Day 6

mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
First time I completed the push ups (level 1, on the knees) without taking a break... Now that is an accomplishment for me, woot!

I did try the first 5-10 minuutes of level 2 after I finished level one today.... but I'll wait another 4 so days to hope on that one again, heh.


  • Emikayfoos
    Emikayfoos Posts: 35
    Im on day five..started a day late. Things are getting easier! I was able to do the last one minute abs with out a break! Yay
  • kzooprincess
    kzooprincess Posts: 232 Member
    No 30DS for me today. I did a 2.5 mile walk with my boyfriend, which included a pretty steep hill in the middle of the route. According to my HRM, the calories burned was actually pretty close to the same. I will be back to 30DS tomorrow and I HAVE to start C25K immediately!! I just signed up for a 5K that is in 39 days!! Wish me luck.
  • ruelman83
    ruelman83 Posts: 97 Member
    DONE W/ DAY 6! Very happy I made time on the weekend to do this! I feel much better now that I did it! :)
  • onyx1972
    onyx1972 Posts: 133 Member
    I did not do 30 DS today I walked 2.8 miles instead.. it was 84 here in OH with a gorgeous blue sky and I could not help myself, the park called to me..... LOL.. Will go back to Jillian tomorrow... I can do the everything but all the jumping jacks and I can not switch as fast from exercise to exercise... I am a bit slower... but all in all.. its going really well.. I am not losing weight however which really cheeses me off... we will see what happens next week.
  • 26Nirak
    26Nirak Posts: 147 Member
    I did it!!!
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    only had to take one break and I was sweating so much more. I'm getting further into the work-outs, following natalie more than anita now. Still have to do the girly push-ups though.
  • ishax24
    ishax24 Posts: 51 Member
    Completed day 6 last night.. was working long shifts at the weekend so it was hard to fit it in. I managed to get through the whole thing without a 5 second break and completed the first set of side lunges/arm raises with weights, had to lose the weights for the second set!! Already lost an inch off my thighs so I'm definitely sticking with this workout..
  • Twyla123
    Twyla123 Posts: 47 Member
    Today is day 6 for me as I ended up taking the weekend off from the shred! But back at it yesterday and feeling stronger
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    This morning was day 6 for me. felt better then yesterday, but still not as good as day 4 did :(

    I managed about 1/2 the pushups as regular pushups, but my arms just wouldn't lift the weights on the side lunge with arm raise.
  • alil2loveable
    alil2loveable Posts: 178 Member
    Got my day 6 in this morning and feeling good only had to take 3 water breaks endurance is up. Will be doing my day 7 tonight after work, playing catch up............