Any Other Ironman Enthusiasts Out There

I'm signed up for IMC for 2012 again (will be my 5th) but after 2 years off, I've got 20 to 25 lbs to lose. Anyone else signed up for this (fantastic) race, or any other Ironmen and working to get (back?) to race weight?


  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    I am signed up for 3 half-Ironmen and 1 full this year. I am trying to get down to 180 lbs by the full in August (Louisville) but have previously completed 2 halfs at my current weight of 210 lbs.
  • I've done 3 halfs and will be doing my first full this May at Ironman Texas. I might throw in a half between now and then as a gut check, but I'm still debating the expense ...
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    I could see an issue with the expense. $600+ is a lot of money to go and beat yourself up. But hey, it's what we like to do. I try and reduce costs for racing by going to places that are within driving distance. I hate that most airlines crush you on flying a bike. I have my bike boxed up and under proper dimensions on for a flight on United. Should been $25 according to their website but they hit me with $100 since it was a bike in the box. That must have been the lightest, 'large' box the ground crew delt with that day. It's so annoying anymore.
  • I borrowed a bike bag from a friend for a flight for July 4 vacation and no one asked any questions or applied an extra fee, even though the bag was obviously a tiny bit oversized. One attendant thought it was an instrument, and since there's no fee for that, I just let that be the story.

    On the way back, the dude behind the counter totally knew it was a bike even though I told him it was work equipment, but since he was trying to convince me to change flights for him, he was like, "sure -- totally not a bike..." I think it helped, as well, that I had elite status. I had 2 free bags per flight, and I think they are more forgiving for that. I now have an in-town client and stopped traveling for work this year, so I got one of those airline credit cards and will get one free bag per flight. I'm not sure if I will get special treatment any more when traveling with a bike -- I'll report back.

    The very incognito bag:

    My bike is a $700 clunker, so I wasn't so concerned that it was a soft-sided case. That being said, I didn't have any problems with damage.
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    Dang. I was traveling to Miami for the half down there in Miami and leaving I was on Continental and they only charged the standard $25. The return flight was on United and they hit me with the $100. Now that they have merged fully, it is $100 for either airline.

    I just figure now if I have time to drive, I will.

    My next half is in Galveston, which is about a 12 hour drive. No problem for me. I'll spend the same in gas to get there and back as I would to box up my bike. Plus this way I can stop in Dallas and see some relatives.
  • Galveston is the one I'm debating as a spring race for IMTX prep! I hear the swim often is a mess due to weather and the bike can be tough due to wind even though it's flat -- it's not a zipp wheel sorta ride. However, the scenery does make for a fun race. Have you done it in the past? What did you think?
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    I did it last Spring and figured I'd go back to judge my progress in triathlon. The swim was a little chilly and murky but not too bad until a boat went by and chopped the water up. The bike had a pretty good cross-wind but I rode Zipp 808s and survived. The run was a 4 lap route through the resort which meant you had to count laps but it allows for fans to see you multiple times in a race.

    I highly recommend it. I got an awful sunburn last year and the lines are just now fading.
  • leatherneck1974
    leatherneck1974 Posts: 3 Member
    Not signed up for any yet, maybe going to do the boise Idaho half, but not sure about the swim, bike and run is nothing, that swim looks like murder
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    I heard that Boise has a pretty chilly swim.
  • leatherneck1974
    leatherneck1974 Posts: 3 Member
    Yea the Boise one is pretty cold, its in a man made lake, but it is pretty warm there that time of year,
  • I need to convince everyone that Ironman Canada is worth the trip in the future. This year is the 30th anniversary. It's a one lap swim, one lap bike and an out and back one lap run. The two mountain passes on the bike are tough, but we end up with excellent support - on the second one (Yellow Lake) they close down lanes of the highway and we have a Tour de France like experience with fans cheering on both sides of you.

    I also need to be more adventurous and try other IM races. Thinking about Cozumel in 2014 (do a 'double' for my 50th year). Lots of decisions to make as my 23 year career ended on Wednesday. More time to train, or should I be working hard to find a job right away - decisions decisions.

  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    I would be very interested in doing an iron-distance race outside of the US. There are a couple in Euope that peak my interest, but it won't happen this year. Ill be doing my first full in Louisville come August.

    Good luck with the job hunt! I'd get some quality rides in first, though!
  • I have done 9 half Ironman and 1 full (Wisconsin 2010). It was great and will it do again. Have to wait a few years until my kids get a bit older. The training took time away from them. I was so worn out from 2010 that I didn't train much last year. I learned I can do the half and the marathon with hardly any training. Just was a lot slower. This year I need to step it up. Already signed up for half marathon, 2 olympic tri's, half ironman and the Marathon. My goal this is year is to qualify for Boston. Just signed up for fitnesspal to get my butt back in shape. I need to learn how to do speed work. Haven't really done much of that. Any ideas?
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    Speed work for running? I would check out They have a lot of excellent training ideas that can be integrated into your workouts. You may also want to spring for a custom built workout if you can't find something that works for you!
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  • batlou
    batlou Posts: 97 Member
    I will be signing up for IM Louisville tomorrow. Planning a 1/2 as well but have not decided which yet, considering 2 different local races. I picked Louisville as my first to cut down on cost and have family and friends near-by. Would like to do a "destination" race at some point though. Escape from Alcatraz is the one that I would really like to do but it will have to wait.
  • obrats
    obrats Posts: 10 Member
    I am signed up to do the inagural IMNYC this August. This will be my first full IM.

  • Vhnguyen5
    Vhnguyen5 Posts: 6
    Hey guys, I have done both IM Texas and the Austin and Galveston HIM and Galveston is nothing like Texas. The water in Lake Woodlands was perfect! The bike ride through the national park was amazing as well. The run on the other hand was horrendous. It was hot humid and nasty with hardly any shade on the run course. If you guys are doing IM Texas please feel free to shoot me a message and I'll be glad to answer them.
  • naomibow
    naomibow Posts: 7 Member
    Hello all! I have 70.3 Galway, Ireland in 8 weeks!! Then maybe a full IM next year!!
  • Hi all, I've been doing adventure races (kayaking, mountain biking, trekking/running) for some time now and am trying to make the jump into tri's and an ironman in the next 1-2 years