weekend diet fail:((((

esballet Posts: 51 Member
D:I gained FIVE POUNDS this weekend. five. i dont know how that is even possible. I was doing well last week! i was down to 110, which is back within my normal range, and i thought i'd let myself cheat over the weekend. I went out for mexican food AND ice cream on saturday night and on sunday i ate wayyyy too much trail mix, more than half a bag of pita chips, a huge bowl of pasta for dinner AND half a milkshake for dessert (thank god there wasn't more left because i would have drank it). then, i was up late studying and i snuck two bowls of cereal after everyone else was asleep. i wasn't even hungry! i dont know why i have to sabatoge myself like that. i know that sneeking food late at night is not normal behavior! im like an alcoholic... if i give myself even just a little bit of leeway with what i eat i fall off the bandwagon completely and ruin everything i've worked for! what is wrong with me???


  • nmmoore1979
    nmmoore1979 Posts: 23 Member
    Nothing is wrong with you. There are MANY people out there like you. I bet a lot of your gain is water retention b/c of the sodium intake. Just get back on track.
  • arserine
    arserine Posts: 63 Member
    You're really not alone in this. The important thing is that you came back here the next day. What's past has passed but focus just on today not snacking after dinner, and making good choices, and staying within your calorie range. You can do this! Just keep working at it! Feel free to friend me for support.
  • esballet
    esballet Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you both so, so much:) The MFP community is being very supportive! One of my friends on here even sent me a message today:) arserine, i friended you btw
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    I have actually had this happen to me especially when I have eaten high sodium foods then it levels out after a few days :)