count down begins today.

minkakross Posts: 687 Member
edited December 2024 in Social Groups
Day 1: Liver shrinking liquid diet started when I woke up this morning, yeah me (sarcasm) I keep telling myself it won't be all that bad but in truth I'm looking at my pantry and I'm really thankful my husband said he would cook for him and the girls for the next few weeks.

Pre op blood work etc is on the 3rd. I'm already aware the EKG will be problematic and have alerted my cardiologist who is scheduling my stress test so he can clear me in good conscience. (I have 3 heart murmurs, but as of my last stress test they were not leaking).

Surgery date is the 15th.

I have a lot of surgery anxiety having never been under a knife before, ever! I'm just warning you all in advance I'm probably going to post a lot in the next few days as my stress relief. I'll try to keep it all confined to this one count down thread.


  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    What surgery are you having?
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    having the RNY

    also adding to today's news Cardiac stress test now scheduled for the 4th.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Day 2 begins. okay, so wow, day one of liquids resulted in a wopping 373 calories intake for one day. I actually made the choice to avoid the gym for fear of hitting low blood sugar. I went to bed a bit hungry but woke up feeling okay and have started my day with a protein shake and some sugar free jell-o. I'm predicting that I'm going to be really sick of Jell-o in a couple of weeks.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Day 3 is mostly done and the pre op appointment is now behind me as well. calorie intake on day 2, 383.
  • kriskaryl
    kriskaryl Posts: 120 Member
    You are doing great. Get your protein in and make sure you stay hydrated. Your dedication to see this through will be beneficial to your overall health and healing after the surgery. Don't think of depriving yourself, consider this stepping out on the road of your new journey.
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    I can remember being pre-op and hearing them tell me, "you know, you're going to struggle to get two ounces in after your surgery" and.. you know.. I looked at them like they were from mars.. I thought.. You have GOT to be joking.. two ounces doesn't even fill a medicine cup! "yeah RIGHT"

    And I can CLEARLY remember the moment after my surgery when I first tried to take some broth.. two ounces.. I swear it took me an hour!! I could NOT fit it in!! And for the LONGEST time I didn't feel hungry... so many things are going to change for you post op.. stuff you just can't even imagine.. your tastebuds will change.. it will seem like all the commercials on TV are plotting against you.. you'll become obsessed with the Food Network and Cooking Channel..

    This small hurdle you are tackling right now is going to disappear in the dust of your progress VERY soon.. you're doing GREAT!!

  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I love you guys!

    Day 4 Cardiac stress test done. I'm pretty sure I'm done eating and I set a record calorie day and found a new protein drink that tastes amazing. Isopure low carb the chocolate has no funny after tastes and while a single serving is supposed to be 2 scoops I mixed it with just 1 in 4 oz of water to the tune of 105 calories, 25 grams of protein and 1.5 carbs. I think I'm going to buy the strawberries and cream next.

    yesterday's calories 363, today's calories 440.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Day 5 is done. total calories 330 didn't have any temptations to cheat despite watching my family have my favorite food, pasta.

    Day 6 has begun and I think I am in my stride now. I have lost 6 pounds since going liquid though as few calories as I'm getting I can pretty much say Duh! on the flip side I now know the secret to dropping 10 pounds to say fit into a dress last minute. because I'm sure by the end of day 14 I will have lost at least 10.
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    YOU are doing GREAT!!! and soon it will all be behind you and your new life will start. It is a new life, let me tell you. I am almost 2 months out and I feel great, I look great and I still have trouble eating 1/2 cup of food, but my levels are good, I take my vitamins and all is well. YOU WILL DO great. The liquids are the hardest part at this stage, then the part of figuring out when you are full begins, thats hard as well, but you can do it. You WILL regret having the surgery, seems that all of us do. You will want something to chew, resist the temptation, it is soooo not worth it, I speak from experience. Dont take that ever elusive "last bite" you WILL regret it, ask anyone.
    If you are laproscopic, you will wake up with chest pain, it will feel like a heart attack, it hurts and sucks bad, but walk walk walk, and it will go away, I promise.
    The first shower you take will feel like heaven and the first few sips of water you take will feel like gold to a poor man....yes, that good.
    In a few weeks, if you start noticing that you cant hold anything down, call the doc, you may havea stricture or narrowing, this happened to me, by the time I called I was alread dehydrated and run down, so I was admitted, catch it early and they can do a EGD and stretch you, which is what they did with me, along with liters upon liters of IVF, I threw up water too, so keep an eye on that.
    Then the fun notice your pants are too loose, your shirts look frumpy cause they are just TOO dang big and you want to treat yourself for all your hard work, and you do, and you should.
    I shop at the salvation army for now, clothes sizes are chaning too fast and I am not buying expensive till I am at goal and maintaining. it just makes sense that way.
    So I wish you the best of luck on the 15th, I will be thinking of you and praying for you. YOU GOT THIS!

  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    End of day 6 resulted in a calorie count of 369. I can honestly say that my mood has been a lot better then I expected but my concentration is slipping a bit and I had a moment of hunger when my husband was cooking mac and cheese for the girls. He thought it was kind of funny because I experiencing more cravings when he was cooking the noodles then when he had actually made the finished product.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Day 7 has been tough I won't lie. calorie count 369. Every time the radio was on it seemed like they were talking about Sonic, McDonalds, the Melting Pot, Taco Bell and I was having some trouble with being overstimulated. Basically too much activity or noise made me want to curl in a ball.
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    Sounds like you are handling it pretty darn well -- a lot of people would have caved under that kind of pressure..

    I think we sometimes don't give ourselves enough credit -- we're are seriously strong people!! We've lived a difficult, physically and emotionally painful life and most of us are relatively well adjusted, normal folks..

    You have made a decision that's going to change your life, for the rest of your life.. congratulations on being SO successful!! Can't wait til we can smile and welcome you to the loser's bench!

  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Day 8 is done calorie count was 361. I've discovered that sleep is different, It's not so much that I'm tired all the time but that I could sleep a lot more if I had the chance because I don't feel completely rested. I seem to be sleeping deeper so I'm not sure how to explain it. Day 8 is significant because it's exactly one week until surgery and means I'm over the half way mark.
  • JfMarrs
    JfMarrs Posts: 110 Member
    Hang in there you are doing great, My only advice to offer is to make sure to stay hydrated, I followed my pre-surgery diet to the t drinking at least 72 ounces per day but was still a bit dehydrated when i went to surgery and they were adding liquids to me by iv for a couple of days.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    thank you I'll endeavor to keep better track of my water intake.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Another day done and gone Day 9 calorie count 385. My husband threw a couple of chicken carcases in the stock pot with a ton of veg and made me some homemade stock which he will remove the fat from so I can eat after it's cooled in the fridge. Still having trouble multi tasking but I think that is just par the course until I can up my calories and carbs.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Day 10 calorie count 363, things are becoming a blur, and every morning feels like it should be Saturday. I've started to notice my back hurts between the shoulders and down to the lower mid back, strength is also lacking. I couldn't start the lawnmower, it would have been funny if I had only tried once or twice but I kept coming back thinking it would somehow be different the 10th time.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Day 11 done with a calorie total of 376. Got invited to a shrimp boil and let me tell you if there was something worth cheating for it would have been shrimp but I was good and I'm way over the hump.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Day 12 done calorie count 386 and when I took the girls swimming I jumped on the scale. Today is actually day 13 and it will be the last day that I can have shakes tomorrow I will be on clear proteins only, so cytosport drinks are in the fridge. Tuesday of course is the surgery. I will admit is sort of sucks not having eggs Benedict this morning which is my traditional mother's day breakfast but by next year I will not only get to enjoy it again I'll be a lot healthier.
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    You're doing a great job!! Your dedication is inspiring! You'll find that as the days pass and you have your surgery and move into your new life, the struggles you had during this period are going to disappear completely into your memory.. or it'll feel like it was way easier and way shorter.. I call it "pain amnesia" -- and you're gonna do great!!

    Happy Mother's Day to you!!
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Day 13 count is done at 375. today is the last day of the pre-surgery diet and only clear liquids are allowed. Tomorrow is the big day.
  • JfMarrs
    JfMarrs Posts: 110 Member
    Good luck tomorrow! can't wait to see you back here in a couple of days. :) I'll be thinking about you all day.
    CHUBBYLOVLEY Posts: 65 Member
    Good luck Hun! Saying a ill prayer for ya!
  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    Good Luck. Soon you'll be watching it fall off like the rest of the post-oppers.... provided you remain true to yourself! God Bless.:flowerforyou:
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    thank you all so much, keeping this thread has kept me sane even when I made the mistake of watching the food network last night. I never realized I could have a food fantasy until I sat there realizing I was meal planning for 4-6 months down the road. Yesterday was the last day of the pre surgery diet calorie total 480. This morning I'm up before the butt crack of dawn trying to figure out what to wear to the hospital. We realized last night that I have to check in so early that my husband may not be there before they sedate me to hold my hand as someone has to get the kids to school. this also means he will have to figure out how to shuttle my car back home since I won't be able to drive when I'm released.

    Once again thank you for indulging me as I jumped yet the last hurdle to my surgery date.
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    Just wanted to tell you that you are in my thoughts today -- it's your Big Day! Your New Birthday!

    Congratulations and welcome to the Loser's bench! :flowerforyou:

  • Aimyloo
    Aimyloo Posts: 14
    I know It's a little late, but why such a small intake before surgery? I understand liquid diet... But less than 400 cal a day seems way to low!
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