How are you doing?

fififox Posts: 394 Member
Hi everyone. Day 2 for me today - Sore tonight! I felt a little tightness up the front of my thighs today and from my underarms stretching across towards my chest. Tonight I am really feeling it. Going up the stairs is sore. Coming down is even worse, lol! I am looking forward to my body becoming accustomed to this stress and finding it all easier. Tonight was difficult as my internet connection kept freezing so it was hard to keep up the continuity....I also ended up doing extra of several of the exercises as I kept going back a bit when it got stuck. I am looking forward to my dvd copy arriving. I'm glad to be doing this though :smile: How is everyone else doing?


  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    Tonight will be my first night. I am a little nervous. I have started this before made it a few days and quit. I am trying to not lose motivation this time and keep going. I could see result within 7 days last time so I am hoping for the same this time. Good luck to you.
  • mrsejennings
    mrsejennings Posts: 97 Member
    I keep getting distracted too! ergh. I thought of doing it while my 2 year old took a bath, but then I decided, the rest room is no place for jumping jacks...I meant to get up early today and do it, but I feel as if I am coming down with something. Trying again this evening after work! Oye! No more excuses though! =)
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 394 Member
    Yep, after 2 days you definitely start feeling like putting it off - but I just read a load of comments on another thread that say that by day 4 or 5 the pain goes. Can't wait. God I pray for her to count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 at the end of each exercise, lol! Let us know how you get on outtanms.
  • starkers80
    starkers80 Posts: 14 Member

    I am on day 2 here. Was a struggle to get motivated and put the DVD on after my little one went to bed tonight, but I'm glad I did.

    I have sore thighs and abs so far. But am happy with that as I feel like its done something, although I may not be saying that tomorrow when I attempt day 3!!
  • phoenix8633
    phoenix8633 Posts: 137 Member
    Did day 3 today thighs and legs in general are quit sore, bring on day 4!!

    By the weekend I think I'm going to be crawling everywhere!
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 394 Member
    Yeh, right now I'm focussing on getting myself out of bed in the morning, lol! Ah no, really - if anyone is reading who hasn't started yet, it's just what you'd expect when you start asking your body to do stuff like this that is out of your normal range and by all accounts another few days should see us through it. I guess that the fact that it is over in under 30 minutes helps you to get through it.
  • Sveid
    Sveid Posts: 37 Member
    My thighs are super sore, but I pushed through Day 2 today. My shoulders are tight and I'm having trouble walking around, but I love the feeling, haha. I'm excited to see my results. :)
  • kristenetc
    kristenetc Posts: 11
    i just did day 1 and i'm sore, but i'm already looking forward to day 4 or 5 when (i've heard) i won't find it as difficult. i used to do a lot of training like this, but haven't in about a year and a half, so i was surprised to find it difficult but i hope that goes away and i can get back into actually exercising regularly.

    did anyone else's neck and shoulders hurt? i feel like that might mean i'm doing something wrong in the ab exercises.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I lift pretty heavy weights, and thought this would be easy...uhmmm nope! The weight part is fine for me..but, not used to jumping and kicking my own butt with my feet. I will gain endurance from this, I am looking forward to it.. Good luck all!

    Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • sonal150
    sonal150 Posts: 36 Member
    Day 2 was much difficult that Day 1. My thighs are very sore. Arms hurt, even my shoulders are stiff.....and I am exhausted.
    But I am pushing though and waiting for Day 5/Day 6 when the pain will magically go away :wink:

  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    I too am on day two and I am dreading every bit of it! I was only slightly sore this morning but after a long work shift my soreness is at full maximum. I read the same post that lovely fififox read stating that it was around day four or five that the pain begins to wear and I thought, I can do that! Haha. :bigsmile:

    I'm going to go for a nice, long walk with my boyfriend to try to stretch out my muscles. I think that's why I'm so sore - I'm so afraid of the discomfort that I tense up! :tongue: I plan to do a little hiking tomorrow morning too, so we'll see how it goes.

    I'm so glad for all of your support and just know that I'm here if any of you need a little support too! :heart: :smile:

    Onward to completing my "day two"!
  • SouthernSweetie74
    UGH! I felt great today... only a little soreness in my back. (yesterday was day 1) I'd been working on my arms and legs for a couple of weeks, so they aren't as sore as they were when I first started exercising, but my back muscles are feeling it.

    Today is day 2, and I haven't done it yet. EEK! 9:41p.m. and I just got home. Today was a busy day. I keep telling myself it's only 20 minutes, though, and I can do this! Soooo.... somebody come kick me in the rear!

    Okay... about to go change and get my workout on.

    Somebody please ask me later to make sure I actually did get my workout on.

  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    so excited to start on monday lol. guess no pain no gain :) only thing is after day 1 when you are sore how can you work at your best day 2. lets see. great work keep it up guys.
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 234 Member
    I did not think it was that bad on Monday come Tuesday my calf's hurt like no other. He he now my arms and abs hurt but not as much as my calf's I cant even walk. Day four tomorrow.
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Whew! Day two complete. :bigsmile: It was still challenging but much easier than yesterday! I definitely think my leisurely walk that I did to stretch out my legs and my arms really helped. I will definitely continue doing so as a "warm-up" to my "warm-up". :laugh:

    I hope everyone else has great success today!
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    UGH! I felt great today... only a little soreness in my back. (yesterday was day 1) I'd been working on my arms and legs for a couple of weeks, so they aren't as sore as they were when I first started exercising, but my back muscles are feeling it.

    Today is day 2, and I haven't done it yet. EEK! 9:41p.m. and I just got home. Today was a busy day. I keep telling myself it's only 20 minutes, though, and I can do this! Soooo.... somebody come kick me in the rear!

    Okay... about to go change and get my workout on.

    Somebody please ask me later to make sure I actually did get my workout on.


    You go girl! I started mine at 9:13pm PST. :smile: You can do it! You'll feel great afterwards!
  • mjack87
    mjack87 Posts: 17
    Hi everyone! You are all doing amazing! I am about to do start day 3...I've got sore abs...sore thighs...sore arms are fine but I think that's because I was doing it without dumbells...however I went out and purchases a set of 1kg...hopefully they aren't too heavy! I am feeling fantastic though...
  • starkers80
    starkers80 Posts: 14 Member
    Day 3 done for me... and it hurt!! Glad its over with.
  • BridgettBZ
    BridgettBZ Posts: 50 Member
    I start this on Saturday... YIKES!! Super excited which is kind of twisted lol but nervous as well...
  • sonal150
    sonal150 Posts: 36 Member
    I see some of you have braved the DAY 3 and shined :glasses:
    I am yet to do my DAY 3 workout...but I feel great today. I was sore before and after the DAY 2 workout but I think my body is adapting a bit. I feel my thighs and legs overall have this new found strength. I do not think if this is true or it's just in my head :tongue:
    I feel stronger climbing up the stairs or even running to catch the bus/metro! I am happy with this.

    I am excited about the DAY 3 workout now. Will update you guys how it goes.
    How are all of you doing today? Is the soreness getting better?!