for them. I used my elliptical for 8 weeks straight 5 days/week and lost nothing. I have been doing JM 30 Day Shred for 15 days and feel like I've lost some inches but the scale won't move. I am reading NROLFW and a lot of these posts. I feel so confused! I have stopped weighing myself because it depresses me and sets me into a food binge! Crazy, I know...So, any help is appreciated.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I've been reading a lot of these posts and my question is....can this work for me since I weigh 208, 5'6" and want/need to lose at least 50 lbs? It seems like most everyone only has 20 or so to lose and this program is great for them. I used my elliptical for 8 weeks straight 5 days/week and lost nothing. I have been doing JM 30 Day Shred for 15 days and feel like I've lost some inches but the scale won't move. I am reading NROLFW and a lot of these posts. I feel so confused! I have stopped weighing myself because it depresses me and sets me into a food binge! Crazy, I know...So, any help is appreciated.

    Oh no, there are quite a few people on here that have a substantial amount of weight to lose. There is a wonderful video in the top board of this page that talks about whether eating more is for everyone...the answer is yes.

    Our bodies, regardless of the size requires a certain number of calories to function (BMR) and then there are cals that we burn on avg during the week that encompasses what we do for activity (TDEE). So you create a deficit (TDEE -15%) and you will lose weight. Now, this method isn't a drop it quick weight loss diet, it is a healthy deficit which allows the body to be fueled and not feel starved. Take a look at the TDEE and BMR post, What to Expect when upping cals and now we have a few videos that really goes over a lot of the information we have blogged about here.

    This is for you too my dear! It is a slow but rewarding journey my friend. I tell you, I much prefer fueling the body and keeping the weight off then a drastic cut in cals to regain once you start eating "normal" again.
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    i restarted mfp at the beginning of the year. i lost 29 pounds, but then i hit a bit of a stall. and, despite going from popping out of my 12s to fitting into 8s, i still felt flabby. i actually started upping my cals a bit on the advice of a friend, but the first day i read this board, i jumped from 1300 daily to 1900 just like THAT. i was convinced from the get go.

    i started april 10th at 152.5. i weighed in at 147 this morning. i've lost a total of 6" around my waist, belly button and hip bones, and those inches started coming off even as the scale initially went up! i feel and look smaller in my lower half too, but the measurements aren't bearing that out quite yet. and, wierdly, my weight dropped 1.5 pounds from yesterday to today, but my measurements are slightly up. whatever...sometimes it doesn't make much sense, but i totally trust this process.

    my neighbor's former roommate drove by a couple nights ago, and i stopped my exercising to chat with her for a minute. she hadn't seen me in a while. my neighbor tells me later that she was going on about how great i looked and how they should be doing whatever i'm doing. my neighbor told me that she thought i was looking awesomely thin a few weeks ago but now i'm looking FIT. sweet validation!!! and i just started NROLFW, so how fit am i gonna look in a few months?!? badass fit. that's what i'm aiming for.

    so, my experience has been totally awesome!! do it. up those cals straight to your cut value and start aiming for your 40% carb/30% protein/30% fat macros. eat Eat EAT!!! start lifting, get out your measuring tape and toss the scale (if need be - i kept mine because my curiosity wouldn't let me toss it).

    good luck!!
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    I've been reading a lot of these posts and my question is....can this work for me since I weigh 208, 5'6" and want/need to lose at least 50 lbs? It seems like most everyone only has 20 or so to lose and this program is great for them. I used my elliptical for 8 weeks straight 5 days/week and lost nothing. I have been doing JM 30 Day Shred for 15 days and feel like I've lost some inches but the scale won't move. I am reading NROLFW and a lot of these posts. I feel so confused! I have stopped weighing myself because it depresses me and sets me into a food binge! Crazy, I know...So, any help is appreciated.
    hiya, I'm in the same range as you...203 pounds, 5'7" and would like to lose 43 pounds :smile:
    I've been kicking around this group for a couple of weeks reading and learning. I'm also dipping into the NROLFW book and getting to know my way around this Eat More to Weight Less thing.
    As of today I have also stopped weighing myself. I was weighing daily and it was really starting to depress me, so the scales are now in the back of the cupboard and I am going to focus on my tape measure, which is showing some results :smile:

    Give it a try...what have you got to lose :wink:
  • rds532
    rds532 Posts: 109 Member
    I've been reading a lot of these posts and my question is....can this work for me since I weigh 208, 5'6" and want/need to lose at least 50 lbs? It seems like most everyone only has 20 or so to lose and this program is great for them. I used my elliptical for 8 weeks straight 5 days/week and lost nothing. I have been doing JM 30 Day Shred for 15 days and feel like I've lost some inches but the scale won't move. I am reading NROLFW and a lot of these posts. I feel so confused! I have stopped weighing myself because it depresses me and sets me into a food binge! Crazy, I know...So, any help is appreciated.

