What does 180lbs look like?



  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    I just got this today. I went to the Dr. and the nurse weighed me and started at 150. She nudged it a little. Then a little more. Did this a couple times til she moved it to the end. Then she had this look of amazement when she moved it to 200. I weighed 202(dressed and had just ate lunch :P). She didn't say anything but she looked dumbfounded. lol.

    I've had them do this. It's humiliating. It's like they don't realize you're standing a full head taller than they are. Those 8-10 in. weigh a lot!
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Honestly, I LIKE when people can't guess my weight. Some people who are shorter look heavier at the same weight, but I like that I can carry it.
  • bharris78
    bharris78 Posts: 25 Member
    I've had this happen to me before. I usually help so that I can get off the scale quicker!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    When I last weighed 180, TWICE on those old-school manual scales a nurse weighed me in at 180, then wrote it down as 130. TWICE. She just ignored that 50 pounds altogether. So now my chart has these weird weights on it and another nurse thought I had gained 50 pounds between appointments. Good times ;)

    And for what it's worth, people are totally shocked if I tell them I weigh 201.5 right now - I get a lot of, "Wow, if I had to guess I would have thought 170-180." 185 is my goal weight.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I hate it when people don't think. I had problems with my eating and as a 5'10" woman I struggled to understand what weight I should be I once was down to 144lbs but by starving myself, I looked awful. I couldn't even buy gym pants to fit yet I was in a mid healthy range according to bmi. I would be overjoyed if I was 180lbs, in fact my main long term is just to get to 175lbs.
  • acg1305
    acg1305 Posts: 224 Member
    Im currently at 168, started at 190. I definitely feel like I looked 190, want to get down to 148 as that is where I feel most comfortable. It depends on height but how you are built and how you carry your weight is also a major factor.
  • acg1305
    acg1305 Posts: 224 Member
    I love being in this group because I get to see other people with numbers that make sense to me.

    I love this too about this group, but I have read a lot of posts from tall women on here that have very low numbers as their goals. I realize there is a wide range of healthy weight based on your frame. I'm 5'9" and the bmi charts show my healthy range is 125-170. That is a huge range and I would imagine most people my height should be falling in that 150-155 range. Let's encourage a healthy viewpoint of what weights are good on tall women.

    Im 5'9 and weighed 140 and felt awesome and healthy but curvy at the same time! everyone is different!
  • kknudson
    kknudson Posts: 60 Member
    Personally, I don't like it. People have a range of weights they feel is good and right b/c that looks "good" on a 5'1"-5'5" person. It stems from women's magazines and other media.

    I feel it's rude b/c it's like they have to excuse you for being outside of that range. Basically, your weight is unacceptable or unfathomable to them, but you look okay, so we'll let it slide.

    Then you are supposed to act like it's such a compliment that they think you weigh less than you do. Because being in that "good" weight range means everything, much more than is what is right for your body.
  • katykosto
    katykosto Posts: 80
    I agree lol, When ppl ask me my weight and I tell them to guess they guess like 150 and that is less than my goal of 155, and have over 30lbs to lose
    Honestly, I LIKE when people can't guess my weight. Some people who are shorter look heavier at the same weight, but I like that I can carry it.
  • JNJN25
    JNJN25 Posts: 60
    I usually use this to see what I would look like at a certain weight -- http://www.mybodygallery.com/
  • Psychoanalytic
    My goal is 180. Honestly, the shock and awe of being 6' and 230 is kinda funny to me. Most people don't think I weigh over 200lbs simply due to my height. *shrug*
  • Elmorlan
    Elmorlan Posts: 37
    My goal is 180. Honestly, the shock and awe of being 6' and 230 is kinda funny to me. Most people don't think I weigh over 200lbs simply due to my height. *shrug*

    I am in exactly the same place!

    I told someone last week that I had lost 50 pounds and he couldn't believe it. When "normal" people lose 50 pounds they look like a completely different person.

    Also, I can't stand when people find out that I want to lose 100 pounds and they say "you'll be too skinny!" 180 is the high range for my height (5;11") but somehow I will be "wasting away."
  • phylicia44
    phylicia44 Posts: 12
    I'm a tall gal surrounded by not so tall people and it gets on my every last nerve when 5'0 people say I'm fatter than them just because I weight like 20 pounds more than they do... Hello, I'm a foot taller than you are!!!! I feel like some people honestly think ALL women should weigh 90 pounds and if you're 90 pounds and 6 feet tall than oh my gosh, you would be like queen barbie! I don't think so. 180 would make me just as hot as a 100 pound 5'0 tall girl.
  • MaxwellsDemon
    I am 6"1 and weigh 175 ... its my goal weight and the lowest I have weighed in my adult life. I too have been on receiving end of comments like "wow, you don't look like you weigh 175" .. blah, blah, blah ... I am immensely proud of my accomplishment and take every opportunity to remind those short people that I am vertically gifted. They are not.

    HAHA That is awesome!!
  • Canadyna
    Canadyna Posts: 11 Member
    My mother in-law who is a lovely woman has been asking me a lot about my weight-loss. A while ago, when I told her I had lost 20 lbs she was incredibly impressed, but when I said I currently weigh 215 lbs she couldn't hide the shock on her face and she followed with a "really?" comment. I had to remind her that I am 6 ft tall and she is only 5ft 2 and that makes a very significant difference. I explain that being at my goal weight of 180 would put my bmi back into the healthy range and I would no longer be overweight.

    I try not to be offended. I have difficulty understanding weight from the perspective of a short person, so why should I worry that a short person has difficult understanding weight from my height? I just use it as an opportunity to educate. I'm proud of my weight loss and my personal goals, even if they seem ridiculous to some.
  • Btmartin54
    Btmartin54 Posts: 69 Member
    I usually use this to see what I would look like at a certain weight -- http://www.mybodygallery.com/

    Thanks for sharing this!!! It's nice to get an idea of what I might look like at different weights.
  • longbird
    longbird Posts: 48 Member
    I usually use this to see what I would look like at a certain weight -- http://www.mybodygallery.com/

    Fascinating website, thanks for the tip!

    I'm 5'10" and learned long ago not to tell people how much I weighed because they simply refused to believe me. Now I'm taking control of it, I just tell 'em how much I've lost and how much is still to go, which gets the positive responses I'm after ;-) Was delighted to find out yesterday that I am now 10lb lighter than my skinny 6'5" hubby!
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    lol I've just fallen in love with you guys!
    I went in for a fitness accessment at my local gym and the trainer (who is actually the gym manager) weighed me and said something like yea you shouldn't have that much to go. I'm thinking to myself "45 lbs must be relative." She underestimated me a GOOD 20-40 lbs :) She stopped the tab thingy at 150 and I was like "psh lemme help her out a bit!".

    I wouldn't dare tell my 5'0-5'4 small framed co workers how much I weigh. They couldn't wrapp their heads around it.

    I'm 5'9 with a goal of around 175/180. Feel free to add me btw!
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member

    Was delighted to find out yesterday that I am now 10lb lighter than my skinny 6'5" hubby!

    Can't wait for this!!!! (my hub is 6'4" and still 10# under me. grrr)

    I work with a very short (5'4"?), rotund man who's been trying to lose weight, so he always comments on my weight loss. Last week, he asked me how much I weigh- and I just looked at him incredulously. He told me that he probably weighs more than I do, so I asked him how much he weighs. His answer "180". I laughed and told him that I still weigh more.
  • cOOkieLpX
    cOOkieLpX Posts: 63 Member
    People at work ask me what my goal weight is and I tell them 200, they just give me a look like "what" and thats when I tell them. I currently weight 270. Then they are like "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh".