
I'm just feeling really annoyed right now! If you don't want to hear me whining, then stop reading now. :laugh:

I've been eating more for about a month now. I didn't need to do a reset because my metabolism was starving myself previously. I wasn't really losing much weight, but I wasn't gaining either, just kinda stagnant.

Then I went to a nutritionist who told me I was eating too much. My TDEE -20% is 2260 according to the on line calculators. After metabolic testing the nutritionist gave me 2500 as my TDEE and told me to eat 1900 on non workout days and 2100-2150 on workout days and not to worry about eating back exercise cals. I lost a couple pounds doing this.

Now, I'm just kinda stuck again. And I read through this whole thread yesterday with an "expert" giving weight loss advice and now I'm more confused than ever!

He talks about the deficit being the key and that he starts his female clients at 1200 cals a day.

What I don't get is if a deficit is a deficit and I've had a great weekly deficit, then why am I not losing at least a pound a week? I added up my deficit for last week and it was 5763......I had kind of a cheat night on Saturday when I had a girls night and I didn't log.....if I subtract 2000 cals for that night (which is really high, I doubt I consumed that much) then my deficit would still be 3736 for the week......that should be a POUND lost! And nothing. I am tracking my daily weight and I am trending downward, but it's up an ounce, down two ounces, up three ounces, down 3 ounces etc.

I also don't get the whole sodium water retention thing. I mean I get that sodium makes you retain water which will make it seem like you aren't losing, but if you are truly losing, wouldn't your weight even with water retention eventually be less? If I weigh 228 right now and I truly lose 5 pounds but sodium (or lifting) makes me retain 3 pounds of water then I should still see a loss on the scale. Eventually my true body weight plus my sodium water retention would still be less than it was if I was 5 pounds heavier with water retention. Does this even make sense?

I'm just frustrated and annoyed right now and needed to vent! There is so much information out there on the "right" way to lose weight and I feel like I'm doing everything right (minus my sodium intake) and I'm just not seeing results. I'm on week 3 of NROL4W and I feel like I'm getting stronger and I can see definition under my fat, but I want the scale to move, dammit! I don't feel like my expectations are too high.....even half a pound a week would make me ecstatic!

Blah, blah, blah, blah. I think I just have a case of the Tuesdays. :ohwell:

And I used the word deficit a lot!

If you got through all of that, then I owe you a big virtual brownie with frosting!:happy:


  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    Well, you did say you ARE trending downwards, which is great. This isn't the fastest way to lose the weight, but its a much more permanent solution! I'm one of those people who can have a mind-boggling 8 to 10 lb "gain" from one morning to the next, especially if all my "factors" align (gee, my IBS kicked in at the same time as TOM, and I ate a bunch of salt right after a heavy lifting session...nice). Are you measuring?? Look for inches lost, and also recalculate your body fat % every once in a while too. :)
  • jennys11
    jennys11 Posts: 118 Member
    Thank you so much for posting how you are annoyed. I am feeling the same way. I don't even know what to do. I am so frustrated, confused, that I'm just as a stand still. I eat healthy and exercise, but all the numbers are confusing me. And on top of that, the scale isn't moving. I just don't want to diet or worry about weight anymore. I feel ya!
  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    I'm just feeling really annoyed right now! If you don't want to hear me whining, then stop reading now. :laugh:

    I've been eating more for about a month now. I didn't need to do a reset because my metabolism was starving myself previously. I wasn't really losing much weight, but I wasn't gaining either, just kinda stagnant.

    Then I went to a nutritionist who told me I was eating too much. My TDEE -20% is 2260 according to the on line calculators. After metabolic testing the nutritionist gave me 2500 as my TDEE and told me to eat 1900 on non workout days and 2100-2150 on workout days and not to worry about eating back exercise cals. I lost a couple pounds doing this.

    Well, just ignore that "expert" on the thread. That's not gonna help. Sure you'll lose at 1200, for awhile.

    So, if she did a MET test and you're 2500, then 20% is 2000. I think that sounds reasonable to eat 1900 /2100 unless you are doing some crazy workouts and burning 500+ calories.

    The scale will move when it wants to. Yes, you'll see a trend down if you lose weigh even with water retained. but that's what it is - TREND. Just keep plugging along, and make sure you have measurements and don't just go by the scale, especially since you're lifting. And drink plenty of water. (And maybe only weigh if you have 2 full days rest after lifting - that lifting, it's crazy what it can make your muscles do with water!).
  • geetabean
    geetabean Posts: 76
    Okay, I just took my measurements.....the last time I took them was April 4th which was when I upped my calories.

    waist: 1.5 inches lost
    hips .5 inches lost
    thigh: 2.5 inches lost
    chest: 2 inches lost
    arm: .5 inches lost

    This makes me feel a lot better. But I still wish that the scale would freaking go down! :grumble:
  • Newme012
    Newme012 Posts: 43
    I totally feel you, G! Same thing here. I have read that it can take the body weeks to release the water it is holding from weight lifting when a person starts a program. I also read that this is so common that a lot of trainers do not weigh their female clients for the first month.

    Great measurements!! 1.5 inches on the waist alone - wahooo!!! I am with you, though, that I can't ignore the scale altogether, because I can't possibly be "healthy" at the weight I am at, no matter the inches :) I don't need to lose 20, I need to lose 50. when will that happen? OY!

    All I can say (and tell myself) is that the same thing happened five years ago when I was weight training. I lost 50 lbs on WW, then got a personal trainer. The weight loss came to a halt with lifting for awhile...and then I lost 10 lbs. This does take patience, which I dont have....

    You are doing awesome! Keep up the great work. :)
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    waist: 1.5 inches lost
    hips .5 inches lost
    thigh: 2.5 inches lost
    chest: 2 inches lost
    arm: .5 inches lost

    IN A MONTH!!!!???? do the happy dance, sister!
  • deirdre049
    deirdre049 Posts: 6 Member
    Okay, I just took my measurements.....the last time I took them was April 4th which was when I upped my calories.

    waist: 1.5 inches lost
    hips .5 inches lost
    thigh: 2.5 inches lost
    chest: 2 inches lost
    arm: .5 inches lost

    This makes me feel a lot better. But I still wish that the scale would freaking go down! :grumble:

    The scale is meaningless, it's nothing but a number. Go by looks and inches lost. The scales tells you one thing - your current weight. Not how that weight is made up and distributed between muscle, fat and water. Don't let that number dictate your life or your emotions, no one knows that number but you. The mirror and how you look in clothes and how you feel is what should matter. People are shocked when I tell them how much I weight because it doesn't take into account muscle.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Okay, I just took my measurements.....the last time I took them was April 4th which was when I upped my calories.

    waist: 1.5 inches lost
    hips .5 inches lost
    thigh: 2.5 inches lost
    chest: 2 inches lost
    arm: .5 inches lost

    This makes me feel a lot better. But I still wish that the scale would freaking go down! :grumble:

    Oh hun, you just would be amazed to see how much fat you have lost and how much wonderful lean muscle mass you have probably gained, hence the scale not moving. I know I know I know...we want to see the scale move, but those numbers are so stinking whipped me on my first month. I had a net loss of 1lb and one inch off my waist and I WAS ECSTATIC!!! We so underestimate the power of FAT means getting into a smaller size at a higher weight.

    Please ignore the other guy...there is so much proof out there that your body needs are lifting heavy and you are seeing some great results...put the scale away and keep going...

    I am literally 16ish lbs heavier than my old dream weight, but wearing some of the same clothes I did back then....I have more tone, and am so much stronger...yes you can drop weight fast doing low cal for a while, but why drop it quick to gain it back quicker...why lose lean muscle and hold fat, so you are just a smaller version of the bigger you...

    I keep saying, slow and steady wins the is a life long commitment and sometimes the view on the scale must change to acknowledge where we are coming from and where we are going...I rarely get on the scale anymore...but I can tell you my waist is almost as small as it was at 140lbs...I don't mean to sound stuck up or anything like that, but I look better...I am still working on burning off fat, but came out of cut mode and now in maintenance mode because more fuel, means more ability to put on lean mass, which mean increased fat burning power!

    Stay encouraged, you are doing GREAT:flowerforyou:
  • geetabean
    geetabean Posts: 76
    I know you're right, but it's just so hard to let go of that number. Everything you read bases your health on the number on the scale. I know that my number is too high and I know I need to figure out how to get it down. It just irks me that its not moving even though I'm eating right and working my butt off in the gym. It simply does not make sense to me.

    I keep telling myself that I need to put the scale away for good.....I never even owned a scale my entire life until I joined MFP.....but I feel so tied to it. It draws me in with it's electronic glassiness and tempts me with the hope of smaller numbers.

    I'm going camping for a week, leaving on Friday.....maybe that will be a good time to break up with my scale!
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but I don't give the number on the scale much weight in the big picture.

    Meaning that it won't weigh me down if I see a gain, case in point as of this morning I'm up 2 lbs. But I'm wearing a pair of jeans that I couldn't even zip up last month.

    The scale will eventually catch up to all your hard work, so just hang in there!!!!!!!

