
I hate to do anything that makes me sweat! However, it is obvious to maximize a weight loss plan exercise needs to be a part of the program. I also notice as I get older some reduction in flexibility and strength. Will start going back to local fitness center to start walking and doing some strength training and add improved strength and flexibility to my goals. UGH! Time to start luvin myself better: wink:


  • coldiron50
    coldiron50 Posts: 23 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss and reminding us to do this the right way:smile:
  • I can relate to the hating to sweat. I was doing ok until I fell off the exercise wagon when I broke my ankle in November. I lost all my get up and go. However, spring is in the air and I feel the desire to climb on board the exercise mobile again. I am easing into it slowly though. I have to do what I can live with and if I go full boar, I will burn out. For now I do a bit of cardio and then go for the strength training. I cannot believe how much less weight I can handle than I did before I broke my ankle. And I was so sore for days after the first day back at the gym. But I did it! Now to keep it up.
  • K8tzmom
    K8tzmom Posts: 20 Member
    Congrats on getting back in action. You're never too old!! I'm 67 and recently started working with a trainer. Ever watch Biggest Loser? That's the stuff she has me doing, at a modified level, and if I can do it, anyone can!!:laugh:
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    Hated Exercise but realized on order to Feel better I needed to do something. I had a Dreadmill collecting Dust and started using it-to my amazement -I could do it!!!! Now I go to the Gym and use my Wii Fit at home when I don't make it to the Gym. Plus I meet a friend and we either Walk or play RacquetBall for an hour at the "Y" 2 or 3 times a week.
    I turned 66 in March and no matter how old we get- we have to keep MOVING!!!!
    So KEEP SMILING with every sore muscle!!! It will get better!!!!
  • I keep thinking, "Use it or lose it."