What belt are you?



  • rayj70711
    rayj70711 Posts: 3
    Kenpo Blue belt 2 away from black!
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    I am a fourth Dan in Aikido. Have been practicing since 1982. This is my thirtieth year save for 2 off with my son and unfortunately very sporadic practice the last 2-3 with a horrid hip (so in effect 25-26 years). Took me 13-years to get my first Dan grade but I switched styles of Aikido plus I am a pretty slow learner. Just happy to be able to practice when I can. Hoping that loosing some weight will help with the bad hip so I can return to the mat!!!!!
  • medlicott68
    medlicott68 Posts: 35
    I'm a blue belt in Zen Do Kai.
    Our belt system is : White, yellow, orange, blue, green, brown, black.
    My daughter is currently green, so I'm trying to catch up LOL. Can't have an 11yr old out rank me.
    Hoping to grade to green later in the year.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I am a brown belt. In my system (an American mixed karate style), our ranks are yellow, blue, green, purple, brown, black.
    There is a minimum of 6 months between tests, a minimum of one year between brown and black, and a minimum of six years total training (with a minimum age of 16 years) to be eligible to test for black.
    Once a person is eligible to test for black belt in our system, our instructors pass our names on to the head of our system. He observes candidates at the tournaments, training camps, and instructors' clinics, and he chooses whom he will test.

    I would have been among the eligible candidates next spring, but I will have a newborn then. :wink: But I will continue to train through pregnancy, take about 6 weeks off after delivery, and hopefully be back up to speed by fall 2013.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    I'm a 1st degree Black Belt in Kuk Sool Won. I can't even count how many tests I have done...it's A LOT.

    July 1st, I take my final test for the Grandmaster for 2nd Degree.:smile:
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I have my Green belt in Jeet Kune Do Concept (The fighting method "created" by Bruce Lee).
    I have gone through white - yellow and orange to get to green and it has taken a little over 2 years. My next belt will be blue and I expect that the testing will be this summer - early fall. After the blue there is brown then black. Probably another 2 - 3 years.

    I also have an orange cord in Capoeira. This is a little more esoteric than the traditional Asian style martial arts. The grading is different from school to school and style to style. My school CCCB (Centro Cultural Capoeira Biana) has 3 different grades with 3 different cords per grade. My orange cord is the first of the mid level grade. I have gone through, no cord, green & blue cords over 4 years to get to my orange. I could/should advance this fall but with Capoeira there is a lot of cultural things to learn that I have not yet mastered. So, probably looking at another year at least before I will advance to the next cord.
  • Ryan_Sparks
    Ryan_Sparks Posts: 1 Member
    I have my green with black stripe in Tae Kwon Do, my son and I have been taking Tae Kwon Do together for a little over a year, we have about 2 more years before we can test for our Black belt. Our system is white, yellow, orange, green, purple, blue, brown, red and then black. There is a black stripe for each belt that represents the halfway mark for the curriculum of the belt color with the exception of red. There is a stripe for the halfway and then you have to earn your half red half black belt before being able to test for your black belt, this is determined by our master at his discretion.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    I have my second degree black belt in Uechi-ryu karate. I was supposed to test for my third degree next week, but a groin pull has put that off a couple of months.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Jukyu: All white belt
    Kyukyu: All white belt with a green tab on both ends of the belt.
    Hachikyu: White belt with 2 green tabs.
    Sichikyu: White belt with 3 green tabs.
    Rokkyu: White belt with a 6" green tab on both ends of the belt.
    Gokyu: All green belt.
    Yonkyu: All green belt with a 2" brown tab on both ends of the belt.
    Sankyu: All brown belt with a black tab on both ends of the belt.
    Nikyu: All brown belt with two black tabs.
    Ikkyu: All brown belt with three black tabs.
    Shodan: All black belt.

    I am an Ikkyu in Uechi-ryu karate, testing for Shodan this summer. :)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm a yellow belt / kukyu in Bansenshukai Ninjutsu. Our system is set up like so:

    Jukyu/Mukyu: White
    Kukyu: Yellow
    Hachikyu: Blue
    Sichikyu: Blue with black stripe
    Rokkyu: Red
    Gokyu: Red with black stripe
    Yonkyu: Green
    Sankyu: Green with black stripe
    Nikyu: Brown
    Ikkyu: Brown with black stripe
    Shodan: Black

    Additionally, before testing for black, the student goes back to white and the black belt test is on everything from all of the belts, plus an hour-long randori session. First white belt gets four months before testing, the rest have three months (though you can test before if you're ready).
  • rstoliker
    rstoliker Posts: 65
    I hold Blue Belt ranks in both Jiu Jitsu and Judo. We dont have formal testing in our club. If you know it, you know it. Also, Blue Belt rank in Combat Hapkido, and Green Belt rank in Budokai...however, I haven't studied the last two in years.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    In order of attainment:
    1st Degree Black Belt - Shorin-Ryu Karate
    Brown Belt - Judo
    Brown Belt - Jiu Jitsu
    No Belt - Aikido
    Brown Belt - Kung Fu
    3rd Degree Black Belt -- Tae Kwon Do

    Bounced around a little over the years. Started taking Shorin-Ryu in Okinawa in 1974. Acheived my Black Belt before returning to the U.S. Back at that time there wasn't a Martial Arts Studio on every corner. Not being able to find another Shorin-Ryu School caused me to bounce from one place to another until I eventually found TKD. It's not so much finding the right discipline for me as it is finding the right Instructor. I found that instructor in Master Moon Kyu Im and have practiced TKD ever since. I have about 38 years of learning, practicing and teaching under my belt now. I had my own school in California and, eventually, Oregon.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Muay thai doesn't have belt rankings, but I've been doing it for five years... The school where I started out would have testing for belts, it was just an in-school thing to separate the more advanced students. Their black belt tests are about 6 hours long. I started testing for black belt, but quit and joined another school when the owner went bat****. And that's my story!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member

    I take krav maga through the KAMI Association, which is one of the two schools in Israel. We basically use a judo belt system. Minimum time to each rank thus:

    yellow - 3 months from the beginning of training
    orange - 3 months from previous belt
    green - 1 year from previous belt
    blue - 1 year from previous belt
    brown - 1 year from previous belt
    black, dan 1 - 1 year from previous belt
    black, dan 2 - 2 years from previous belt
    black, additional dans - 5 years between ranks for active practitioners

    Once you reach orange, you can take a deputy instructors course with your teacher's permission. Then there is an instructors course for blue belts, but the instructor certificate is only granted once the student becomes a black belt. At dan 2, you can take a teachers or senior teachers course if you have an instructors certificate, your own teacher's permission, and you meet certain criteria.

    My teacher is a black belt, dan 6. :glasses:
  • akenned18
    akenned18 Posts: 2
    I am a 1st dan Black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I haven't practiced in over a year though. I was very active in Tae Kwon Do for 6 years from middle school to high school before I ended up quitting due to the time commitment. I really missed it though so I started up in college, but the teachers were terrible. I knew my form had suffered from the years off, but I still knew what the correct form was unlike my teachers. Having an instructor tell me my spin kick had perfect form was the last straw. I admittedly have a terrible spin kick and always have. I decided to quit again since the training was so poor. I am hoping to find another Tae Kwon Do studio with higher standards soon, but need to get back into martial arts shape first.
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    i will always be a white belt in JJ. I train but I don't compete. We don't move up in belts unless we submit opponents in tournaments.
  • vetboss
    vetboss Posts: 9
    My Kung Fu instructor did not believe in a belt system. (He was murdered in my 7th year of training and now there are only hand full of us still practicing) He felt that it bred egos in the school. We did have "groups" though to identify us:


    Our style is a combination of Shaolin, Wing Chun, with a bit of the animal styles, Jeet Kune Do and street fighting sprinkled on top. LOL
    Being an advanced student I would help train the beginners, work with the novices and all of the advanced students generally would get extra training time with the teacher. At tournaments I would enter as a brown or black belt.
    The last tournament I was in was a memorial tournament for my teacher and I have not been in one since. I don't plan on tournament fighting again however I do still spar on occasion with former classmates.
  • KateL1969
    KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
    Mommy TKD - It's the same belt system for ITF taekwondo in Britain. I'm currently a green belt and have to do 2 step sparring and break a board for my next grading so have been putting it off!
  • gordan1972
    gordan1972 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all,

    I train Krav Maga in KMG organisation and I'm Practitioner 1st degree (P1). I train more than a year but I'm not very interested in belts :)
    When I was teenager I trained Taekwondo and I have Red belt with stripe.
    Later I trained Bujinkan Ninjutsu and i have 6th kyu (I think this is equal to green belt in karate).

    IMHO, belts/grades are necessary .. there is no many people who can train something for a years without some kind of grading. But belts and grades must not be purpose for themselves . .they are just indicators of skill. And practitioners must not train to have belt but train to have skill, and belt is just certificate.


  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    Belts become less important as you have longevity in an art (at least in my opinion). I found as a young aikidoka rank was very important, but as I age and as I have a longer and longer history, it seems to become less and less important. My first Dan (black belt) grade was very important for me and my second less so, but still important. My third was only important in that I had my own dojo at the time (but wasn't really that important anymore), and my fourth was a total surprise as I have been sidelined with a bad hip for a couple of years, but still involved, just not practicing much at all. At this point, after 30-years in the art, with a few off for bad behavior, it is relevant but not important. None of my practing friends care what each others ranks are and the only time it ever seems to rear its head is at seminars, and even then not so much.

    Just enjoying the ride here, and hoping for 30-more years, most of it on the mat (hope losing weight will help with this bum hip!!!).