Tool to calculate calories

RandaDerkson Posts: 18 Member
Has anyone found a tool online that will calculate how many calories you need for BF for your weight and height? I understand everyone is different and have a hard time thinking that everyone needs the stereotypical amount that I keep reading about.

I am 156 lbs 5'3 5 weeks postpartum and I'm currently having 1850-2000 calories but I'm afraid I'm not consuming not enough, but at the same time I am afraid of gaining.

Any advice?


  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    First of all Congrats! Secondly, myself and my bf friends on here just go by whatever MFP says and then we add in -500 calories for BF and eat those 500 calories as well. I would LOVE to know what the proper amount for my body weight would be! I've started researching it so if I come up with something I will get back to ya!
  • bluex232
    bluex232 Posts: 135 Member
    When I started I didn't even realize there was a breast feeding option to enter anywhere on the site, so I was reading online that each ounce burns about 20 calories, I just made an exercise for my diary and I just put it as 20 calories per ounce and then instead of minutes, I just put in the number of ounces (I think by daughter at 8 months now gets about 6 pounces each feeding based on pumping results). Then I just try to eat a good portion of those calories back, but I usually don't end up eating them all back (usually burn between 400-600 caloires a day and usually have 100-300 left at the end of the day.) Mfp has me at 1200 net a day.
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    I also went by MFP and then added 500 calories because that's what my doctor told me to do. I've had 200-300 calories left over the past couple of days. I'm concerned about whether I should be eating them all back as my supply has decreased over the last week. I only pump and track how much I get each day. I don't really want to eat if I'm not hungry. I might not be eating enough either...I haven't gained anything in the past few weeks but I haven't lost either. Let us know if you find something. :)
  • RandaDerkson
    RandaDerkson Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I'm going to start doing what MFP says and then add 500. I'm currently eating more, not supply as much milk but still losing but I don't feel that it's correct so I'll give this new way a go next week when I start my CLX/Turbo Fire hybrid.
  • sunshine001
    How does the breast feeding recording option work? Where is it?
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    @ sunshine001 ....type in breastfeeding in the food search and a few different options come up.

    my dr told me to just add 500 extra cals to what i eat also...right now im about 175 and 5'6
  • slived
    slived Posts: 12 Member
    I simply changed my exercise level to "active". I'm only 5'1" and started at 160 lbs and it put me at 1590 per day. I usually went over that - to 1900, but lost about 2 lbs per week, with exercise about 3x per week. Thankfully, I did not have any change in supply. Although I must say, on a few days that I only ended up eating 1200, I did notice a decrease in supply. Now that I'm down 25, and baby is older (9 months now), I try to eat 1200-1500 and exercise 3x/week. Even if I screw up, I still lose 1 - 1.5 lbs this way.
    If I'm hungry, I eat a bit more that day. And I try to stay hydrated. Lastly, if supply is low I take 3 Fenugreek capsules and that usually makes me produce a bit more milk over the next 12 hours or so. Good luck to you all!!!!
  • adrienneosuna
    Hi ladies!!!! Here is a link to a breastfeeding calorie counter...

    sorry if you can't click on it, you may have to copy and paste!!! Be honest about your activity level. I say little to no exercise than eat some of my exercise calories back.

  • KLSnyde
    KLSnyde Posts: 3
    Hello! I am new here. What is MFP? I am trying to figure out how many calories to eat while breastfeeding and trying to loose weight also. I see some of you have said to add 500 calories, is that to what the calculator says you should consume?
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Hello! I am new here. What is MFP? I am trying to figure out how many calories to eat while breastfeeding and trying to loose weight also. I see some of you have said to add 500 calories, is that to what the calculator says you should consume?

    MFP is My Fitness Pal. What I did was use MFP to see what it recommended for me to eat. I don't manually add in 500 calories. Instead I use a food entry of breastfeeding that is in the database that subtracts 20 calories per oz that I pump. I think ladies that nurse might just manually change their daily calorie allowance and 500 to whatever MFP suggested. Hope this helps. :)