Working out on your breaks

rmoles18 Posts: 7 Member
Ok everyone... I have always wondered what everyone elses thoughts were on doing crunches/lunges/squats on your breaks at work. I have thought about trying to get in a round of all (crunches, oblique twists, reverse lunges, donkeys, squats) while on my allotted 15 min break at work? is that unethical or against the rules or whatever? Please let me know :)


  • istalkzombies
    istalkzombies Posts: 344 Member
    At my work we can actually sign up for a half hour excersize period 3 days a week, I usually just go for a walk/jog so I dont get too sweaty and smelly lol and then on my normal breaks I just walk around and sometimes will thrown like 10 jumping jacks or some push up or burpees stuff like that
  • Blanche76
    Blanche76 Posts: 89 Member
    If you are doing these on your breaks, there shouldn't be an issue. I go for walks on my lunch breaks and then on my short breaks walk up and down stairs, I'm on the 6th floor so it's a great workout.
  • tony1307
    tony1307 Posts: 127 Member
    Our building is huge.
    I walk on lunch and both breaks.
    not much room to do anything more than stretches at my desk... but there is a gym here as well for members
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I'm doing squats, lunges, push-ups & tricep dips in my cubicle. Now I'm doing this more to take advantage of the moment that I'm inside the a/c since we are facing the harsh summer heat with high humid here that greatly affects my workout.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I work from home so when I take 5 or ten minutes off to make a cup of tea, or go to the washroom, I often fit in some sit ups, lunges or squats.

    When I worked downtown in the corporate building, we had an executive bathroom we all shared that had a shower, so many of us would stagger our lunch breaks so we could go for runs and then use the facilities (without 15 catty women fighting for the same shower at the same time)

    one of my colleagues had her thighmaster under her desk for when she was sitting at it working on reports.

    As long as you are discreet about it and not inappropriate, I can't see how anyone could fault you.

    Really it's in corporate cultures best interest for people to be active, better immune systems, less illness, happier workers.

    It should honestly be supported.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 650 Member
    I LOVE cubicle jockeys...they have some fabulous "in cube" activities that only take a couple minutes.
    Fun and helpful BOTH. Check the group out..
  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    I work at home and I've been doing Leslie Sansone's 5 Minute Walks throughout the day. I do five or six per day to get me out of the chair and moving.

    You'll find one here:

    and another:
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    I would LOVE to go for walks on my break, but my dinner/lunch break is usually at 1130pm. I do not like the idea of walking in city ALONE at that hour (until I get a mace permit lol). I could go downstairs to the gym and walk on the tread mill, but I also dislike the idea of being sweaty (not that I have to have an intense walk) when I return. So I don't do any exercises on my break, but it is something to think about with smal things like crunches, squats, dips, etc.
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    I work at home and I've been doing Leslie Sansone's 5 Minute Walks throughout the day. I do five or six per day to get me out of the chair and moving.

    You'll find one here:

    and another:

    Didn't realize she had 5 min walks!! I just may think about this while I'm at the desk! Even though the others I work with might think I am a nut LOL
  • BodyCombatGirl73
    BodyCombatGirl73 Posts: 96 Member
    Sometimes when I get into a report or some project, I will literally sit for up to 3 hours without moving! So a couple of years back when the company moved a tiny department out of a space that used to be our old cafeteria, they were advertising it as an "Employee Lounge" and right away I went to check the space out as all I could think of was "yoga at lunch time, how great would that be?". I can happily report that myself and over 120 other employees workout in classes ranging from yoga, kickboxing, bootcamp, muscle conditioning, pilates, circuit training, Zumba, etc., all on our lunch breaks! I recognize that I am very fortunate in this fact and take full advantage of the fact that I can get a kick-*kitten* workout in that disrupts neither my husband's schedule or the kids! Of course, those pesky last-minute meeting invites when you were just about to go to your class are not fun, but work still comes first. Thankfully there are usually 3 classes over the lunch time, that you can hopefully just catch a later or earlier class. I get in at least 3 per week and sometimes 4 if the things are in my favour. And to deal with the sweaty part post-workout, I use baby wipes as my "shower" and it seems to one seems to avoid me, so I can't be too smelly! :smile:
  • katekizm
    katekizm Posts: 47 Member
    I walk on my 10 min breaks and the last 10 min of my 30 min lunch.
    Since I have upped my water intake, there is a special filtered water dispensor for the waterbottles. It's upstairs. :) I walk it whenever I need to fill up my bottle.
    And of course, with all the water intake--it has to go somewhere, so I end up walking to the restroom a lot!

    Some days my desk job is a bit more 'active' than other days.
    I also walk while I wait for my husband when I pick him up. That can be a good 15-20 min walk.