    Oh no, there are quite a few people on here that have a substantial amount of weight to lose. There is a wonderful video in the top board of this page that talks about whether eating more is for everyone...the answer is yes.

    Our bodies, regardless of the size requires a certain number of calories to function (BMR) and then there are cals that we burn on avg during the week that encompasses what we do for activity (TDEE). So you create a deficit (TDEE -15%) and you will lose weight. Now, this method isn't a drop it quick weight loss diet, it is a healthy deficit which allows the body to be fueled and not feel starved. Take a look at the TDEE and BMR post, What to Expect when upping cals and now we have a few videos that really goes over a lot of the information we have blogged about here.

    This is for you too my dear! It is a slow but rewarding journey my friend. I tell you, I much prefer fueling the body and keeping the weight off then a drastic cut in cals to regain once you start eating "normal" again.

    Thanks for the post. You are like a superhero on MFP! I have read a lot of your tips but I guess I'm just scared to try. Not sure why, what I'm doing isn't working!!

    I have an appt with a personal trainer tomorrow. Not sure if I will sign up for anything or not. I feel like I really need help. Any advice on this? I do want to start lifting but not sure if he will agree with eat more to weigh less...
  • mom24littleones
    SO GOOD LADIES!!!! These are the words I was looking for (as was my friend Terrie who is getting is signed up with a trainer...she's always the one who gets me to actually DO these things!!!):wink:

    I think I said, I haven't used a scale in YEARS...at least 10 (after my first baby was born...and yes, that means my first baby is 10 :cry: how did THAT happen)!

    What I read is just DO IT! Up my calories to my cut (which is my TDEE -15%, correct???) and eat that EVERYDAY, even on work out days (or do I eat more on work out days??? I am still trying to get this part solidified in my mind)...eat some exercise calories if I burn MORE than my BMR (is that right again??) AND...MOST IMPORTANTLY: get myself on those weights!!!

    I am excited...I am looking forward to the results I have been DESPERATELY trying to get: the pre babies waist and pants that slide over my bottom everytime :laugh: PLUS, Kiki's arms...that's my goal :heart:

    Last, it's okay for me to keep some classes, which is good...I like them :) BUT, I know I'll like more those "looks" Kiki says we'll get...and in way less time than the treadmill makes you give!

    THANKS! I sure do love this board...you're all awesome :flowerforyou:
  • mom24littleones
    Well there we go! We need to just do it! When I go to Lifetime tomorrow, I am going to get a trainer scheduled for us for the big weight room on Tuesday!

    There ya go! Once you just get the guts to go IN that room, it stays with you. Eventually, you'll be the ladies that the other ones are looking at like :huh:

    and as your body continues to progress, while they watch you from their treadmills, you will get the moment that sticks w/you for a lifetime...the day when someone stops you and says..."hey, I've been watching you, and you're progressing much faster than I am. Tell me about this 'strength training'..... :wink:

    Can't wait for this...both for how good I will feel and how good it will be to open some other womans eyes to this NEW WAY OF THINKING!!!! :happy:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    SO GOOD LADIES!!!! These are the words I was looking for (as was my friend Terrie who is getting is signed up with a trainer...she's always the one who gets me to actually DO these things!!!):wink:

    I think I said, I haven't used a scale in YEARS...at least 10 (after my first baby was born...and yes, that means my first baby is 10 :cry: how did THAT happen)!

    What I read is just DO IT! Up my calories to my cut (which is my TDEE -15%, correct???) and eat that EVERYDAY, even on work out days (or do I eat more on work out days??? I am still trying to get this part solidified in my mind)...eat some exercise calories if I burn MORE than my BMR (is that right again??) AND...MOST IMPORTANTLY: get myself on those weights!!!

    I am excited...I am looking forward to the results I have been DESPERATELY trying to get: the pre babies waist and pants that slide over my bottom everytime :laugh: PLUS, Kiki's arms...that's my goal :heart:

    Last, it's okay for me to keep some classes, which is good...I like them :) BUT, I know I'll like more those "looks" Kiki says we'll get...and in way less time than the treadmill makes you give!

    THANKS! I sure do love this board...you're all awesome :flowerforyou:

    Yes, eat that amount every single day. The only time you would have to eat more is IF and ONLY IF on high burn days your net calories is less than BMR, then just eat back enough to at least NET BMR.

    Yes, WEIGHTS rock...I keep taking pics because I want people to see you don't have to cardio yourself to death to get toned...the lean muscle mass helps you burn off that fat, so I focus my efforts on the heavy lifting. I have kept one FAV cardio class a week and that is zumba and try to get in HIIT one more time during the week (that is so rare).
  • mom24littleones
    i restarted mfp at the beginning of the year. i lost 29 pounds, but then i hit a bit of a stall. and, despite going from popping out of my 12s to fitting into 8s, i still felt flabby. i actually started upping my cals a bit on the advice of a friend, but the first day i read this board, i jumped from 1300 daily to 1900 just like THAT. i was convinced from the get go.

    i started april 10th at 152.5. i weighed in at 147 this morning. i've lost a total of 6" around my waist, belly button and hip bones, and those inches started coming off even as the scale initially went up! i feel and look smaller in my lower half too, but the measurements aren't bearing that out quite yet. and, wierdly, my weight dropped 1.5 pounds from yesterday to today, but my measurements are slightly up. whatever...sometimes it doesn't make much sense, but i totally trust this process.

    my neighbor's former roommate drove by a couple nights ago, and i stopped my exercising to chat with her for a minute. she hadn't seen me in a while. my neighbor tells me later that she was going on about how great i looked and how they should be doing whatever i'm doing. my neighbor told me that she thought i was looking awesomely thin a few weeks ago but now i'm looking FIT. sweet validation!!! and i just started NROLFW, so how fit am i gonna look in a few months?!? badass fit. that's what i'm aiming for.

    so, my experience has been totally awesome!! do it. up those cals straight to your cut value and start aiming for your 40% carb/30% protein/30% fat macros. eat Eat EAT!!! start lifting, get out your measuring tape and toss the scale (if need be - i kept mine because my curiosity wouldn't let me toss it).

    good luck!!
    Your story is super motivating!!! So, can you give me a picture, in general, of your work out routine/plan? I'm always hearing about rest days, upper days, lower days, and Lucia has talked about rest week...I am sure I will find most of this info as I make my own routine, but as I said, all I know is "do the treadmill/do the class" everyday that I work out...I have NO idea about doing "arms one day", "abs this day", "legs that day", cardio this day, etc... a picture of your routine would help cause, girl, I WANT to lose 6 inches in the waist...yee haw! :love:
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    i restarted mfp at the beginning of the year. i lost 29 pounds, but then i hit a bit of a stall. and, despite going from popping out of my 12s to fitting into 8s, i still felt flabby. i actually started upping my cals a bit on the advice of a friend, but the first day i read this board, i jumped from 1300 daily to 1900 just like THAT. i was convinced from the get go.

    i started april 10th at 152.5. i weighed in at 147 this morning. i've lost a total of 6" around my waist, belly button and hip bones, and those inches started coming off even as the scale initially went up! i feel and look smaller in my lower half too, but the measurements aren't bearing that out quite yet. and, wierdly, my weight dropped 1.5 pounds from yesterday to today, but my measurements are slightly up. whatever...sometimes it doesn't make much sense, but i totally trust this process.

    my neighbor's former roommate drove by a couple nights ago, and i stopped my exercising to chat with her for a minute. she hadn't seen me in a while. my neighbor tells me later that she was going on about how great i looked and how they should be doing whatever i'm doing. my neighbor told me that she thought i was looking awesomely thin a few weeks ago but now i'm looking FIT. sweet validation!!! and i just started NROLFW, so how fit am i gonna look in a few months?!? badass fit. that's what i'm aiming for.

    so, my experience has been totally awesome!! do it. up those cals straight to your cut value and start aiming for your 40% carb/30% protein/30% fat macros. eat Eat EAT!!! start lifting, get out your measuring tape and toss the scale (if need be - i kept mine because my curiosity wouldn't let me toss it).

