Weigh in days

Hi everybody ,when is your weigh in day then ? Mine is Wednesday night so have to be very good in the day time ! . And if you are after a set of bathroom scales I can recommend Weightwatchers precision electronic doctors scale from Argos 832/4647 , got them last week and they are very very accurate.


  • darrenlees
    darrenlees Posts: 65 Member
    I have weight watchers scales to, they are very good. My weigh in day is Sunday morning, that way it forces me to try to be good on a saturday night which is usually when i go out for food with friends.
  • drumsrevolver
    Mine is this morning! However, I weigh myself every couple of days so I'm aware of fluctuations ie Monday I was an extra half pound down but today that's back up. That way I don't stress so much about the loss on the day. I use a Tanita scale I've had for years - never any problems with it.
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    My weigh in day is Monday mornings, as soon as I get up, this is so I can see consistantly that I am losing, I do get weighed in the week still in the morning but dont log this.

    I use digital scales cant remeber what make, they are very accurate, and work wonders.
  • Stevalli
    Stevalli Posts: 15 Member
    I also weigh in on a Wednesday evening although not very hopeful for tonight - very heavy weekend
  • bluemoonvirgin
    bluemoonvirgin Posts: 16 Member
    I weight every morning! Dont tell me not too because I can't help myself :-) I dont log them all though.
  • pboroaddick
    pboroaddick Posts: 29 Member
    I use first thing on a Thursday morning and have some weight watcher scales that have been reliable. I find mid week best for weigh as a monday for example can be skewed should you be doing things at a weekend that is still in your system. Also first thing in the morning is consistent in terms of not being affected by food or drink during the day.