For Post-Surgery People: How Many Months/Years are you Out?



  • TeresaWash
    TeresaWash Posts: 283
    1 year, 11 months 147 glorious pounds.

  • I had surgery last september, which makes me about 8 months out. I lost 125 pounds, and went from 400 to 275. For the last 4 months, I have struggled, and lost only 5-10 pounds a month. I am working out regularly (cardio and strength) and have seen myself drop clothing sizes, even though the weight itself isnt moving. I am still working on pushing my exercising more, and just changed up my routine as a way to (hopefully) jump start my body again!! I am about to "Go back to basics" and do a couple of days of protein shakes - that might help kick my body back into gear!! :tongue:
  • jenessae
    jenessae Posts: 23
    I had my surgery October of 2009 I've lost 78lbs since then. I'm still about 30lbs away from my goal. I've been the same weight now for about 2 years. It's so frustrating I feel like the people that know about my surgery, don't understand why I can't just loose it. Thing is I can't eat any less. All I can do is excersise more. I joined mfp about a month ago hoping to get some support. I'm so glad I found this group :)
  • rumpusparable
    rumpusparable Posts: 160
    Almost 4 months out and doing great!
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    My RNY was November of 2004 so I'm 7 years and 6 months out (to the day, tomorrow, actually)..

    Initially I went from 420 to between 245 and 250.. stayed there for a few years.. then after a bad breakup, I dropped to about 215.. then bounced back up to 285. 270 currently.

    I'd love to get to my original goal of 185 (my doctor wanted me at 150 but I said, as much as I adore and trust you, you crazy!). After seeing myself at 215, I think I'll be comfortable and healthy at 185.