    good luck!!
    Your story is super motivating!!! So, can you give me a picture, in general, of your work out routine/plan? I'm always hearing about rest days, upper days, lower days, and Lucia has talked about rest week...I am sure I will find most of this info as I make my own routine, but as I said, all I know is "do the treadmill/do the class" everyday that I work out...I have NO idea about doing "arms one day", "abs this day", "legs that day", cardio this day, etc... a picture of your routine would help cause, girl, I WANT to lose 6 inches in the waist...yee haw! :love:

    no, no, no, darlin'!! i must correct...6" inches from the 3 places combined, lol. so about 2" each from waist, around belly button and around hip bones. when i upped my calories, i actually got very little exercise for the next 2 weeks. life just got in the way a bit, and i just couldn't get it in. and holy crap, did i get cranky!! previous to that, i was doing some combo of walking, jogging, running, and/or elliptical 3-5 times a week and no weights. now, my plan is to do 2-3 NROLFW workouts per week and 2-3 shorter cardio sessions (some HIIT) on the off days. right now, i'm just lifting at home because NROLFW requires very basic equipment, much of which we happened to have already. when my kids get out of school, i'm gonna start hitting the gym in the morning before work. i will be doing the same thing, i just like doing it better at the gym. get the New Rules book. it tells you exactly what you need to do as far as the lifting goes and gives you direction in the cardio department as well.
  • mom24littleones
    i restarted mfp at the beginning of the year. i lost 29 pounds, but then i hit a bit of a stall. and, despite going from popping out of my 12s to fitting into 8s, i still felt flabby. i actually started upping my cals a bit on the advice of a friend, but the first day i read this board, i jumped from 1300 daily to 1900 just like THAT. i was convinced from the get go.

    i started april 10th at 152.5. i weighed in at 147 this morning. i've lost a total of 6" around my waist, belly button and hip bones, and those inches started coming off even as the scale initially went up! i feel and look smaller in my lower half too, but the measurements aren't bearing that out quite yet. and, wierdly, my weight dropped 1.5 pounds from yesterday to today, but my measurements are slightly up. whatever...sometimes it doesn't make much sense, but i totally trust this process.

    my neighbor's former roommate drove by a couple nights ago, and i stopped my exercising to chat with her for a minute. she hadn't seen me in a while. my neighbor tells me later that she was going on about how great i looked and how they should be doing whatever i'm doing. my neighbor told me that she thought i was looking awesomely thin a few weeks ago but now i'm looking FIT. sweet validation!!! and i just started NROLFW, so how fit am i gonna look in a few months?!? badass fit. that's what i'm aiming for.

    so, my experience has been totally awesome!! do it. up those cals straight to your cut value and start aiming for your 40% carb/30% protein/30% fat macros. eat Eat EAT!!! start lifting, get out your measuring tape and toss the scale (if need be - i kept mine because my curiosity wouldn't let me toss it).

    good luck!!
    Your story is super motivating!!! So, can you give me a picture, in general, of your work out routine/plan? I'm always hearing about rest days, upper days, lower days, and Lucia has talked about rest week...I am sure I will find most of this info as I make my own routine, but as I said, all I know is "do the treadmill/do the class" everyday that I work out...I have NO idea about doing "arms one day", "abs this day", "legs that day", cardio this day, etc... a picture of your routine would help cause, girl, I WANT to lose 6 inches in the waist...yee haw! :love:

    no, no, no, darlin'!! i must correct...6" inches from the 3 places combined, lol. so about 2" each from waist, around belly button and around hip bones. when i upped my calories, i actually got very little exercise for the next 2 weeks. life just got in the way a bit, and i just couldn't get it in. and holy crap, did i get cranky!! previous to that, i was doing some combo of walking, jogging, running, and/or elliptical 3-5 times a week and no weights. now, my plan is to do 2-3 NROLFW workouts per week and 2-3 shorter cardio sessions (some HIIT) on the off days. right now, i'm just lifting at home because NROLFW requires very basic equipment, much of which we happened to have already. when my kids get out of school, i'm gonna start hitting the gym in the morning before work. i will be doing the same thing, i just like doing it better at the gym. get the New Rules book. it tells you exactly what you need to do as far as the lifting goes and gives you direction in the cardio department as well.

    LOL! Yes, I misquoted didn't I??? 6 inches from the waist alone and you'd be looking like Jessica Rabbit :) 2 inches all over, like Kiki told us, is at least 2 sizes...if I could achieve (and maintain) that, I would be THRILLED! Thanks for the tips!!