


  • ChasingChelsey
    ChasingChelsey Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am Chelsey, i am 19 and have a 3 month old daughter! I am happily married to the most amazing man i have ever met. By the end of my pregnancy, i weighed 264. I lost a bunch of weight right off the bat, and i am now fighting against the hard stuff! i currently weigh 236 and hope to get down to 150. i just joined MFP last night! Feel free to add me for any support!
  • Starklover
    Starklover Posts: 57
    Hello, I am 22 years old and mother of two little girls. Averie is 3 and Morgan is 9 months old. I ended up getting up to 220 pounds after the combined weight gain of both girls. I want to get back down to my prepregnancy and graduation weight which is 170. I know that that is still "overweight" on the BMI but that is what I was all through highschool and I loved my body then! I like to be a little bit curvy. my main inspirations for getting my but in gear are: keeping up with my girls, feeling attractive for my fiance and so I look good in my wedding dress in October! I joined MFP a couple of weeks ago and have already lost 6 pounds :)
  • KristieJC
    KristieJC Posts: 243 Member
    My daughter is 6 and my son is 2. I've been on MFP just about two weeks. My goals are to get this weight off: I want to look better and be healthier. I love this site! There's so much good information. It's so nice to have a group of people that have the same issues I have so we can help each other reach our goals!
  • monkabopb1
    monkabopb1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, Im Monica mom of 3 i have 2 boys ages 14 and 5 and one daughter age 3. I just join MFP about 3 months ago. My goal is to get healthy and stay healthy this site is helping me a lot. I have lost 8lbs so far thats with eating better and exercise. I would like to lose about 10 more.
  • CarleyJS2
    CarleyJS2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I'm Carley. I am a stay-at-home Mother of 6. I have baby weight like no tomorrow!! lol I am 39 years old and live in Nevada. People that I joined with here on MFP about a week ago don't seem to be actively posting so I decided to find people who do. So far I lost 4 lbs! =D I feel more ready to do this than ever and I have a whole person to lose! lol I started at 283 lbs and am now 279. On the right direction!

  • coastiebride1120
    coastiebride1120 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi I'm Jessica I am a stay at home mom to a beautiful baby boy who just turned 7 months. I have been on MFP for a few months now on and off but I am here for real this time and have been actively using MFP for a few weeks now. Since starting MFP I am down 5lbs and I have another 30lbs to go. Overall I am down 60lbs since giving birth and have 5 more to go until I reach prebaby weight again. My husband is currently deployed until August and I want to knock his socks off with all the progress I hope to continue to make. Feel free to add me. TIA :)
  • nlm74
    nlm74 Posts: 8 Member
    Just joined!

    I'm 31 yr old SAHM PLUS I also work from home 40hrs while they're sleeping and when my husband is home. I just had my 2nd 6 months ago and I have a 3yr old as well. I gained about 50ish lbs with each child, but with my 2nd I was a bit heavier to begin with. My goal is to weigh 110 again (I'm 5'1), so I have 38 lbs to lose. I'm super motivated! I don't really have a problem disciplining myself when it comes to food, especially since I'm trying to cook and model healthier for my kids. My main concern is finding time to exercise. Early mornings and nights are out, as that's when I work, and the kids nap at separate times so it's tricky. That being said, I might be not take advantage of every free moment, and might be a bit lazy. I need some help with that and need support to kick my booty in to gear.....literally.
  • mekay93
    mekay93 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm 36 yrs old. I've been married almost 18 years and have 3 teenage boys. I am a fulltime working mom at a bank. I started seeing a weight loss doctor a little over a year ago and have slowly but surely losing weight. My all time high was 213 lbs and I am down to 158 lbs, I have another 23 lbs to go till I reach my goal. I walk/job several times a week and go to Zumba twice a week. I've been using My Fitness Pal on and off since 2010.
  • MoozMommy7575
    MoozMommy7575 Posts: 4 Member
    hi! im 23yrs old i have an 18 month old son named lucas, im a stay at hope mom. I about 4 years ago weighed 280lbs after working and having fun i dropped down to 185 about 1 and a half years later i met the love of my life and he spoiled me rotten haha!! about 6 months after dating we ended up getting pregnant with our son after i had him i went into a deep depression because i had gained weight which led to gaining all my weight back. So now im on a mission to fit back into my size 13 jeans and into my wedding dress which i need to fit into by 9/7/2013 my wedding. but im having trouble its not the same as it was before now having a son a future husband a dog and a house to take care of and set aside time to work out and eat right. HELP!!!!!
  • emom3boys
    emom3boys Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! My name is Emily and I'm 34 years old. I have 3 sons - ages 8, 6, and 2. I signed up a couple of days ago because I really want to do something for me. In the process of taking care of me, I will be able to be more active in my boys' lives, live a better, more fulfilled life, and not have to worry so much about my health in the future. Thanks in advance for the support!
  • Hi there!
    I am Rachel and am a mom to an almost one year old. She makes me feel so beautiful. So does hubby... but myself... not so much. I had a really rough time after she was born with recovery from a C-Section and post pardum and now am feeling like myself and have been having trouble loosing weight. I am on here to get motivation and become accountable for my calories, etc; and exercise. Add me!
  • jenni3001
    jenni3001 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, my name is Jennifer. I'm a first time mom to a three week old. I used MFP to lose weight before I got pregnant and love how manageable it is to use with my busy life. I need to lose 25 pounds to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, but would like to lose 35 total pounds since I was trying to lose those last ten before I got the surprise of my life. I need to get back into the swing of tracking what I eat. I plan to start working out as soon as I get the okay from the doctor in a few weeks. Any advice from moms who have been successful would be greatly appreciated :)
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    jenni - getting started early is already a great start! i waited 5 months before getting serious about loosing the baby wait and i SOOO wish i hadnt!

    good luck!
  • mariemc91
    mariemc91 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello, my name is Marie. My oldest son is 2 and my youngest son is 1 month. I started mfp a week ago and love it! I've lost 4 pounds and have 14 pounds to go to reach my goal. Add me please I could use the extra motivation. :)
  • CJsSweetMom
    CJsSweetMom Posts: 10 Member
    Hi My name is Lyndsey, I am 31 and Have a 7 year old daughter. I was doing really good on MFP then fell off the wagon and hit pretty hard. I am finally back on here and trying to motivate again. My husand and I are going to start trying for child number 2 in Septemer and I would like to be a bit more healthy than I am now. I am here for some support and motivation!
  • fitladybug2012
    fitladybug2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, My name is Lori and I'm a school teacher happily married with two kiddos. I just finished my first week on myfitnesspal and I'm excited at how easy it is to keep track and stay on top of my health. I'm looking to lose about 50 pounds. I weigh in tomorrow! :)
    I hope to meet some nice supportive people on here to keep me motivated!

    Wishing everyone a successful road to health!

  • taboat
    taboat Posts: 2
    Hello everyone! My name is Teresa and I've been using myfitnesspal on my phone for awhile (off & on..) but didn't know there were any groups until I logged on using my computer! I've got 2 kids - 5 years old & 8 weeks old. The weight isn't dropping off as quickly this time around so I'm trying to be more disciplined with my eating and exercise. I'm still about 20 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight. Looking forward to connecting with others that share similar goals!
  • momabuck
    momabuck Posts: 3
    Hello my name is Kelly and I am 34 years old.

    How old are your kids? I have four boys ages 6, 4, 1, and 8 months. I am still nursing my 8 month old

    How long have you been here on MFP? Just joined yesterday!!

    What are your goals? I hope to lose at least 30 lbs and fit back into my clothes from a long time ago ; )

    Share anything you'd like!
  • Hi, my name is Janae. I have 3 kiddos. My younger just turned 1. This is the first time I have had a baby turn 1 and I wasn't at my goal weight. I have 40 pounds to lose still. I've been trying to lose this weight since Aug of 2011!! Really wanting to fit into my cute winter clothes this year. wish me luck and help keep me motivated ;-)
  • smartblonde529
    smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am kinda new to MFP and so far I am loving it! I have two children, my son is 2 and my daughter is 10 months. They keep me very busy and exhausted but I wouldn't change it for the world. I have always been a tad bit heavier and struggled with my weight, but when I got pregnant with my son, things spiraled out of control as I gained over 50lbs. I found out after he was born that those pounds don't just fall off like I thought they would. So I found myself being a very overweight new mom and full time student who had no clue how to loose all this weight. I didn't start working out til my son was 2 months, but once I did I joined weight watchers since I was nursing to learn about the proper nutrition I needed for myself and my son. I also started doing the p90x program which was a tad bit over my head, but everyday got easier and by the time my son was 7 months old I had lost over 40lbs. I hit a plateau at that point and discovered it was because I was pregnant with my daughter, surprise! I did much better with her pregnancy and have already managed to loose the baby weight, but now it's time to loose the weight that has haunted me for years. After working out and loosing weight for the past two years, I have found a love for health, nutrition, and fitness and have decided I want a career in this field. I love learning new things about nutrition and fitness and love the way it makes my body feel. Right now I struggle with eating a few too many sweets late at night but I'm working on it everyday. I have had a hard time figuring out how many calories to eat while nursing my daughter and with the amount of exercise I do but hopefully I have it figured out. I would love to find more moms so we can all help motivate each other on our journeys so feel free to add me. Good luck to everyone on our weight loss adventure = )