Does Super-Fast-Sizzle Always Lead to Super-Heartbreak?



  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I think everyone pretty much agrees with you anyway JJ. Guys as much as ladies.

    The synthetic answer is this:
    You can't start lovin' each other for real before you have farted loudly in the same bed. Only then can you accept the other one for what he/she is truly.

    Honeymoon period lasts about 3 months (longer for long distance relationships, so don't think you're past it if you're seeing each other once a week for 3 months), so before that you *definitely* haven't seen each other's true face (hell, if I'm honest, it truly takes years - but before 3 months there is too much lust involved and too much passion, and too much to discover).
    Hypothetical scenario, imagine some girl meets the best in the world BUT he isn't romantic - would she be able to look past this and accept that nobody is perfect? