NRol4W beginning, during, or after progress



  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    My question is how is everybody getting their protein requirements? Do you stay at 30/30/40 like the book recommends?
    I try to eat more protein but I often have to supplement with bars and shakes

    I do try for 30% protein. I would say I average about 115-120 g a day but some days but occasionally it's lower. I have protein shakes after I lift. Other than that I get it mostly from chicken, turkey, eggs, milk, soy milk, yogurt, cottage cheese & nuts. I do occasionally have protein bars also if I need a quick snack.
  • jpfrimmer
    jpfrimmer Posts: 134
    Calories: 1500-1600
    Lifting Days: 3
    Cardio Days: 2-3 (1 hour zumba classes or I run anywhere between 3-6 miles)
    Inches: I'm really not sure, I've been really bad about measuring. I have lost 5 lbs since starting and gone from a size 4-6 to a 2-4 (mostly 2). I can tell a huge difference in my body and a lot of people keep asking me if I've lost more weight recently even though I haven't lost any weight in the last month. I have a lot more defined back, legs, and arms!

    I also try to get at least 100 g of protein a day...sometimes I fall a little short but most days I do pretty good.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    great job, JP.

    I hope at the end of my stage I can post something :tongue:
  • jenschnack
    jenschnack Posts: 112 Member
    I just started yesterday. I hope I see results!
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    nice job everyone! Very inspiring! Here is my info:

    stage finishing up stage 1
    caloric intake. 1300-1500
    how many days lifting 3
    cardio how long and how many days 3- 25-45 min depending on how my body feels
    inches lost. I haven't measured but I'm down 2 pants sizes :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I definitely have to update my measurements this weekend and do new pictures since I'm finishing stage 2, but I was a size 14 in January and last night I bought size 9 jeans :bigsmile:
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    bump to read later. :)
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    I just started yesterday, but I will add my routine if that's OK?

    Stage 1
    I eat between 1800-2100 +300 for breastfeeding
    Lift - MWF
    Will start walking two miles twice a week

    I am optimistic about the inches I will lose.
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Awesome results everyone!

    stage stage 1
    caloric intake. 1800
    how many days lifting- 3
    cardio how long and how many days-none- but I walk every day, don't really consider that cardio.
    inches lost.- chest -2.5
    waist -2
    hips 0
    thighs +0.5 (grrrrrr!!)

    My pants feel loser despite the gain of 1/2 inch in my thighs, but I'm happy with the amazing results so far! I see changes in the mirror with more muscle definition and firmness- and this is just stage 1!!

    Wanted to add that despite the inches lost, I have lost zero pounds since starting- that's OK though!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Stage 1-doing workout 4 B tomorrow...
    Caloric Intake: Lift days: 1961, Non Lift days-1716, plus I eat back all of my cardio calories
    Lifting Days-MWF (I warm up with a 10 min. run and try to finish with a run as well-about 2 miles max)
    Cardio-lift days-about 20 min., non lift days-I take a class for an hour, sometimes run a mile too
    Inches lost-haven't measured yet
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Stage 1-doing workout 4 B tomorrow...
    Caloric Intake: Lift days: 1961, Non Lift days-1716, plus I eat back all of my cardio calories
    Lifting Days-MWF (I warm up with a 10 min. run and try to finish with a run as well-about 2 miles max)
    Cardio-lift days-about 20 min., non lift days-I take a class for an hour, sometimes run a mile too
    Inches lost-haven't measured yet

    We're almost at the same stage. I did 4A today.

    Calories - 1700 and eat back HALF of my workout calories (just in case they are calculated properly)
    Lifting days - MWF
    Cardio Days - nothing yet - but planning on it :)
    I'll report inches lost (hopefully) at the end of this month.

