2nd week......Pls Help

Well today was the beginning of week 2. I'm actually counting it as week one though. I guess last week felt like more of a tester week. I think I still may not be squatting enough?!?! If you don't mind me asking......what weight did you start with in workouts A and B? Can you list how you progressed over the 6 weeks? I would REALLY appreciate it.


  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm not sure what I was squatting at the beginning because I started using paper logs and didn't move onto virtual logs until probably Stage 2. What makes you think you're not squatting enough? You can ask everyone here, but none of us have your body and your history so each of our experiences including starting weight and progress is going to be vastly different. Some ladies started at bodyweight, others started over 100 pounds, so it's difficult to guage what you should be doing off of what other's did. What I will say is that in every set that last one should be TOUGH, your weights should be difficult if not impossible to heft on the last rep, if not than you need to up your weights. If you're getting to the last 2 or 3 reps and can't make it your weight may be too high, and if you are compromising proper form to heft your weights your weight is definitely too high. If you're speeding through your exercises and thinking "man this is easy" or "I can totally do more reps/weight" and you have proper form your weight is too light.

    Generally when I think to myself, "hurm, my wieghts may be too light" it is.
  • I know everyone is different.....I just am curious as to what others started with and how they progressed over the first 6 weeks.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I'm only in my 2nd week too, but I started my first set of squats with body weight only, then I tried just the bar, but foolishly used the Smith Machine bar, not the Olympic bar in the squat rack.

    Yesterday, I did my 2nd Workout A, and used just the 45 lb. bar in the squat rack. I'm not sure of my form though, so I'm having a trainer check it next week for me though. If my form's OK, I might try adding 5 lb. plates to the bar and go from there...
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Hi! I started last week as well and have completed 1a, 1b and 2a. I will be doing 2b tonight. After 1a I knew that I didn't do enough weight and that I could increase next time for sure. For 2a I increased everything at least 5-10 lbs. Here is my 1a to 2a comparison:

    Squats: 45 lb (bar only) ----> 65 lb (I struggled with the last 2 reps)
    Push ups: 4th peg up on Smith machine ----> 3rd peg up on Smith machine
    Rows: 25 lbs ----> 50 lbs (grossly underestimated first workout!) I think I may be able to add 5 more lbs next time, but 50 was hard!
    Step ups: 5 lbs bench height ---> 15 lbs bench height (may not be able to go up next time, as my gym only increases in 5 lbs and I don't think I can do 20s)
    Jackknifes: easy first time, so 2a I did one set of jackknife pikes and one set of regular jackknifes

    For 1b I did the following:
    Deadlifts: 65 1st set, 75 2nd set
    Shoulder Press: 15 lbs
    Lat Pull Downs: 55 lbs
    Lunges: 15 lbs
    Crunches: no weight 1st set, 10 lb plate 2nd set

    For 2b I think I'll start with the weight I did last time and then increase for 2nd set if I think I can.
    Keep at it~as long as you keep pushing yourself you'll be fine! :)
  • newmari12
    newmari12 Posts: 29 Member
    'TheReese' I started last week too but I am going to do the same and re-start again today because I felt like last week was a bit of a tester week and I made so many mistakes and adjustments that when it comes time to do the AMRAP my starting weights just won't be accurate. Just to give you an idea of what I did last week:

    Workout 1A --> 2A Comparison
    Squats - 60lb (smith machine - this was my first mistake)
    >65lb (inlcuding bar - this weight was still too light for me - I think 75lb would have been better)
    Rows - 80lbs (cable machine - second mistake - used the wrong machine)
    > 20lbs (on the correct machine this time lol)
    Step-Ups - 20lbs
    > 20 lbs (this one I got right)
    Jackknives - BW both times but these were way, way too easy for me so I'll need to do pikes instead.

