how's everyone doing?



  • Araucaria29
    Araucaria29 Posts: 157 Member
    SW: 203
    CW: 199

    Lost 4 pounds AND made it back under 200 finally after 3 years!!!! Extremely happy!!!

    That was April 13

    April 27: 197.5

    5.5lbs lost so far. Losing 10 by May 31 seems definitely feasable :)
  • tammysl4
    tammysl4 Posts: 25
    I have been trying to do some exercise and actually recording it. I am down 4 lbs this month. Will have to work alitlle harder next month. Started 30ds today. Hopefully that will help.
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 87 Member
    guys i lost another pound making it 8 lbs up til now and second month has just started for me... i am happy :). though i will add it on at at weighing day... best of luck to all..