Your Attendence

Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
How regular are you in attending meetings?

Today is the first time I have missed a meeting in over 6 months! Bummer, but have to meet with the auto insurance adjuster.

We have a KOPS that has only missed about 3 meeting in over 20 years!


  • theresasdesertdogs
    Hi Dixie, I've been going to tops since Oct 2011. I haven't missed any weigh-in yet, but could not stay for a meeting once because of sickness. I feel that I really need the meetings to stay on track.
  • Joyfulll1
    Joyfulll1 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Guys,

    This is my first day at My Fitness site. Hope I can figure it out. I was so happy to find a TOPS group. I've been going to TOPS almost a year but did not get serious until last October. I've lost almost 50 lbs so far but need to lose a lot more. I'm afraid in the beginning I missed several meetings but now it has to be a real big deal for me to miss. Yesterday was my meeting day and hit the 12 week of consistant loss so got my $12 whoo hoooo!
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    Glad you found us!
  • Joyfulll1
    Joyfulll1 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm trying to get the TOPS ladies from our group to come here. I love the idea of having TOPS people here. So far I really love the site. Do many come here to this group?
  • emlee0630
    emlee0630 Posts: 48 Member
    I've been a TOPS member since the end of January but unfornately with my job (a 911 operator and police dispatcher) I have to miss between 4-8 weeks in a row, depanding on my schedule. Other than work I haven't missed a meeting and more importantly I haven't had a gain, and a lot of credit goes to MFP!!!!
  • TOPSRose
    TOPSRose Posts: 22 Member
    I found you!

    Hi everyone...I was having trouble finding this group, but Sueellen helped me. Attendance...hmmmm. I don't have an accurate number but I joined in 2001 and I bet I haven't missed more than a dozen meetings. I have been Leader and Co-Leader several different times and am currently enjoying being a member. lol I believe in attending the meetings. I have been KOPS and let bad old habits creep in. I lost my status and am back to trying to regain KOPS status. Currently I am about 15 pounds from goal. Without the support I get at meetings I wouldn't have fought my way back. Anybody agree?
  • allishaFaye
    allishaFaye Posts: 53 Member
    i have missed some. i missed a few because i went home to my parents but other wise i didnt miss any. i was only going to go weigh in and leave one night because i was up 8 pounds form going to my parents for a week but i just admitted it and stayed. hopefully ill be back in the loosing streak again because i have been gaining like way to much,. i did join a gym i have been going but i am still not loosing.. whats going on here???
  • Harlemite
    Harlemite Posts: 62 Member
    I just joined TOPS in mid May and found out about MFP through one of the members. Unfortunately, due to travel, I have already missed a meeting. I could hardly wait to get back to TOPS this week! I know I'll be missing another week in August due to travel and although I'm looking forward to a vacation, I'm not looking forward to missing TOPS!

    Glad I found this TOPS group too!
  • susan9
    susan9 Posts: 47 Member
    I belonged to my Tops chapter four years. Try not to miss weigh in even though I have been having trouble keeping weight off recently. I am always so glad that I went to Tops even if I had a gain. We always have fun and interesting and educational discussions.