    Workout 1B
    Deadlifts - 75lbs (perfect weight but I need gloves because I got some serious blisters on my hands from doing these)
    Shoulder Press - 7.5lbs each hand (perfect weight for me)
    Lat Pull Downs - 45lbs (too light)
    Lunges: 20lbs each hand (too much - I'll need to reduce)
    Crunches - BW and then tried 10lb plate but these were way too easy - anyone else experience this? If so, how do I make them harder? Also, I only felt it in my butt and things - am I doing something wrong?
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I'm only on my 4th workout (did Stage One, 2B today). Last week, I went pretty light and have been adjusting.

    Squats: just the bar
    Pushups-just did 15
    Rows: 70 lbs. felt great
    StepUps: held 15 lb. dumbbells in each hand
    Jackknifes-these were tough, but I finished them

    Squats: 65 lbs.
    Pushups: did the T version this time
    Rows: Stayed with 70 lbs.
    Stepups: held 30 lb. dumbbells in each hand which felt good, but they tore my hands up

    Deadlifts: 65 lbs
    Shoulder Press: held 15 lb. dumbbells in each hand
    Lat Pull down: 70 lbs.
    Lunge: held 20 lb. dumbbells in each hand and did walking lunges
    Swiss Ball Crunch: held a 10 lb. weight plate

    Deadlifts: 80 lbs. (still struggling with form-I spend as much time watching my back in the mirror as I do lifting)
    Shoulder Press: held 20 lb. dumbbells in each hand
    Lat Pulldown: 75 lbs.
    Lunge: held 25 lb. dumbbells in each hand and did walking lunges.
    Swiss Ball Crunch: held 15 lb. weight plate

    Is anyone else as uncoordinated as I am with the lunges? I tried stepping forward and then returning to start position, but kept losing my balance. So then I'd step forward, do 2 or 3 lunges, step back and then switch legs. It just seemed like I was always trying to regain my balance.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member

    Is anyone else as uncoordinated as I am with the lunges? I tried stepping forward and then returning to start position, but kept losing my balance. So then I'd step forward, do 2 or 3 lunges, step back and then switch legs. It just seemed like I was always trying to regain my balance.

    I have done many lunges in my military career but i feel so goofy doing them with weights lol I can do lunges but I dont know why i cant seem to get good form with weights.
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    ... I tried just the bar, but foolishly used the Smith Machine bar, not the Olympic bar in the squat rack.

    Are we not supposed to use the Smith Machine? I started with that because the squat rack was "occupied".
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    ... I tried just the bar, but foolishly used the Smith Machine bar, not the Olympic bar in the squat rack.

    Are we not supposed to use the Smith Machine? I started with that because the squat rack was "occupied".

    My gym only has the smith machine. How much is this going to impact my workouts? I am starting today.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 784 Member
  • jenschnack
    jenschnack Posts: 112 Member
    Is it normal to have back pain after Stage 1 1B? Maybe I am not doing deadlifts properly.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Is it normal to have back pain after Stage 1 1B? Maybe I am not doing deadlifts properly.

    It is possible. That happened to me last week with 1A. I did so much weight and hurt myself so bad that I had to start over this week. I have soreness but not pain in my back if that makes sense. I did Stage 1 1B yesterday.
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    Is it normal to have back pain after Stage 1 1B? Maybe I am not doing deadlifts properly.

    Any kind of pain is not normal... soreness, yes. With the deadlifts, you should be feeling the soreness in your glutes and hamstrings. If you feel it in your back, you may be yanking the bar with your arms (instead of lifting with your legs and glutes). Make sure you tighten your core before you lift... that will help your back. (Just repeating advise/corrections from my trainer). I hope that helps :smile:
  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    My trainer recommended NOT starting with the deadlifts as shown in the book. She said you should only go down as far as you can keep a neutral spine. And guess what, unless you have the big weights on the OLY bar or risers, it is not the right height to DL safely. After I saw her I started doing Romanian deadlifts from a rack pull. I could go down about mid-shin with my low-back staying neutral.

