Hi newbie here - looking for buddies

Just thought I'd introduce myself. I have been struggling with binge eating for a while now. I am more determined than ever to break this horrible cycle. I think we can overcome it. It probably has been important to us to discover more about ourselves, but for me I think its time to move on but I'm taking the lessons learnt with me. I hope I can give back what I have already gained from your comments. Although this is a long journey I will be taking it one day at a time.


  • Hi I just popped in to have a moan after another binge. I'll send you a friend add now
  • Sejanus203
    Sejanus203 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello and welcome! Dealing with binge eating one day at a time is the right way to go. I am also new to this community, but have found everyone to be wonderfully supportive. I'll send you a friend request. If you ever need someone to chat with, feel free to message me.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Hi and welcome! I'm so glad you're here! I've been off the boards over the weekend but glad to see you! This group is awesome!! :smile:
  • joanna1014
    joanna1014 Posts: 14
    I too am new to this site/community and suffer from binge eating. I just really put 2 and 2 together and have been trying to be more conscious of it. I went out and bought some reading materials (Crave) on binge eating and they seem to be helping. I am hoping this group will only help more.
    Hope to hear from you all soon,
  • bjmer121995
    bjmer121995 Posts: 10
    Hey there, Got stressed today and had a binge myself right after saying I was recommiting (again). You are more than welcome to friend me as I am on here after every meal to log my food :) Welcome aboard!
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Welcome to all of you! I'm so glad you're here! :smile:
  • yamagatafan
    yamagatafan Posts: 15 Member
    I too am new to this site/community and suffer from binge eating. I just really put 2 and 2 together and have been trying to be more conscious of it. I went out and bought some reading materials (Crave) on binge eating and they seem to be helping. I am hoping this group will only help more.
    Hope to hear from you all soon,

    I pretty much did the same exact thing. I have been a member of mfp for some time now but have not seriously used it. I am changing that and trying to log everything, binges and all. I have had an eye opening past month and hope to continue on my path of "enlightenment"

    I need to update my profile and figure out how to actually use this site to its full potential, including how to add buddies. :ohwell:
  • yahifranch
    yahifranch Posts: 15 Member
    Hello!!! I've been using this site less than a month and have found really supportive ppl in this group. I'll send you a request :-). I am really looking forward to meet more people with the same struggles that I am having and learn from each other...
  • kimme63
    kimme63 Posts: 1
    Hello, I am new also .I've been looking around this web site and i like it . I have developed binge eat in the past year.i just think i'm going crazy . looking for buddies to figure it out with.
  • Hello everyone. I joined in Feb. 2012 but I am just getting serious about it now. I hope to make friends on here that can relate to my struggles. 3 days of healthy eating and exercising and I feel good. :smile: