
landfxr Posts: 8 Member
Okay chicas....this is like talking to myself! Maybe I have too much time on my hands....but I'd like to hear about what everyone is doing....challenges, goals......what other exercises, what great recipes.....healthy food ideas.....Anyone? Amy and I both love avacados....healthy fat, protein.....yummy. Besides, they are shaped like ovaries! Georgia O'Keefe surely painted one at some point?


  • vkwkids
    vkwkids Posts: 1
    Challenges.....I seem to be over my fat content every day, partially due to my coffee habit, but Im NOT giving up my coffee! I seem to eat about the same thing everyday, at least until dinner time, but I am a women of convience so I don't see that changing! I'd love to see some easy healthy recepies, but let me emphasize the easy part, I don't like to cook so weekends is really the only time I cook, and I too love avacados! Crest has a guacamole package that you add the avacado and a tomato and it is to die for, but chips and guacamole probably isn't a great dinner (at least according to the calorie counter)! This is my week two and as of last Saturday I hadn't lost an ounce, but this is what I do, I plateu and wont lose anything for weeks and then will lose 5 lbs. Weight is a life long struggle for me and its exhausting!!
  • landfxr
    landfxr Posts: 8 Member
    Valerie, I have decided that one of the reasons I have always done the yo-yo thing is because I tend to eat the same things all the time as well.......for pretty much the same reason as you. This time, I'm listening to what others are eating and exploring new things....getting more variety. I don't like to cook a lot either, but I want this to work from now on and so I feel I must expand my selections to avoid boredom followed by big backslides. You might want to Google for foods that burn fat calories first. If you have more than the recommended amount of fat in your diet....then maybe that would help counter it. I think as we get older, we do need more fat in our diet....for internal organs, good skin, hair and extremely low body fat % is dangerous if the body is exposed to trauma.....and needs to go into shock. Too low fat can prevent this from happening. Not good.
  • Sorry, Linda! I just saw your post. I love trying new foods and try to share recipes on FB when I find something good. One of my favorite snacks lately has been kale chips. It's around $2.50 for a bunch of organic kale at sunflower and it makes 2 cookie sheets of chips. I wash and dry it, then spray with garlic infused olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt. I bought a Misto sprayer at TJ Maxx for $12.99 so I can put my healthy oil in that and spray lightly rather than drizzling. Then I bake it at 350 for about 10 minutes. Even my kids love them! They are crunchy, delicious, so healthy, and have almost no calories. I eat a wide variety of foods, and I attribute that to my upbringing. My dad is from Israel and my mom is Cajun, so eating lots of lentils, rice, seafood, and tons of veggies has always been normal for me. I regularly eat Indian, Thai, and Mexican, too. I make all these foods at home most of the time so I can enjoy the flavors and minimize the calories! My biggest challenge is that I LOVE wine. I'm tracking my wine calories, so I've had to cut back and I don't like that at all! But, it's paying off! I'm also a big snacker, but logging them is keeping me from overindulging. Thanks for keeping us talking about our issues!
  • snickerson21
    snickerson21 Posts: 2 Member
    Shonda has me hooked on those kale chips now too! Making some tonight! Most of the snacks I eat are raw foods. Raw almonds, pecans or peanuts. Raw veggies. I try to reduce calories by snacking this way. I really gotta step up my meals though. I'm getting BORRRRRED with what I make all the time.

    My challenge is carbs carbs carbs. I LOVE carbs and I have to really watch how much I eat. And my second vice is alcohol. Ugh. Why do we have to count those calories? Seriously. I am making myself cut out alcohol during the week now and only having it on the weekend. I did this before when I lost all my weight and had success with it.

    What would you ladies say to having a recipe exchange night or something? Maybe we all make our favorite healthy dish and bring it along?? Anyone interested?
  • Recipe exchange sounds fun! I love an excuse to get together and eat!
  • snickerson21
    snickerson21 Posts: 2 Member
    Let's do it ladies! I'm basically around here for a while. Maybe a Fri or Sat night? Or we could do a brunch. I'm flexible when it comes to fun and food so whenever we have it, I'll be there :)
  • landfxr
    landfxr Posts: 8 Member
    I can't change that June 8 date... ) = It's girls weekend at the annual tradition with my oldest girlies for many years now.....we used to do a whole week, but we're doing our week at one of our friends home in Colorado this year...(Crested Butte) so we shortened the lake week to a weekend. It's an annual retreat that feeds my soul.....but maybe we can do another recipe exchange sometime soon......
  • Linda, that sounds like a great weekend! We'll keep copies of all the recipes for you, and if everyone enjoys it we'll do it again at my house next!