    As far as weights: I did stage 1 at home and don't have a squat rack so I wasn't able to push it as much as I would have liked, but looking a my logs:

    A1 to A8
    squat-15lb dumbbells /95lb
    bentover row-15lb dumbbells/ 63lb barbell
    setups - bodyweight on the bench (pretty high)/ 25 lb dumbbells on bench

    B1 to B8
    deadlift - 57lb/95lb
    DB shoulder press - 15lb each hand/25lb (spent a lot of time at 20/22)
    pull overs - 15lb (triceps bar) /30lbs total tricpeps bar
    lunges - 15/22
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    My trainer recommended NOT starting with the deadlifts as shown in the book. She said you should only go down as far as you can keep a neutral spine. And guess what, unless you have the big weights on the OLY bar or risers, it is not the right height to DL safely. After I saw her I started doing Romanian deadlifts from a rack pull. I could go down about mid-shin with my low-back staying neutral.

    My trainer had me do the same thing. I actually prefer the RDL. I feel more stable doing them. I have a history of back issues, so that's a big thing to me.

    I started with:

    Squats: body weight and 5lb dbs>>> 45lb bar
    Push ups: on the door frame >>> on my 3rd step of stairs
    Bent row: 8lb dbs>>> 17.5lb dbs or cable row 37.5 lbs
    Step ups: 2 risers and 8lb dbs>>> 4 risers 15lb dbs
    Prone jackknife: kept rolling off the ball>>> no problems

    Deadlifts: 10lb standard bar (switched to RDLs in w/o 4) >>> RDLs 85lbs
    Shoulder press: 5lb dbs >>>15lb dbs
    Pullover: 10lb standard bar >>> lat pull down 62.5
    Lunges: body weight >>> 15lb dbs
    Swiss ball crunches: body weight >>> 15lb db
  • jenschnack
    jenschnack Posts: 112 Member
    Back feels better today. Did Stage 1 A2 today. I am looking up Romanian deadlifts now. THANKS
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    Bump. Thank for for the info on deadlifts
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    ... I tried just the bar, but foolishly used the Smith Machine bar, not the Olympic bar in the squat rack.

    Are we not supposed to use the Smith Machine? I started with that because the squat rack was "occupied".

    My gym only has the smith machine. How much is this going to impact my workouts? I am starting today.

    I'm also curious, why should we not be using the smith machine? I did 2A on friday and was squatting 95 on it. We dont have a squat rack unless I'm missing it somewhere
  • Lysandra81
    Lysandra81 Posts: 18 Member
    For the discussion of romanian deadlift vs. "normal" deadlift: both target different main areas.

    Romanian: Mainly hamstrings and a bit of lower back and glutes
    Normal: Mainly lower back and a bit of middle back, quads, hamstrings and glutes

    So you got to be mindful of what muscles you mainly want to exercise. Obviously form is important on both but with the main muscle being lower back on the standard barbell deadlift it is super important there.

    @soccerella: if you don't have any other options I guess the smith machine would do - it has disadvantages in terms of form as you cannot move freely. Somewhere I have seen someone sum it up like that: a squat is actually a back and forward movement of your hips - the smith machine will reduce it to an up and down movement which targets different muscles and is also less challenging as you do not balance the weight yourself.
    I have neither so I go for dumbell squats instead as long as I can hold the weight in my hands.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    For the discussion of romanian deadlift vs. "normal" deadlift: both target different main areas.

    Romanian: Mainly hamstrings and a bit of lower back and glutes
    Normal: Mainly lower back and a bit of middle back, quads, hamstrings and glutes

    So you got to be mindful of what muscles you mainly want to exercise. Obviously form is important on both but with the main muscle being lower back on the standard barbell deadlift it is super important there.

    @soccerella: if you don't have any other options I guess the smith machine would do - it has disadvantages in terms of form as you cannot move freely. I have neither so I go for dumbell squats instead as long as I can hold the weight in my hands.

    When I asked this is what the ladies gave me:

