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Daily Accountability Thread



  • diddyh
    diddyh Posts: 131 Member
    Yesterday was good. I did my treadmill workout. I alternate cardio one day ~ strength trainging on my total gym and a few minutes on my treadmill the next. My co-workers decided last minute to go to out to eat. I did really well. I had a bowl of our favorite soup and a dinner roll. Normally I would have had an entre on top of that. I drank my quota of water.

    The scale is finally down after my salty weekend.

    2 lbs down ~ 9.4 lbs to go.

    72 days until we leave.
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    Down a lb to 120.3 for me this morning! 10 more to go!
  • diddyh
    diddyh Posts: 131 Member
    Down a lb to 120.3 for me this morning! 10 more to go!

  • diddyh
    diddyh Posts: 131 Member
    Yesterday was good. I did my strength-training workout and my eating was good. I intentionally added more protein and calories so I wouldn't be hungry. I keep seeing people on here not eating enough and I don't want to live feeling hungry the rest of my life so I'm going to do this without being hungry. I really don't need to eat a lot as a rule but I know I need fuel if I'm going to be working out on a regular basis. I think being satisfied and stuffing your face are two completely different things. I saw on a post yesterday someone said they weren't giving anything up now that they couldn't give up for the rest of their lives once they reached their goal. I think this is wise. Everything in moderation.

    2 lbs. down ~ 9.4 lbs. to go. (The pounds aren't coming off quickily but I'm sure toning up. I'll take it!)

    71 days till we leave.
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    Finally down to 204.8, still have 60 I want to lose, but was stuck at 207 for forever! Go me! Craved taco bell like crazy yesterday, ignored the craving, and ate an apple :)
  • emilypsb
    emilypsb Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new to this group but love this idea. I did okay yesterday (feel free to add me and look at my diary!) but snacked more than I wanted. I did a big workout with my PT in the morning though. I need to stay focused as my first dress fitting is in two weeks. And of course, my wedding is July 14!
  • diddyh
    diddyh Posts: 131 Member
    Finally down to 204.8, still have 60 I want to lose, but was stuck at 207 for forever! Go me! Craved taco bell like crazy yesterday, ignored the craving, and ate an apple :)

    Way to go! It sounds like things are moving in the right direction.
  • diddyh
    diddyh Posts: 131 Member
    69 days until we leave for my daughter's wedding.

    I was out of town for a couple of days. One town one day another town the next. We got back late both days and I talked my self out of working out. I didn't eat completely clean, but I did make good choices and I did use portion control. I haven't stuffed myself in a long time. That alone is worth this fitness journey. No more feeling stuffed, tired, and bloated after a meal. I did get in a good workout this morning. I spent time on my treadmill and had a really good strength-training workout on my total gym. I used some free weights too. Strength training is really starting to make a difference in my appearance even though the scale is slow to follow. It's okay. Even if I stayed at this weight and was rock solid, I'd be happy.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    I'm finally down a few pounds, which is fantastic since I don't have all that much to lose...and I lost .25 inch in my waist. And I can visibly see the changes. I am still .25 lb.over the weight I had been maintaining the last six years, before my weght started creepimg up. I consider 138 my normal weight, but I have always wanted to get ride of the belly fat. If I can lose 3 more lbs. I'm hoping that will do it. Foodwise, I've been right on track. I am encouraged and ready to hit the gym today.
  • diddyh
    diddyh Posts: 131 Member
    I'm finally down a few pounds, which is fantastic since I don't have all that much to lose...and I lost .25 inch in my waist. And I can visibly see the changes. I am still .25 lb.over the weight I had been maintaining the last six years, before my weght started creepimg up. I consider 138 my normal weight, but I have always wanted to get ride of the belly fat. If I can lose 3 more lbs. I'm hoping that will do it. Foodwise, I've been right on track. I am encouraged and ready to hit the gym today.

    Way to go!!
  • diddyh
    diddyh Posts: 131 Member
    68 days until we leave.

    Yesterday was the best day I've had in a while. My eating was good. I got it two really good workouts. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. It made up for the two days of not working out at all.

