Going on vacation...advice on how to stay on track!

twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
We're taking the kids to Disneyland this week and I know there's no way I'm gonna hit the gym or bring my DVD's with me. But I'll be doing a ton of walking!! I'll be wearing my BMF so I'll have a good idea of how many cals I'm burning from all the walking.

My question is how do stay within my calories?? I've looked everywhere online for nutritional information for the restaurants at Disneyland but I can't find anything. Do I just guess at the calories?

I'm not gonna stress about every little bite of food that goes in my mouth but I also don't want to go overboard and ruin all the hard work up to this point.

So.....any advice? Feedback? Suggestions??



  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    We're taking the kids to Disneyland this week and I know there's no way I'm gonna hit the gym or bring my DVD's with me. But I'll be doing a ton of walking!! I'll be wearing my BMF so I'll have a good idea of how many cals I'm burning from all the walking.

    My question is how do stay within my calories?? I've looked everywhere online for nutritional information for the restaurants at Disneyland but I can't find anything. Do I just guess at the calories?

    I'm not gonna stress about every little bite of food that goes in my mouth but I also don't want to go overboard and ruin all the hard work up to this point.

    So.....any advice? Feedback? Suggestions??


    I know when I go somewhere like that I walk a ton, I mean like twice or more then usual. So I wouldn't worry to much about it. I bet you will burn quit a bit just walking around the park and everything else.

    ps-I can usually just eyebal food and get a pretty good guess on the calories after logging food on here for the last 5months. I bet you can guess pretty close. Also you know about how much food fills you up right? So when your full, if you eat slow you should not go overboard if you stop then. As example I know around 800 to 1000 calories fills me up at a meal.
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    When possible and when you have the option, choose grilled chicken or fish over fried. Choose veggies/salad/fruit instead of fries :) Water over soda. Frozen yogurt over icecream.

    I am sure you will be just fine! You will be burning a ton just walking everywhere and doing all those activities all day long! Have a blast!! :)
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    And multi-grain or whole-grain over regular bread! Don't want to forget the carbs! You don't want to be too low on your calories either, especially with that much activity!!
  • googsgirl
    googsgirl Posts: 76 Member
    Twinmomtwice, you know how to make healthy choices already, and Disneyland restaurants have salads, whole wheat bread options etc. I wouldnt say it is the Healthiest place on earth, but it's the happiest!

    You can bring snacks too. We went last year and I brought protein bars and nuts and of course, my water bottle. BUT- I also had lots of treats too! The walking you will do ( 9am- 11 pm on some days!) makes up for the indulgences.
    Arm yourself with some good foods, indulge a little and then you wont feel gross, but you will still feel like you are on Vacation.

    We took our kids to subway each morning for breakfast before hitting the park. although it isnt the healthiest place, it was quick and easy and not too too bad for "fast food" in the am. If you go to a Character Breakfast, there are tons of options for healthy eating.

    I also brought healthier snacks ( fruit, pretzles in little ziplocks, granola bars...) for the kids so we didnt always have to go to concessions for snacks. With all the walking they get majorly hungry too!

    Have a blast! Wish I was going!!!!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Have fun, enjoy your time with your family. Take a picture with a Princess, buy your kids a silly hat.

    Don't worry about the food- one week will not 'ruin' all your hard work.

    Remember- this is eating for Life, not for a diet. Life includes vacations :)

    Have FUN!
  • chergarr73
    chergarr73 Posts: 59 Member
    Have fun, enjoy your time with your family. Take a picture with a Princess, buy your kids a silly hat.

    Don't worry about the food- one week will not 'ruin' all your hard work.

    Remember- this is eating for Life, not for a diet. Life includes vacations :)

    Have FUN!

    WELL SAID! I agree 100%
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh my, you will have a blast and shouldn't worry a bit about counting one single thing. This is a lifestyle. When you have done it a while you know how much in general you are taking in. My goodness relax on this vacay. I enjoy whatever I want on vacay. The thing is when you are eating at cut or tdee it is pretty filling and you shouldn't be depriving yourself..it is about moderation. So I find that on vacay I don't eat much different, I may just have an extra little dessert if I feel for it.

    It saddens me to see people stress over movie popcorn or vacay or going out to eat...we have to live and em2wl allows moderation, so when you indulge it can still fit in your cals and macros.

    Please enjoy yourself..and you will walk your butt off at Disney!! There is no time to sit, you are running from one ride to another, you will burn up what you eat on the walk from the car to get into the park...lol
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Thanks for the responses!! I will definitely enjoy myself and not worry so much about every little morsel!!!
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    I think you will prob just end up doing what you already are. Here are a few and when you read you will prob realise that it won't be that hard as you already do them already

    -salads with dressing on the side so you can have as much or as little as you like.
    -Only eat as much meat as you roughly think is right ,.... they can serve pretty big portions sometimes.
    -Order from kids meal so you get smaller sizes.
    -Walking all day will def help
    -vege options
    -ask how meat is cooked .. fried, grilled, etc
    -take someof your own snacks so not resorting to buying rubbish cos your so hungry.
    -keep up your water intake and limit sodas
    -can always do some jumping jacks/burpees etc to wake you up in the morning ... this will make you less likely to overeat or choose rubbish stuff if you start out your day feeling good and fit.

    Most of all enjoy your holiday and relax ... you can get back into the slog of this when you get back ... still gotta enjoy life after all or else what was the point! :)
  • AmyzNewGroove
    AmyzNewGroove Posts: 144 Member
    Have fun, enjoy your time with your family. Take a picture with a Princess, buy your kids a silly hat.

    Don't worry about the food- one week will not 'ruin' all your hard work.

    Remember- this is eating for Life, not for a diet. Life includes vacations :)

    Have FUN!

    THIS! Especially the part about buying the kiddos silly hats :) Take lots of pics of those silly hats!!! :D
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    First of all enjoy your vacation! You have the whole rest of your life to work on your fitness journey. Enjoy this once in a lifetime moment with your precious children!!!!!!

    The last time we went on vacation, I did bring some videos, weights, and also used the hotel fitness center for about an hour each day. I logged my food and ate at maintenance for 2 weeks...guess what...I lost like 4 pounds! Unheard of for me!
    I think letting go of all the stress did it for me, I really think there is something to that cortisol.