New & Nervous!

Hi everyone. :) I'm Heather. I just posted in the introductions thread, but I figured I'd post a separate thread. Here is some background info.

I'm 23 years old, 5'7" and I'm ready to lose the last 15 pounds!

I started my weight loss journey last year. At 153 lb (which wasn't actually my biggest weight), I started feeling slow in the classroom. (I am hoping to become an elementary teacher). It has gone well. I've lost 19 lb and have lost about 20+ inches off my body. However, now I'm stuck.

Joining MFP has helped me maintain for the most part, but I haven't been able to lose that much. I think I've only lost 4-5 lb since joining. I feel like when I go to the forums, I'm watching a tennis match between low calorie intakes vs. high.

I've been trying the lower calorie intake for a few months, and nothing has been happening. I was very happy to come across Lillebanon's lovely journal entry. I went to the links she suggested and this is what I found out:

Body fat %: 14.6 (I'm still kind of shocked about this...)

BMR: 1493

TDEE: 2576

TDEE cut: 2060

To be honest, I'm a little scared to eat this much. I workout almost every day for about an hour. It ranges from various Jillian Michaels DVDs, regular weight lifting, 5k training, distance swimming, and kickboxing. I came here to hopefully finish my journey and get some support along the way. Anyone who wishes to friend me, I'd love that. I also would appreciate any tips you're willing to give.

So yeah, any tips on how to get started would be great. Snack suggestions, meal suggestion, or just plain motivation would also help. It is scary to think I'll be jumping up so many calories... it really just doesn't make sense to me.

Thank you all in advance. I look forward to completing my journey and maintaining a healthy life style. Honestly, despite being scared, I'm so sick of being afraid to eat.


  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Tip 1: Eat clean.

    It will make perfect sense by about day 2 when your body reacts to the increase in calories. Your energy goes up 10 fold and your mood will improve significantly.

    By day 3-4 you will wonder what you've gotten yourself into. You'll feel bloated and fat and your clothes will be snug.
    Day 7-9 you will realize you've done the right thing as the bloat disappears and you can see yourself slimmer than before.
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    Thank you for the tips! I hope I'm eating clean. I'm making my diary public so people can help me out food wise. :)
  • teeina
    teeina Posts: 10 Member
    Me too! I'm going to start a thread as well. Good luck on your journey!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Thank you for the tips! I hope I'm eating clean. I'm making my diary public so people can help me out food wise. :)

    If yesterday was an average day for you - I am thinking you're on the right track. :) Nice eating
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    Thanks! I'm trying to lower my carb intake. That's the hardest for me since I love oatmeal, cereal, and bagels. It's going to be a killer.

    I am also trying to find ways to get more protein in my system!

    Anyways, I'm just going to ignore MFP right when it tells me I'm eating too much? I also worry my exercise isn't really strenuous enough. I'm just so worried!!! :(

    I think the worst is being told by MFP that I'll gain weight though.

    Thanks again!! :)
  • teeina
    teeina Posts: 10 Member
    You can manually change your goals in MFP, this way they aren't telling you that you are going over. Yeah... It's not nice when they tell you that you will gain.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    So is mfp, in essence, simply catering to the masses? That doesnt seem very responsible. :/
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Thanks! I'm trying to lower my carb intake. That's the hardest for me since I love oatmeal, cereal, and bagels. It's going to be a killer.

    I am also trying to find ways to get more protein in my system!

    Anyways, I'm just going to ignore MFP right when it tells me I'm eating too much? I also worry my exercise isn't really strenuous enough. I'm just so worried!!! :(

    I think the worst is being told by MFP that I'll gain weight though.

    Thanks again!! :)

    You are doing terrific~ keep up the good work!!

    When I decided to "eat more" and had to add foods, I tried to add things that had at least "one redeeming quality" in it.
    For example:

    Fiber One Brownies~ fiber (duh) and low cal
    Soybeans~ fiber, protein
    Kashi Bars~ fiber, protein
    Organic Peanut Butter~ does NOT have hydrogenated oils that regular does
    Maple Grove Farms Sugar Free BAlsamic Dressing~ NO Sugar AND LOW SODIUM!!!
    Low Sodium Starkist Tuna Packets~ low sodium

    And last, but not least, my beloved York Peppermint Patty~ my peace of mind and just cause!!
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    Thanks! I'm trying to lower my carb intake. That's the hardest for me since I love oatmeal, cereal, and bagels. It's going to be a killer.

    I am also trying to find ways to get more protein in my system!

    Anyways, I'm just going to ignore MFP right when it tells me I'm eating too much? I also worry my exercise isn't really strenuous enough. I'm just so worried!!! :(

    I think the worst is being told by MFP that I'll gain weight though.

    Thanks again!! :)

    You are doing terrific~ keep up the good work!!

    When I decided to "eat more" and had to add foods, I tried to add things that had at least "one redeeming quality" in it.
    For example:

    Fiber One Brownies~ fiber (duh) and low cal
    Soybeans~ fiber, protein
    Kashi Bars~ fiber, protein
    Organic Peanut Butter~ does NOT have hydrogenated oils that regular does
    Maple Grove Farms Sugar Free BAlsamic Dressing~ NO Sugar AND LOW SODIUM!!!
    Low Sodium Starkist Tuna Packets~ low sodium

    And last, but not least, my beloved York Peppermint Patty~ my peace of mind and just cause!!

    Thanks for the support/ tips! I'm slowly starting to ease into it. I feel like if I jump into 1800 immediately tomorrow, I might feel sick, so the goal is to reach it by Saturday! It just seems so contradictory! You hear "eat less" all the time. It does make sense. But who would have thought that my body was burning as much as it is regularly. It is so unreal to me!

    For now, I am starting to get into a cooking phase, so I'm starting to find new recipes. I recently found a recipe for protein popsicles! So good! :)

    I love this group already, everyone is so positive and supportive. I really need that to help me commit. :) So very grateful!