    Things are starting to really firm up too. Bonus!
  • amberdawn02
    amberdawn02 Posts: 23 Member
    This weekend was rough... holidays are tough because they don't come around all that often, but when they do - they set you back about a week! I went to a Cinco de Mayo party on Saturday, and although I got up early and went to a body attack class at the gym, I still consumed far too many margaritas and wayyy too much guacamole. I got back in gear yesterday by staying at 1200 net and exercising (gardening/yard work most of the afternoon and ran a 5k with my puppy). However, I did not eat "clean," 400 of my cals were from ice cream! Today my plan is to go running at lunch time and attend boot camp class tonight after work. I've also already planned all of my meals for the day and hope to stick with it. I don't know if I am just retaining a lot of water still from all of the salt on the margaritas, but the scale does not like me right now! I wish I had the discipline to only step on the scale once a week, but I find myself stepping on it daily!

    diddyh - way to go on the "firm up"!!! I wish I was feeling that way!
  • alicialee05
    alicialee05 Posts: 50 Member
    This weekend was rough... holidays are tough because they don't come around all that often, but when they do - they set you back about a week! I went to a Cinco de Mayo party on Saturday, and although I got up early and went to a body attack class at the gym, I still consumed far too many margaritas and wayyy too much guacamole. I got back in gear yesterday by staying at 1200 net and exercising (gardening/yard work most of the afternoon and ran a 5k with my puppy). However, I did not eat "clean," 400 of my cals were from ice cream! Today my plan is to go running at lunch time and attend boot camp class tonight after work. I've also already planned all of my meals for the day and hope to stick with it. I don't know if I am just retaining a lot of water still from all of the salt on the margaritas, but the scale does not like me right now! I wish I had the discipline to only step on the scale once a week, but I find myself stepping on it daily!

    diddyh - way to go on the "firm up"!!! I wish I was feeling that way!

    I also had a rough weekend. Movies on Friday night to see The Avengers, so I had some terrible movie theater food! And Then Saturday I ran my first 5k, it went well (would have gone better if i stuck with the c25k program, but I didn't.) There was a cinco de mayo after party, so i had a couple beers-- but i didn't eat too terrible-- haddock and brown rice. (surprised the pub had something that wasn't completely terrible..) Yesterday I was so sore I didn't move from the couch! HA!
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Saturday was godawful. Worked an unexpected overnight (18 hours straight) and kept eating Skittles to keep myself awake, then basically ate anything because I was so tired I didn't care.

    Sunday was better, but I was still so out of it, I probably ate stuff I shouldn't have (and I don't even think I tracked it all).

    Today will be better-- I'm running on 4 hours of sleep, but dammit, I'm going to eat healthy (thank you work cafeteria for ensuring this via a salad bar).
  • diddyh
    diddyh Posts: 131 Member
    Yesterday was good. I did my workout and my eating was good. I ate a few more calories for dinner than I would have liked but not a big deal. My husband cooked dinner and I enjoyed it. I did my strength-training workout this morning. My muscles feel like goo right now.

    67 days until we leave.
  • alicialee05
    alicialee05 Posts: 50 Member
    My last few days haven't been fantastic. At least one meal I've splurged, which I suppose could be worse.

    Saturday's 5k went good, but I've been recovering since.

    Back to P90X tonight!-- It's week 4, and our "easy" week, but I think we may add in some ab ripper X, since we've been slacking so much!
  • MrsLeibas
    MrsLeibas Posts: 43 Member
    Yesterday was my worst day in while. Ate half of a large pizza from pizza hut and dipped it in ranch dressing (full flavor, not even light or fat free)!!

    Today was better, I ate better, I'm under my calories and got a good workout in. I was hoping for 2 workouts to make up for yesterday, but I couldn't make that happen. I had chores to do around the house (laundry and cleaning).

    I'm hoping for a good day again tomorrow. I work all day (12+ hours) so getting a workout in will be difficult and usually doesn't happen on work nights but maybe I can sneak a short one in and get a few miles on the treadmill. The key is to keep trying right?
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    I was bad today, but it wasn't my fault. I had my meals planned and logged, my lunch packed. When I got to work I was recruited into helping a coworker deliver cupcakes to all the employees of our medical group, which entailed hitting six offices across town from 9 to 2. I left my lunch back at my office and ended up eating Mexican food on my boss. And for my effort I got two cupcakes, lol. And yes, I ate them both. So, that part was my fault. So, I'm about 400 calories over and I was too pooped to work out. I'll be back on track tomorrow...but I'm staying off the scale.
  • diddyh
    diddyh Posts: 131 Member
    Yesterday was almost a good day. My co-workers decided to go out for mexican food for lunch. I enjoyed my lunch! I decided to only have a smoothie for dinner (under 300 calories) to try and make up for it. I did get a second workout in yesterday. We had company stay the night and I can't workout this morning as it's in the same room as our guest bed. I planned ahead and got in a second workout yesterday to make up for it. I might get in a workout after work today. We'll see.

    66 days until we leave.
  • Carol_27
    Carol_27 Posts: 40
    posting on the main post - sorry