Another scared and nervous newbie...

teeina Posts: 10 Member
I've been eating the dreaded 1200 and eating back my calories and I keep reading that I should be eating more. So, I'm going attempt to change my ways... But of course I'm scared and nervous. I'm in decent shape, but I can't seem to lose those last 8 pounds that have are right around my middle and thighs!

My stats:

Age: 34 years old
Current Weight: 128 pounds
Goal Weight: 120
Height: 5"5
Body Fat : 26%, but I haven't checked this in about a year and half.

Exercise Routine:
Monday: Circuit Train(40 mins) - Afternoon Spin - Evening (50 mins)
Tues: Cardio (40 mins)
Weds: Tablata Class (45 mins)
Thursday: Circuit Train(40 mins) - Afternoon Spin - Evening (50 mins)
Friday - Yoga (60 mins)
Saturday - Varies - I sometimes do zumba on the wii for (50 minutes) or a Jillian DVD if I'm going out or eating out
Sunday - Varies - If I didn't workout on Saturday I do it here, if not I go for an hour walk or just rest

Scooby's says
BMR - 1351
TDEE - 2094
Cutting - 1780

So basically I need to just up my calories 150? To get to 1350? And then just eat back my exercise calories? I rather eat back, than do TDEE because I do sometimes overeat or drink on the weekends and I like the option of indulging an then just exercising the calories away.

Do you think I'm overtraining? Should I change my routine? Life heavy instead of circuit training? Eat even more? Eat less? I'd love any advice you could give me. My diary is public as well.

Thanks in advance for this great and informative group. I've been reading your threads all day and it's been so helpful!


  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    I'd also like to know the definition of over training! I feel so lost and confused with all of this!! I wish you the best of luck!!
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I would recommend just eating 1780 cal every day. Although you are very close to your goal weight so you may want to take an even smaller cut and eat 1850-1900 cal/day. Don't worry about eating your exercise calories. I don't know how to determine over-training other than listening to your body. If I feel exhausted or worn down, lacking energy for anything else in my life, or extremely hungry I will take a couple extra rest days.
  • teeina
    teeina Posts: 10 Member
    I do often feel tired, but not really hungry. Sometimes even at 1200 and eating back the calories, I feel like I'm stuffing my face when I'm full.

    I'm thinking that I maybe doing doing too much cardio between spin, circuit training, elliptical and sometimes zumba. So maybe I should replace some with strength training? This way I also have less calories to eat back?

    Also I'm wondering if all this counts as moderate exercise or if I should put in strenuous. I'm not sure if it's strenuous (maybe spin) but I'm clocking in about 5-6 hours if I don't count yoga. It's another reason why I'm scared to just do TDEE, because I don't want over or underestimate my activity level.
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    Here is a recent article on overtraining:

    I have been advised to lift heavy three days and HIIT two days. I was logging 6 hours a week of exercise (3 cardio and 3 strength)
    There is a video listed in the stickies about too much cardio. I highly recommend taking a look at that.
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    I do often feel tired, but not really hungry. Sometimes even at 1200 and eating back the calories, I feel like I'm stuffing my face when I'm full.

    I'm thinking that I maybe doing doing too much cardio between spin, circuit training, elliptical and sometimes zumba. So maybe I should replace some with strength training? This way I also have less calories to eat back?

    Also I'm wondering if all this counts as moderate exercise or if I should put in strenuous. I'm not sure if it's strenuous (maybe spin) but I'm clocking in about 5-6 hours if I don't count yoga. It's another reason why I'm scared to just do TDEE, because I don't want over or underestimate my activity level.
    Doing cardio twice a day is alot unless you're training for a competition of some sort. It's pretty common for people that want to lose weight to go overboard with the cardio. I beleive your tdee is probably higher then you're estimating with so much cardio in your week. You should definitely get into weight lifting as it will tone your body more then cardio will. You should probably also cut down on your cardio to maybe once per day instead of twice. And if you feel tired or sore throw extra break days in there for your body to recup.
  • teeina
    teeina Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks! This has been super helpful. I'm going to read those articles and watch that video.
    I think swapping my my circuit training for strength might be the move to make, I may also take Wednesday off depending how I feel that week. This group is awesome... Somehow I get to eat more and exercise less for better results, how does that happen?