  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I know you're right, but it's just so hard to let go of that number. Everything you read bases your health on the number on the scale. I know that my number is too high and I know I need to figure out how to get it down. It just irks me that its not moving even though I'm eating right and working my butt off in the gym. It simply does not make sense to me.

    I keep telling myself that I need to put the scale away for good.....I never even owned a scale my entire life until I joined MFP.....but I feel so tied to it. It draws me in with it's electronic glassiness and tempts me with the hope of smaller numbers.

    I'm going camping for a week, leaving on Friday.....maybe that will be a good time to break up with my scale!

    See you are where I was mentally regarding the scale just up to about two months ago...I lived and died by it....I totally didn't care that I was more toned then I have ever been and fitting clothes that I could NEVER even get a thigh in at this 156lbs before I would squeeze into 8's and fit 10's comfy...and the dress in that pic...please it wouldn't even think about going over my arm and it is quick to show a pudge

    What delivered me from the scale is going on a 2.5wk that time I saw changes in my body, but when I weighed not a real change on the scale...and that was it for me. Girl I haven't gotten on the scale in over a week because I just went up to maintenance cals and I know it is higher, but my clothes still fit the same...I just don't even feel the need to get on anymore. It is just not a true reflection of what is taking place in our bodies...especially when you are lifting!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh, btw, Kiki is "obese" so that should tell you!
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    You can read this about water retention, and how it affects women:
  • Newme012
    Newme012 Posts: 43
    Oh, btw, Kiki is "obese" so that should tell you!
    Wow, really? This is compelling for sure!
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I know you're right, but it's just so hard to let go of that number. Everything you read bases your health on the number on the scale. I know that my number is too high and I know I need to figure out how to get it down. It just irks me that its not moving even though I'm eating right and working my butt off in the gym. It simply does not make sense to me.

    I keep telling myself that I need to put the scale away for good.....I never even owned a scale my entire life until I joined MFP.....but I feel so tied to it. It draws me in with it's electronic glassiness and tempts me with the hope of smaller numbers.

    I SO empathize with you! I'm entirely too attached to the scale and the number on it. Intellectually, I know I shouldn't be, but emotionally...ugh! If I see it go up even a fraction of a pound, I get depressed and dejected and just want to give up.

    At my weigh and measure last month I didn't move at all on pounds OR inches, but I did lose .7% body fat?! Well, that was twice as much body fat as the month before when I had lost 4.5 lbs and a few inches!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh, btw, Kiki is "obese" so that should tell you!
    Wow, really? This is compelling for sure!

    Ok I am exaggerating a bit, but her weight after her bulk cycle (and you see her pics) has her real close to the "overweight" point is, BMI and the scale really just isn't a true indication when losing weight if you are eating and lifting Don't want to be misleading in anyway, just want to throw that out there:-)
  • Newme012
    Newme012 Posts: 43
    ok, noted :wink:
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    The scale is SO deceptive! I'm so glad you did your measurements and you're now feeling better about your progress!

    If it's any consolation, I was comparing my weight and measurements from where I am now to where I was last year.

    Last year, at this time, I was 8 pounds lighter than I am now. But my measurements were bigger.

    Honestly, I'd rather look how I look now than how I looked last year. I feel tighter and more toned.

    Hang in there!!
  • geetabean
    geetabean Posts: 76
    I weighed myself this morning and I was down a pound!!! :love:

    And the funny things is that I KNEW it was going to happen. It appears that my body has a cycle of being STARVING a few days before letting go of weight. I've been tracking my daily weight and the trend seems to be that I lift hard, gain about a pound or two the day after and then maintain there for another day and then the next 2 days I'm super hungry and can't seem to get enough food in which time I go back to my previous lowest weight and then BAM.....I'm down another pound to my new lowest weight. This happened 2 weeks ago too. I guess it's true that our bodies all have cycles of fat loss that are very individual.

    Anyway.....just thought I'd share. I'm in a much better place mentally and I think that the longer I stay the course and really see how this process works for me, the better I will continue to feel (and look!)
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    I keep saying, slow and steady wins the is a life long commitment and sometimes the view on the scale must change to acknowledge where we are coming from and where we are going...I rarely get on the scale anymore...but I can tell you my waist is almost as small as it was at 140lbs...I don't mean to sound stuck up or anything like that, but I look better...I am still working on burning off fat, but came out of cut mode and now in maintenance mode because more fuel, means more ability to put on lean mass, which mean increased fat burning power!

    Stay encouraged, you are doing GREAT:flowerforyou:

    :heart: this! Thank you!!!! :flowerforyou: