Getting started: activity level & calorie level help.

listabit Posts: 28 Member
I'm new to this group. I'm just getting started with this approach to weight/fat loss. In the past I have been very active with strength training and activty, but unfortunately I think I was WAY too aggressive with calorie restriction (at the recommendation of a nutitionist and trainer! 1500 cals for quite a while with some, but not a lot of fat loss) I've never enjoyed the results of my efforts I felt like I should see. To say I have been frustrated is an understatement.

I had a shoulder injury that I have been rehabing, which provided me with a needed break from the years of workout and diet intensity. So, now that I'm ready to start training again, I want to do it in a way that is less manic more productive.

The eat more to lose weight theory makes sense to me. I've been watching this thread and listening to FattoFit Radio podcasts. My inclination is to always think I should eat less so I need some help. I want to get off to a good start.

My stats are as follows:
age: 43
weight: 189 lb
height: 5'7"
BMR: 1590 (harris benedit per Fat2Fit calculator)

I'd like to get to a goal weight of 165lb. I have a desk job Mon-Friday. Fat2Fit says for light activity I should eat 2043, for moderate 2303. I haven't eaten this many calories regularly for a long time!

Here's my issue: I'm not sure what my activity level is. Right now I've significant'y dialed backy my intense workouts. (I'm sooo tired of working so hard without results - it's physically and mentally exhausting.)

Right now, I'm taking a spin class 2 days a week (35 minutes per class). On days I don't spin, I make sure I get 10,000 steps (which usually includes a 3-4 mile walk with my dogs at a moderate pace.)

I'm starting to get back to the gym for some lifting (still nursing the shoulder.) If I go, my gym workouts are 45 minutes with interval sets of 8 minutes of cardio and sets of lifting or body weight exercises. I really like my gym workouts, but I can feel myself start to get back into the mindset of really cranking up the exercise. I really want to get the eating level figured out before I do that.

What would you recommend I set my activity level at for the 2 spin classes and 10,000 steps 5 days?

What would you set it at if I did spin (35 minutes) 2X, gym 2X, and 10,000 steps 3 X?

I could use any advice anyone is willing to give that would help me get off to a good start with this very sane approach to taking care of myself.

Thanks in advance. Gotta go spin now! :smile:


  • listabit
    listabit Posts: 28 Member
    Nobody wants to help me? :frown:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey lady, it is never that no one wants to help...Kiki and I put in hours into the group everyday...we love helping and there are others too that chime right in, just hadn't gotten to you yet...

    Ok, first one moderate and the next option mentioned would be the next activity level up. Yes, you must fuel those workouts, I know it seems really strange, but for the body to burn efficiently and for metabolism to run high, you have to eat while working out. The mindset is to cut cals and increase workout, but that works against what the body needs. I will save the long explanation because it is all throughout the threads:smile:

    If you are looking for a fat burning routine with serious toning (when your are completly healed and released from your doctor to do so), do heavy lift program 3 days a week one hour max, HIIT training 2x a week 30 min max.
  • listabit
    listabit Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you! Moderate for now. I didn't know if I should count the steps/walking as exercise (see how warped my mind is?)

    When my spin class is over, I'm planning to start a lifting program again. Thanks for giving me the limits for that with HITT. Seems I need to know when to stop. Such an ironic problem.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thank you! Moderate for now. I didn't know if I should count the steps/walking as exercise (see how warped my mind is?)

    When my spin class is over, I'm planning to start a lifting program again. Thanks for giving me the limits for that with HITT. Seems I need to know when to stop. Such an ironic problem.

    Oh I know, oh my when I was eating less and before all the research...I was doing body pump and zumba class on the same day 3 times a week most weeks, then would follow that with the ellip or treadmill while pumping arms with weights, I would do cardio interval class as well, and try to get on the ellip and ride that thing for sometimes 2-3hrs while catching up on biggest loser....just ridiculous.

    Gosh I cut way that I know I can get the "look" I want with heavy lifting...I do that 3 times and zumba ONCE a week just cause I love to dance...other than that not a thing else. I think I added one HIIT session once in the last It is like now I know I don't have to do all that crazy cardio so I DON'T!
  • listabit
    listabit Posts: 28 Member
    Didn't it make you feel like you were going crazy doing all that work and NOT melting away?

    I'm not sure the eating more approach will work for me, but I'm going to give it a very serious try. I've finally gotten to the place where I figure I might as well be eating if my weight is staying the same. It's scary to feel like eating a "normal" amout of food will make you fat. I need to get out of that cause and effect. It's so dangerous. I'm just a middle-aged person trying to take care of myself and get rid of some fat. I certainly don't want to diet like a supermodel if I'm not going to look like one.

    I really appreciate everyone's experiences and sharing in this group. I'll let you know how it goes after a couple of weeks. I may need more help.

    Carry on!