I am feeling awful

Soniatantu Posts: 78 Member
I cheated! I was doing well and my parents came into to town. I didn't eat horrible however under this plan, I cheated. I ate things that we are not supposed to eat on phase 1. I am afraid to go back to my doctor. What have I done?! I know tomorrow is a new day and just start over. Ugh...


  • esquire909
    esquire909 Posts: 3
    I've been on Phase 1 since Jan 1. Last month I spent a week in Hawaii and, like you, I didn't eat horribly, but I did veer from the diet. Still, I just paid attention to what I was eating and tried to eat "normal" portions. Finished the week with a net zero loss/gain, glad I got to experience some Hawaiian food and ready to get back on the path to my goal weight. Don't let being human keep you off the path towards that goal that you just KNOW is going to feel so good.