  • I had RNY April 2010 and lost quite a bit of weight, I used to be in a size 4 at goal which was at 125, I have now gained 23 lbs and am in a size 8...I am NOT comfortable at this weight, I don't feel as healthy as I did when I was at goal...I am here for an INTERVENTION! Please help me, is there anything I can do. Here are my problems: Sweets and Diet coke and Pizza...I know I have to cut them out PERIOD! I am WILLING! My question is, do I need to do a clear liquid diet to get me on track, or have yall heard of the pouch test? Any suggestions would be awesome! Thank yall so much!
  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    I had RNY April 2010 and lost quite a bit of weight, I used to be in a size 4 at goal which was at 125, I have now gained 23 lbs and am in a size 8...I am NOT comfortable at this weight, I don't feel as healthy as I did when I was at goal...I am here for an INTERVENTION! Please help me, is there anything I can do. Here are my problems: Sweets and Diet coke and Pizza...I know I have to cut them out PERIOD! I am WILLING! My question is, do I need to do a clear liquid diet to get me on track, or have yall heard of the pouch test? Any suggestions would be awesome! Thank yall so much!
    I'm 18 years out from my RNY and just completed the pouch test. I suggest that it is a good place to start. What harm could it do to start there. It will certainly put you back in touch with your pouch and let you know how to recognize that full feeling again. It did for me. Good luck.
  • I'm 7 months out RNY. I'v e lost about 111 pounds. My journey has been quite pleasant. Really glad that I made this choice for myself.
  • Hi Kristy,
    My name is Connie. I had my surgery in 2003. I was 372 and I lost 152 lbs. Over the years I gained back 64 lbs. My obstacle was my surgeon dropped my insurance after my 1 week appt I had it done out of town.. So I've gone all these yrs eating any way I wanted. Stresses cause of being a caregiver to both parents, losing my dad and all the responsibility of all my family and no one else willing to help. My Rheumatologist got me into the local hospital bariatric group. I know use the dietitian, their large support group and their behavior modification smaller group. What I'm saying is that I thought it was to late for me. Making that first step to call the dietitian and going and stepping on that scale that I dreaded so much but, you know what in one week I lost 9 lbs. In 1 month I lost 14 lbs. You can do it. Use all the different outlets available to you. You can contact me anytime. This food plan is good too. I was told not to go over 1200 cal and get 60 grams of protein. My biggest thing was drinking while eating. I don't do that any more. You can adjust the calories and any nutrient values. All other programs I tried says I need 2300 calories. Geez... wouldn't that be great. Okay now I hope this is some help. Kristy you can do this. Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • jonnaby
    jonnaby Posts: 2
    Hello! I just joined and looking for support! I am almost a year out from having gastric bypass and about 20lbs away from my goal. The honeymoon period is over and it is harder to lose the weight. I have lost about 95lbs and am the smallest I have ever been! I feel healthy and happy with my weight loss. Hopefully this site will give me the motivation I need to reach goal!
  • puckfan
    puckfan Posts: 23 Member
    I had my RNY November 7, 2011. I lost 23 pounds prior to that, and 96 since. No regrets! :)
  • Teenalou
    Teenalou Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All. I had RNY Dec. 13, 2011 and have lost 68 pounds. I am following the food plan given me and exercising. I have more energy and feel better than I have for years. My blood pressure is normal range without medication and I enjoy working in the yard again. My surgeon reccommends 80 grams of protein a day.
  • lmds99
    lmds99 Posts: 3
    Lap band in August 2011. Down 113 pounds so far (about 32 of those were prior to surgery).
  • kfink426
    kfink426 Posts: 16
    Hi everyone. I am 11 months out (gastric bypass) and down 80 lbs. My starting weight was 300 lbs even, now it's 220 lbs. My goal is 180 lbs. I'm struggling a bit as the honeymoon phase is over as my stomach has stretched a bit. I exercise everyday, and I'm using this site to track my calorie intake. However, a lot of my medical problems have gone away completely because of the weight loss - diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. . . . which was my main goal, to get healthy again! Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi, I am post bypass on 11/21/11. My starting weight was 288, currently 197. I have a lot of medical problems 7 years post brain surgery and Lp shunt. I had no problems til a few weeks ago when I started getting pains in my right side thought I pulled a muscle working out. Turned out to be gallbladder attacks from gallstones. So on 5/17 I had my gallbladder removed. Surgeon has my on restrictions no lifting, pushing or pulling more than 5 lbs. Before surgery I was walking over 2 miles a day 5 days a week and doing zumba twice a week. So now I have to wait for clearance fron the dr to do anything other than walking. But I walked around the block twice the night of surgery and today walked over a mile with my son. Granted it took me 40 mins but at least I was up moving. I would love any and all support others in my situation with the bypass could give me. Please feel free to add me.
  • sdm329
    sdm329 Posts: 57
    I had RNY April 2010 and lost quite a bit of weight, I used to be in a size 4 at goal which was at 125, I have now gained 23 lbs and am in a size 8...I am NOT comfortable at this weight, I don't feel as healthy as I did when I was at goal...I am here for an INTERVENTION! Please help me, is there anything I can do. Here are my problems: Sweets and Diet coke and Pizza...I know I have to cut them out PERIOD! I am WILLING! My question is, do I need to do a clear liquid diet to get me on track, or have yall heard of the pouch test? Any suggestions would be awesome! Thank yall so much!

    I had this conversation with my surgeon in March and after some testing, he said my pouch was fine and all I needed to do was get back to the basics. Whatever your surgeon had you do while you were dropping, do it again. The biggest thing is NO liquids when you eat! Good luck.
  • RNYskinnygirl
    RNYskinnygirl Posts: 5 Member

    Newbie here...i am a little over 6 weeks post op. So far about 32 lbs down after RNY.
  • Hello everyone...I'm truly a newbie I had my surgery (RnY Bypass) on 5/16/12 so I'm only 5 days out... I promised myself that I wouldn't weigh myself until my follow up... I want to focus on getting the fluids and proteins in now and not on my weight. I know that prior to surgery I was down 17lbs... Starting weight was 367lb my goal is to get down to 210lbs. I heard about this site at one of my support groups so I'm hoping that this along with the support group will keep me on task on my way to my goal and beyond...
  • JfMarrs
    JfMarrs Posts: 110 Member
    I'm one month post RNY today. I lost 125lbs in the 9 months from my 1st appointment with my surgeon through the date of my surgery. I actually gained 15 pounds in the hospital over 6 days from IV fluids (complications kept me in ICU for 3 of those days). In the last 4 weeks I lost 25 pounds (10 plus the fluids from the hospital).
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    Hi everyone! I just recently joined the group. I had RNY gastric bypass 11/21/11 so it's 6 months today:-) I have lost 98 pounds so far!