Increasing Calories Need Help Please

Kgreenlaker Posts: 18 Member
I know this is probably a topic that has been beaten to death but I am new to this site and new to this concept. I have been eating about 1400 calories per day for the last four weeks since abdominal surgery. I lost 18 pounds for the first three weeks but I am actually gaining weight the past week. I went on the scooby site and it recommends 1900 calories a day for optimal weight loss. Could the reduction in calories be causing me to gain weight back?


  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    I would say yes, you should be eating at least over your BMR and if you are at maintenance you want to eat at your TDEE. If you want to lose you should do TDEE minus 15%. Hope that helps, you may have just gained water weight, and especially if you had surgery, cut yourself some slack and try not to freak out. You need to get yourself on the mend and then you can focus on working out etc. hope that helps.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Well I really don't have too much info here. The video on TDEE talks about the importance of fueling your body.

    There can be many contributing factors for weight gain. I don't have too much info, but I would say, it is time to consider tdee - 15% as a new calorie intake.
  • Kgreenlaker
    Kgreenlaker Posts: 18 Member
    Ok thanks for the feedback I will start increasing my calories tomorrow and see how I do over the next two weeks.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh btw please read what to expect when upping and give it no less than 4-6wks the topic will explain why.