Day 14

26Nirak Posts: 147 Member
Hey - I am still puffing away at Level 1 but wanted to give Level 2 a try. I don't have the dvd and have been doing it via youtube...only I cannot find Level 2 there...any suggestions?

I am down 1 cm in my waist, but have not been doing great food-wise...I really think this has to go hand-in-hand...but min thing is, I really DO feel better.....


  • lottier0311
    lottier0311 Posts: 125
    Level 2 is a killer! I didnt do Sat and Sunday, gave myself a break cos its really hard!

    If you search Jillian Michaels level 2 it comes up x
  • Emikayfoos
    Emikayfoos Posts: 35
    I just finished day 13!! day two is deff hard, but in a a different way! I feel as though I really have to concentrrate on keeping my abs in tight so they get a work out too! I feel MAJOR soreness in my shoulders and my inner calves. anyone else feel sore there?! different sore places then the level one for sure!
  • Raybeano
    Raybeano Posts: 19
    Still hanging in. Just finished day 14. Had to rub my knee down with some arctic ice. My husband said I smell like a cough drop, lol. I'm not giving up though. I may skip the jumping jacks next time (that seems to be the main cause of my pain). Any ideas what I could do in place of them? I'm thinking maybe just running in place or more of the jump rope move.
  • Emikayfoos
    Emikayfoos Posts: 35
    Just did 14!!!! In felt so much stronger today! Love the feeling!