First experience being "mocked" for counting calories.

JayLe81 Posts: 47 Member
So yesterday we decided to go to a restaurant and eat with the in-laws. It was a buffet with rows and rows of nice fattening food. I take my plate and cautiously decide what to eat. I chose : 1 yeast roll, 1/2 cup of corn *estimate* , 1/2 cup green beans *est*, 1 slice of meatloaf. I ordered water ( as I've gotten myself off all soda) and for Dessert I had 1/2 cup of cherry cobbler. The total ran over 900 calories. I was horrified!! ( but that's a different topic)

I sit at the table and before I began to eat I wrote everything down to track when I got in the van. My mother in law, who was sitting in front of me, laughed and remarked about "counting" calories and how she just "couldn't" count anything. Before I made the choice to change my life, I would often try this diet or that one, and her remarks would have embarrassed me and made me want to quit. BUT I didn't do this for anyone besides myself. I held my head high and simply replied " I am counting calories and 9.1 lbs proves it works."

I said all this to say. Along the way people WONT always understand why we choose to count calories or make sure we get @ least 20 mins of exercise each day. People will laugh or call us crazy, but it's ok. Be happy with your decision. Stick with it, hold your head high, and be proud that you made a lifestyle change that will add years of healthy living to your life.

:flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :ohwell: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:


  • Good for you for staying with it!

    I have people tease me or joke with me about watching what I eat, but it's just part of who I am. A lot of my heavier coworkers will comment "you're tiny, why don't you just have some [insert snack here]. I usually try to remain firm and polite and just say "I am happy with the way I look, and want to keep it that way!" if they persist.
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    When I had lost about 30 pounds someone was talking with us while we were all eating lunch and he said "it has been proven that calorie counting dont amount to nothing. it is the other things like carbs and such that cause you to get fat in the first place. " I couldnt help myself I said " calorie counting amounted to 30 pounds for me and what helps is doing that along with exercise". From now on when we eat with them I make sure to watch everything and his wife says what is your weight loss now. When I say 94 pounds he keeps his mouth CLOSED.
  • JayLe81
    JayLe81 Posts: 47 Member
    LOL . I bet he does keep his mouth shut!! Too funny!
  • RoadkingDavid
    RoadkingDavid Posts: 143 Member
    i've not been mocked. Yet. But I'm a 6'2" man. Maybe they just snicker to themselves. And I often look waiters in the eye and ask them to find out the nutrition count for the meal before I will order it. Plus Ive lost over 100 lbs. So I'm usually the one laughing!
  • I know this post is a bit old but I just wanted to say I have had the same problem with my MIL. For the past 4 months I have tried to change my diet and really watch what I eat. Whenever we are at her house, shes always trying to throw chocolates or different cheeses my way and I have told her no Im really trying to watch what I eat. She responds to me that life is too short and how I am becoming boring. She totally scoffs at me. I hate it!! And by the way she is about 450 or so lbs...She has no intentions really of changing her eating habits. She lies all the time and says oh yeah Im not eating much salt and then shes always asking her husband, Wheres the garlic salt?!? Honestly I could care less how she chooses to live her life, but man couldnt she try and be a little supportive of the changes I am making?? So yeah... this is my first post in here. Im Christine. I just started this site a couple of days ago and I hope to keep on it for as long as I can. this isnt a fad, its a life change for me.
  • inetgirl
    inetgirl Posts: 174 Member
    Most people choose not to understand. Those are the same people when you reach your goal will say "how did you lose the weight". It's all about balance, which I'm still learning to do. So, if I want a small piece of chocolate then I will eat it, and just make sure I count it. People are strange, I've been asked, "why are you eating that, I thought you were on a diet". There is a BIG difference between lifestyle change and diet. :)
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    I take my phone right in the restraunt and log it. I have gotten used to people laughing and joking about it and it really doesn't bother me anymore. I figure let them poke their fun and I will show them with pounds lost and baggy clothes
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    That is one of the reasons why when we make a decision to lose weight and become healthier we need to be sure we are doing this for ourselves. Not because someone badgers us into going on a health kick and then give up. People sit around and wait for us to fail so that they can say "I knew she couldnt do it" :Lets just prove them all round and like you said prove it works with the lost pounds and baggy clothes. Keep up the good work