Let me see your diary!!

rla099 Posts: 66 Member
Who wants to let me look at their diary for ideas of how to eat all of your kcals back? If I was not doing paleo, I could easily eat them back. I think I have a brain block or something...IDK.

I was doing a loose primal plan then my box started a paleo challenge in May. I still have about 15 lbs of baby weight to lose so I decided to try it!

I think, maybe, I'm not planning enough.

Any advice would be great but also I would like advice from people trying to lose weight. I'm also doing crossfit 3x a week. Running 2x a week and soccer 1 day a week.


  • crossfitterwahine
    crossfitterwahine Posts: 61 Member
    Add me and you are welcome to look at my diary. With all of your exercize, I'd be expecting your body to change first (in a good way) before seeing a bunch of movement on the scale. When I lost 30 pounds I was doing crossfite 4 times a week and eating primal, but it was slow and it was a lot of experimenting with different things, like cutting out dairy and caffeine. With your Paleo challenge you will see inches drop, I'm sure!!
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    While loosing weight, I did not eat back and that worked for me quite well. I never had any ill effects from "starvation" and I worked out a LOT. Now I am in maintenance more so my current diary isn't interesting, but I am willing to share jan through march where I logged everything for 90 days.
  • Gonzojrn
    Gonzojrn Posts: 6
    Hi! My diary is public and you're welcome to check it out -- ignore the chocolate and red wine lately (stressful moving situation) ... but I'm also trying to lose baby weight -- my youngest is almost 8 weeks old and I'm nursing so I eat quite a bit of calories some days.

    As you may see, I get a lot of my calories from good fats - avocado, coconut oil, etc
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    My diary is open -

    i set my calories a little lower to 1350 because I dont' track things like olive and cocomut oil I usein sauteeing things or tossing my veggies in to roast them...so my typical calorie intake is probably more like 1500 /day

    I don't typically eat back my exercise calories because I don't expend a huge amount - I do kickboxing 2x's a week - depending on the intentisty I burn from 300-400 calories a session (I wear my HRM about once a month to double check the burn) - I usually just guessitmate my burn based on what we were doing that day and the amount of sweat....I also do crossfit 1-2X's a week - most of those I calculate only a calorie burn of about 150-200 depending on what we are doing...

    You may not see a big difference on the scale but your clothes will be a whole different matter...I have a pair of Levi jeans that i wore my freshman year of college (20 years ago) when I was at my smallest (Ummm yeah most of high school I weighed over 200 lbs and lost a bunch before I went to college on a not so healthy starve yourself diet...) I am currently about 5 lbs away from my lowest weight I have been in my adult life...so my gauge is those jeans (of course my hips have changed a bit - damn birthing 2 babies at once :) ) I can get them zipped up but no way would I go out in public (nor do I think I would want to - they are sort of a weird light acid wash color in the mom jean style - ohhh the early 90's - I also have a pair of button fly Guess jean shorts and a hypercolor shirt :) )

    If you don't have a pair of too small jeans or something along those lines go out to some place like Goodwill and get yourself a pair...to use as a gauge....
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Feel free to add me. I recently made my diary open to friends after having it private for a very long time :)
  • rla099
    rla099 Posts: 66 Member
    Thank yall so much! I'll be checking those out. Thanks twin mom for the advice. I have some jeans that fit me again that are from prebaby but I was fit then...just about 20 lbs lighter. I def have some jiggles to lose still. Haha acid wash mom jeans! yessssss.

    I quit breast feeding about 2 months ago and I didnt lose 1 lb bc I was eating sooooo much. I was always hungry but I was also eating crap food.

    I think I read a little too much bc I was freaking out that I was going into starvation mode. I guess I need to play with things a bit more. Those of you on paleo...do you not really get hungry? I mean I get hungry but i'm never starving anymore. I've read this happens on Paleo.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    I get hungry, then I eat till full. I don't find myself hungry and not be able to eat, like I did when I ate low fat.
    It does end up being less food because my body is happy. Your body won't let you starve.

    I do recommend you follow recommended protein amounts and engage in solid resistance training to preserve and build quality muscle mass.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    When I was a vegetarian and low fat and eating tons of grains and beans I could eat 2500cal a day and still feel hungry all the time. Now, I feel pretty satisfied all the time averaging closer to 1500 these days. When I overeat now it is out of binge eating habits that I'm working to break and almost never because I feel hungry. Fat and protein definitely keep me full. At 2500 I was hungry because my body was starving because it couldn't use all those calories I was giving it. It uses these much better.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I get hungry, then I eat till full. I don't find myself hungry and not be able to eat, like I did when I ate low fat.
    It does end up being less food because my body is happy. Your body won't let you starve.

    I do recommend you follow recommended protein amounts and engage in solid resistance training to preserve and build quality muscle mass.

    ^^^^This - I eat things that are going to fill me up and stick with me over the course of a few hours - there are times when I find myself wanting something to eat - but I am not hungry - I will usually have a nice cup of coffee instead