


  • Good Afternoon All,

    I just started the fitness pal a few days ago after finding out I am officially over-weight for my height, and unfortunatly for me the weigh-ins are this Friday. I have been in the Navy for 6 years now and have never had a problem making weight, I know there is no way to save myself for this one but I need to get back into shape for myself as well as for my time left in the Navy.
    Just joined the group and this website less than a month ago.
    Only been active duty Navy for a year now but I am marrying someone who has been in 8 years.
    I'm getting married on 5 May 2012 so this is my journey to toning up and loosing weight before and after these point to make sure I always make standards!
  • kdcasti
    kdcasti Posts: 4
    Active duty USMC here! I had a baby in 2009 and well, let's just say I'm 5'3 and weighed 210 lbs the day I had my son. It's been a long hard journey but I'm back within weight standards, and yet not satisfied being borderline. I was humiliated 6 months after I had my son and vow to never feel that way again. So here's to taking something so negative and demeaning and showing those who put you down that you work harder and are stonger than they could ever know! I'm down to 136.1 and just recently got back on the wagon! So the next 20-30 lbs will be just as challenging but in the end, I can stand tall (well as tall as someone who is 5'3 can be) and proud. YUTTTTT!
  • Nastasha915
    Nastasha915 Posts: 124 Member
    Hello All!
    I am current active duty air force, though I'm separating in 2 weeks and going to the reserve. Never had a problem passing the PT test, but want to get into better shape and lose about 17 pounds (9 more to go). My ultimate goal is to run a marathon one day, but I'm still a little bit far from that. Glad to meet you all and Good luck in your journey!
  • Nastasha915
    Nastasha915 Posts: 124 Member
    I love making fitness a priority and I love that I can max out my pushups now. Pushups used to be the bane of my existence..

  • I'm hoping it is okay to join for a Future Soldier. I enlisted in the U.S. Army at the Salt Lake MEPS end of October 2011 and ship off to Fort Leonard Wood Mid-May (close to my 30 days out) for five months of OSUT (MOS is 31B-MP). I am fourth generation Army (great grandfather in Africa-WWII, grandfather in Europe-WWII, grandfather in Korea and Vietnam, father in First Gulf War). I started off around 214 and dropped 7 pounds before going into the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) and have worked off another 7 lbs since then (14 pounds total) and weigh in at 202 as of this morning. I hope to be down another 7 lbs before shipping off which should be easy to do. I know in Basic I'll drop at least another thirty pounds over night and worried by ACUs won't fit after the first 2 months. Ultimate Goal: Be under 165 pounds! Shouldn't be too hard! Hope to share some success stories before I ship and then when I get back and to my first duty station. HOOAH!
  • heysarge13
    heysarge13 Posts: 403 Member
    Hey everybody...
    Been in the KY Army National Guard for 14 yrs and of course I stayed on the enlisted side... NCO'S ARE THE BACKBONE!!! Always struggled to.stay in shape in my early years. But after a deployment to Afghanistan in 2008, I decided I was going to make a change. Today I'm in the best shape I've ever been and continue to make improvements. So if you need some motivation or a little help let me know. Its a NCO's job to help other suceed
  • Hello Sergeant and welcome!
  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 251 Member
    Welcome to the group and good luck in Basic!! How much longer before you leave?
  • Outsider,
    Welcome to the group and good luck in Basic!! How much longer before you leave?

    Can't post exact date but I'm under my 30 days now. :D
  • SgtGonzo
    SgtGonzo Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. Mike here, Master Sergeant, USMC, recently moved back from Germany, enjoying the sunshine in Yuma, AZ these days. A friend in the group I play world of warcraft with actually turned me onto this site, let myself slide over the max this past X-mas season for the first time in 25 years (which was weird cause I joined the Corps at 125 lbs in 1987, bulked up to 155 lbs by 1991 and held about 165-168 for years, but I think my monster metabolism (ran track n X country in my younger days and used to eat whatever I wanted in as large of quantities as I please without a second thought) finally took a vacation and after this past Xmas I found myself 15+ lbs above my DoD max of 175 (used to be 181 but over the years I lost an inch of height, actually 67.5 exact, but I just go with 67 / 175 to be safe) but thanks to this site and the app on my phone, dropped back to 171 in less then 3 months.

    I've found the app to be invaluable, I still eat just about everything, but with the app, I actually find myself paying attention to portion's, and that's made a world of difference. Anyhow, just glad to be here and nice to have company.
  • Master Sergeant, welcome! Enjoy Arizona! I was there for two years and my wife is from Globe, AZ.
  • Topdog67
    Topdog67 Posts: 31 Member
    First of all thank you all for you service. I got out of the Marines back in 1990. Needless to say I am "Not as lean, Not as Mean, But Still A Marine!" I have really packed on the weight. The day I left the Marines, I weighed 157lbs. I ballooned up to close to 300lbs. I am currently at 209lbs. I know how this works, but doing it alone is hard. I am looking forward to you all pushing me to persevere. I give you my word I will do the same for you.

    Semper Fi,

  • I too would like to thank you all for your service and say "welcome home" to those who may have not been properly recieved. I am an 18 year veteran of the US Army and, as an infantryman, I am still in fairly good condition but have packed on nearly 20 pounds since I got home from Iraq in 2009 and my PT has dropped off significantly. After my weigh in last month I have decided that enough is enough and now my wife and I are on a mission to get back into the great shape we were in when we met nearly 12 years ago. Lets hope this will be something to keep us both motivated.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Hey, well I'm in the Navy for a few more months at least, my EAS is January and although I'd like to stay in-it's apparently not meant to be. Nonetheless I'm looking at jobs that are pretty physical in nature and looking good and feeling healthy are important whether in the military or out.
  • sgtrowley
    sgtrowley Posts: 246 Member
    New here, currently Active Duty Army.
  • Hello All,
    Current Active Duty Medic. I'm 25 and have let my weight become somewhat of an issue. Pretty large build guy usually. I went from 205 to 230 in about two years and I'm looking to get back down to 205. I'm ready to take the next step and get my promotion I want so badly, but I want to be an example to follow. Im determined enough to do this and I am looking forward to the hard work.