    Quick question, how much does your calories burned calculation come out to for just your NROL4W portion?
  • stage: Phase 5 (skipped phase 1)
    caloric intake: Started with 1300-1500 for phase 2 and 3 but increased to 1600-1900 currently
    how many days lifting: 3 mostly but during phase 4 did two weeks with just 2 days bc of work.
    cardio how long and how many days: Started with 5 (30-60 min on non lifting days and HIIT or elliptical on lifting days) I have also decreased cardio in the last 4-5 weeks. Now I do 3-4 days a week. HIIT after one workout and 15-20 min jog after another workout. The other 2 days when I dont lift I do 45-60 min spin and/or 30 min outside jog with hills.
    inches lost: Not sure about total but about 2 inches in waist and 1-1.5 in hips/butt. I have lost about 6 pounds and can definitely tell a difference in the way my body looks. Arms more defined than ever and look more toned and lean. I would like to lose just a tiny bit more body fat and define legs a little more.
  • llujan88
    llujan88 Posts: 9 Member
    Stage 1- 4A tonight
    Caloric Intake: 1300 + exercise calories, range between 1500-1800
    Lifting Days - 2/3x a week - with 3 kids sometimes I can't get my weekend workout in.
    Cardio Days - 3x - 2 days of spin 45-55 minutes + 1 day run or elliptical or hike
    Inches lost- not sure, but lost 5 pounds since March 1 when I started MFP but have been holding steady for about 3-4 weeks. Definitely seeing more definition in arms/legs. Wish I would see more in the belly but I realize that will take time.
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Stage 1-doing workout 4 B tomorrow...
    Caloric Intake: Lift days: 1961, Non Lift days-1716, plus I eat back all of my cardio calories
    Lifting Days-MWF (I warm up with a 10 min. run and try to finish with a run as well-about 2 miles max)
    Cardio-lift days-about 20 min., non lift days-I take a class for an hour, sometimes run a mile too
    Inches lost-haven't measured yet

    We're almost at the same stage. I did 4A today.

    Calories - 1700 and eat back HALF of my workout calories (just in case they are calculated properly)
    Lifting days - MWF
    Cardio Days - nothing yet - but planning on it :)
    I'll report inches lost (hopefully) at the end of this month.

    Quick question, how much does your calories burned calculation come out to for just your NROL4W portion?

    My weight lifting cals range from 230-260 including rest times. I just record what I did on this site, but put the calorie burn in as 1 cal so I don't mess with my numbers too much. :)
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    stage: 1, just over 1 month into NROL4W, doing 6B on Friday.
    caloric intake: All over the map, but usually between 1500-2000. 2/3 of the time I eat back 50-75% of exercise calories. I am still trying to figure out where I should be with calories. I usually end up eating more on rest days than I do on exercise days due to hunger levels.
    how many days lifting: 3x a week, but I had 2 weeks with a PT that left me with intense DOMS, so I had two weeks where I wasn't doing NROL, and only cardio.
    cardio how long and how many days: 3-4 times a week, and during the two weeks I wasn't lifting, 4-5 days a week. 45-65min, or 10-15 min HIIT training
    inches lost: Not sure, but I think that starting this program actually kick-started my weight loss after a very disappointing March (Only lost 3lbs for the whole month). Also, progress is evident in my current profile picture :)
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    last couple of workouts of stage 3.
    caloric intake
    NR calculations 1660 (maintenance), plus i eat exercise cals
    how many days lifting----3 times a week, life permitting
    cardio how long and how many days
    barely anything, a bit of HIIT on the bike, some walking
    inches lost
    haven't measured for a couple of months, but i lost an inch or so at various points around my middle after the first 2 months.
  • My question is how is everybody getting their protein requirements? Do you stay at 30/30/40 like the book recommends?
    I try to eat more protein but I often have to supplement with bars and shakes

    I do 40/30/30, and if i dont meet my other goals i make sure i eat 1g protein per lb of lean body mass!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I definitely have to update my measurements this weekend and do new pictures since I'm finishing stage 2, but I was a size 14 in January and last night I bought size 9 jeans :bigsmile:

    This is FANTASTIC!!! Do you mind if I ask how much weight you lost in that time?
  • 87missc87
    87missc87 Posts: 41
    Hi! :smile:

    Stage 1 - did 5A this morning

    Goal caloric intake is 1650 on rest days, and approximately 1850 on lift days (might up a bit as workouts are getting a little longer), up to 2k on cardio days

    Lifting 3x/week

    (1) day of cardio (treadmill warmup and boot camp class, about 80 minutes total) and if I'm craving cardio, (1) 3-mile walk/jog on a non-lift day

    Lost approximately 1.5 inches from my hips and 1 inch from my waist so far.

    Great work, ladies!!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I definitely have to update my measurements this weekend and do new pictures since I'm finishing stage 2, but I was a size 14 in January and last night I bought size 9 jeans :bigsmile:

    This is FANTASTIC!!! Do you mind if I ask how much weight you lost in that time?
    13 lbs and only 3 of those since starting new rules. I'm doing the 300 deficit...most of the time LOL There are days I just NEED those extra calories. Luckily I have some old pants in the back of the closet. My pack-ratishness came in handy. I just finished Stage 2 last night.