Binging and Awareness

So my dad bought a gallon of ice cream, for the first time in about a month. He was standing up and binging on it (yeah, it runs in the family). Ice cream is a HUGE binge trigger for me. I don't know why. I ended up binging on it and had about 2 cups, which isn't so bad, considering I usually will consume massive more amounts of it. And my net is still 1500!! This is the first binge I have ever had in which I did not feel guilty during or after the binge. I felt a content awareness while binging. I was able to spot my food trigger (the ice cream), reflect on my mood (which was irritable all day), and reflect on what I ate today. I came to the conclusion that ice cream is a trigger food, I was moody all day, and I didn't eat enough nutrients for the day. I burned a lot of calories during spin, and was only netting 1,000. I don't think this was enough for me, which triggered cravings and the binge. I have come to the realization that I am going to pathologize my binge eating habits and treat it the same way as AA would treat a person who suffers from alcoholism. I am a binge eater, I have always been a binge eater, and I will always be a binge eater. I had a relapse, and will probably have future ones. It is going to be a lifetime struggle that I'm going to have to work on each day. A binge is not a setback, it is an opportunity to reflect on what triggered my binge and to get back to track the next day. If I could find my triggers, I could more easily find another coping skill besides binging. This is a huge breakthrough for me. I have never binged and felt no guilt afterwards. I actually feel content. I feel that I have a stronger awareness of my psych in relation to the binge. I don't think that I will ever gain a significant amount of weight again (knock on wood). A binge is usually a setback for me, and causes me to binge and binge because I already ****ed up. I honestly feel that after a lapse, I can just move on and eat healthy during the next meal. I am so happy right now. This is a first after a binge!!!


  • Helenabc
    Helenabc Posts: 39 Member
    What a great break through for you!
    We are often so hard on ourselves.
    We all deal with so much each day and sometimes the way we deal with it is not the best (bingeing) but its important to see it for what it is and move on the next day. In this way it does not take over us.
    Congratulations and good luck.
    Helen :smile:
  • Nomanomanom
    Nomanomanom Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations, that really is a break through. I am a binge eater too and know how all consuming it can be and the after effects. You must feel euphoric at being able to recognise and stop yourself going over the top.
    Long may it continue. x
  • Stella1983
    Stella1983 Posts: 4
    I have long known that I use food for comfort but only up until recently have I fully understood why I do it. Although this is a break through, I still feel consumed by it. I feel trapped almost. Like most I have this horrible guilt after, and like most I resolve to never do it again. Its not an enjoyable roller- coaster ride but I know I'm not alone. I'm relieved to have found this support network. I just hope I can give back what I have already received from your comments. I think we can overcome this, its a temporary habit.
  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    Good for you, it seems like a victory to me.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 267 Member
    Good for YOU! And thank you for sharing....I had a set back recently and reading your experience helped me to put things in perspective. I too hope to learn my triggers so that I can limit the damage or distract myself entirely.
  • HI! I am an emotional eater as well! It doesn't matter: Good, Bad, Happy, Sad, I eat! With bad days I "give" my self the frreedom to do what I want, and on good days I've "erarned" eating what I want!

    I am still trying to figure out my triggers and find a way to move through them to a healthy life style.

    I could use some support, tips, tricks, insights if anyone has any?!

    I also am a very good sounding board! If anyone ever needs a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to I am more than happy to lend the support! :-)

    Best of luck to everyone!!
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    proud of you to not feel guilty!!
    ive only been at this aboout a week now, & so far i havent fallen off, i hope and pray that i will have the same awareness and quit while i am ahead and ot beat myself up over it.
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    I have recently been analyzing and feeing the differences between real hunger pangs and when i am being emotionally

    Today I had my first real challenge!!!!It was a dewsy too.
    So far ive resisted eating emotionally, and am glad and proud of myself. I felt and worked through my feelings, but the night is still young,so it may be a long one,

    I received a very disturbing email from a relative with false aquisations of having demeaned another relative.She spoke without having heard my part of the story. These are both relatives with compulsive drinking problems and the demeaning feeling one is now feeling the repercussions of having breached some newly firmed up boundaries i had established concerning not enabling her financially anymore to drink. These repercussions have not included any demeaning words from me yet im being blamed.

    This time i wrote back a response with the one who emailed me immediately where in the past i mightve let it simmer. I realize misery loves company and that they are self demeaning to themselves and looking for somewhat else to blame and sympathy.They have no clue i am a compulsive eater and have similiar temptations, and disike the fact i am not an alcohilic and think i dont understand them.

    It would be easier not to have these people in my life. If i do cntinue to have them in my life , i refuse to let it interfere with my owncompulsions to eat. In finding i am sublimating the energy of feeling bad into determination and REFUSE to let their nonsense interfere with my own wellness,YAY for me.normally i would caretake them but no more.

    i also will refrain from talking further wiith both of these people till i reach at least 10 lbs or one month of my own challenge.

    what to do? do i have to keep them in my life? Anyone else have frustrating relatives???? How have you dealt with it