It's Official as of Monday!

This coming Monday I officially move into my half training plan. I've completed my 5k training plan and I'm doing a bridge week this week.

I'm trying to mentally prepare myself. Does/did anyone experience nervousness, insecurity, mental blockage when it came to training for the half? Part of me still feels like I'm half crazy even thinking about this, let alone doing it. I'm trying to shed that.

Anyone else starting their training around the same time? If I remember right there's at least a few people that have their half around the same time as mine. Mine is 9/23. I'm allowing myself 18 weeks for a 12 week training plan so that I can incorporate step back weeks, repeat weeks, or even a week of complete rest if I absolutely need it. So hopefully I'll be ready in time. I was going to do Hal Higdon's novice 1 plan, but I changed my mind and am doing his novice 2 plan. The mileage builds a bit faster, but I like that it will get me to 12 miles as my longest run instead of the 10 that the novice 1 plan would. I feel like I'll have more confidence if I've had mileage closer to the 13.1. Plus I feel like this is feasible for me since I have the extra six weeks. I hope I'm right on that and don't end up regretting my decision.

Anyways, I'm just one big ball of excitement, nervousness, insecurity, giddiness, and a ton of other feelings all at once right now!


  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    I just finished my first 1/2 on Sunday. Any nervousness or apprehension you have right now is probably normal. But, it's nothing compared to the sense of acclomplishment you will feel after you do it. My advice is to get into the program and move forward. The miles will get easier and you'll gain confidence about the task ahead of you.
  • 987Runner
    987Runner Posts: 209
    That's great! You'll do great!

    I kind of followed the Novice 2 for my half that's coming up on May 19th. After that I'll take a break from running to do Insanity, Then 12 weeks before my next half in October, I'll jump up to the Intermediate level to improve my time over the one that's coming up.

    It's exciting, you're going to have a love/hate relationship with it. The hate is when it hurts during the run but the worth it!!! It's kind of like giving birth! LOL
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    That's great! You'll do great!

    I kind of followed the Novice 2 for my half that's coming up on May 19th. After that I'll take a break from running to do Insanity, Then 12 weeks before my next half in October, I'll jump up to the Intermediate level to improve my time over the one that's coming up.

    It's exciting, you're going to have a love/hate relationship with it. The hate is when it hurts during the run but the worth it!!! It's kind of like giving birth! LOL
    Can't comment on child birth, but definitely agree with the love/hate part.
  • dancer4life627
    dancer4life627 Posts: 40 Member
    This coming Monday I officially move into my half training plan. I've completed my 5k training plan and I'm doing a bridge week this week.

    I'm trying to mentally prepare myself. Does/did anyone experience nervousness, insecurity, mental blockage when it came to training for the half? Part of me still feels like I'm half crazy even thinking about this, let alone doing it. I'm trying to shed that.

    Anyone else starting their training around the same time? If I remember right there's at least a few people that have their half around the same time as mine. Mine is 9/23. I'm allowing myself 18 weeks for a 12 week training plan so that I can incorporate step back weeks, repeat weeks, or even a week of complete rest if I absolutely need it. So hopefully I'll be ready in time. I was going to do Hal Higdon's novice 1 plan, but I changed my mind and am doing his novice 2 plan. The mileage builds a bit faster, but I like that it will get me to 12 miles as my longest run instead of the 10 that the novice 1 plan would. I feel like I'll have more confidence if I've had mileage closer to the 13.1. Plus I feel like this is feasible for me since I have the extra six weeks. I hope I'm right on that and don't end up regretting my decision.

    Anyways, I'm just one big ball of excitement, nervousness, insecurity, giddiness, and a ton of other feelings all at once right now!

    I'm also going to start my 1/2 training on Monday, as well! I was going to start this week but I decided I would take a week off since I just finished my first 5k last weekend. I'm doing Hal Higdon's novice 2 plan as well. I think the thing I'm most nervous about is running those 3 days, back to back to back. My 1/2 isn't until October but I have a couple vacations planned this summer-- one being to Vegas and I know I won't be running in that heat so I'm giving myself ample time to plan for any bumps that might occur!
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    woohoo! Congratulations on completing the 5k program!! That's an awesome accomplishment! :)

    Look forward to following your 1/2 adventure!

    I was nervous/ unsure when i started! I had the option of doing a 10k program or 1/2 marathong.
    The prerequisite for the 10k was you could run 2km without a break.
    The prerequisite for the 1/2 was you could run 10k without a break, which i had done, i knew i could but it wasn't easy

    I contemplated taking the easy way out and doing the 10k program instead because i knew I could do it! But then i decided there really was no point in doing a program that wasn't going to push me! The whole point of workout out is to push your body and brain right! :laugh:
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    woohoo, so am i. exciting stuff.

    I've got 9 weeks to prep myself from 10km to 21km as I plan on doing my half marathon in July.

    Good luck with your training, and keep us posted.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    This coming Monday I officially move into my half training plan. I've completed my 5k training plan and I'm doing a bridge week this week.

    I'm trying to mentally prepare myself. Does/did anyone experience nervousness, insecurity, mental blockage when it came to training for the half? Part of me still feels like I'm half crazy even thinking about this, let alone doing it. I'm trying to shed that.

    Anyone else starting their training around the same time? If I remember right there's at least a few people that have their half around the same time as mine. Mine is 9/23. I'm allowing myself 18 weeks for a 12 week training plan so that I can incorporate step back weeks, repeat weeks, or even a week of complete rest if I absolutely need it. So hopefully I'll be ready in time. I was going to do Hal Higdon's novice 1 plan, but I changed my mind and am doing his novice 2 plan. The mileage builds a bit faster, but I like that it will get me to 12 miles as my longest run instead of the 10 that the novice 1 plan would. I feel like I'll have more confidence if I've had mileage closer to the 13.1. Plus I feel like this is feasible for me since I have the extra six weeks. I hope I'm right on that and don't end up regretting my decision.

    Anyways, I'm just one big ball of excitement, nervousness, insecurity, giddiness, and a ton of other feelings all at once right now!

    I'm also going to start my 1/2 training on Monday, as well! I was going to start this week but I decided I would take a week off since I just finished my first 5k last weekend. I'm doing Hal Higdon's novice 2 plan as well. I think the thing I'm most nervous about is running those 3 days, back to back to back. My 1/2 isn't until October but I have a couple vacations planned this summer-- one being to Vegas and I know I won't be running in that heat so I'm giving myself ample time to plan for any bumps that might occur!

    I'm also nervous about the 3 runs during the week. I almost feel like the long run will seem easier, but I'm not used to running 3 days in a row. I'm thinking I'll play it by ear and if I need a break now and then it's probably not the end of the world if I cut out one of the weekday runs every now and then.
  • This coming Monday I officially move into my half training plan. I've completed my 5k training plan and I'm doing a bridge week this week.

    I'm trying to mentally prepare myself. Does/did anyone experience nervousness, insecurity, mental blockage when it came to training for the half? Part of me still feels like I'm half crazy even thinking about this, let alone doing it. I'm trying to shed that.

    Anyone else starting their training around the same time? If I remember right there's at least a few people that have their half around the same time as mine. Mine is 9/23. I'm allowing myself 18 weeks for a 12 week training plan so that I can incorporate step back weeks, repeat weeks, or even a week of complete rest if I absolutely need it. So hopefully I'll be ready in time. I was going to do Hal Higdon's novice 1 plan, but I changed my mind and am doing his novice 2 plan. The mileage builds a bit faster, but I like that it will get me to 12 miles as my longest run instead of the 10 that the novice 1 plan would. I feel like I'll have more confidence if I've had mileage closer to the 13.1. Plus I feel like this is feasible for me since I have the extra six weeks. I hope I'm right on that and don't end up regretting my decision.

    Anyways, I'm just one big ball of excitement, nervousness, insecurity, giddiness, and a ton of other feelings all at once right now!

    I was a little nervous at first but now I'm 8-9 miles in and feel confident all will work out for the best...
  • I am running my first half at the end of June. I have been doing distance running for about 6 months and just started an actual training plan. I am scared too, but you can do it! You already trained for the 5K and the initial "get up and MOVE" is the hardest part! Adding mileage each week will feel more "natural" than you can imagine right now. If someone told me 6 months ago that I would even do a 10 mile run (I've done a couple now) I would have laughed hysterically. You will be fine and you will LOVE the adrenaline bursts along the way! Every time that I feel weak or tired I picture the finish line next month. I keep my eye on the prize. I think about how good it will feel. I remind myself that it is a mental game and it is one that I can win if I want! I hope that helps a little. I am also looking for lots of support! There are so many tips to help along the way. I am learning that! It is also good to know that you are not alone in your feelings!
  • terbee
    terbee Posts: 72
    Congrats! I'm three weeks out from my first half. I'm very visual so I've benefited from having a spreadsheet of my training plan. Each run I complete, I change the background color of the cell and enter my pace, so I get a good picture of how far I have come. I was very intimidated at first by looking at the "big picture" and not sure I could do 10+ mile runs, but, many weeks later, I am now doing them! Trust in your training. Consistently doing the 3 shorter runs x week will really strengthen you for your long runs.

    And if you have a "bad" run here and there don't let it get you down. I still get negative thoughts sometimes that I can't do it (usually around miles 6-8!) but you can push through... or if not, try again on your next run. It's great that you have enough time to really build your confidence. I have no doubt you will achieve it!

    edited to add, doing three runs three days in a row seems overwhelming to me too. I have done my short runs on Tues am, Wed pm, and Fri am (long on Sun) and it has felt like adequate recovery time to me - haven't missed a single on yet. I think it's important to modify a schedule so that it fits in with your social life, routines etc too.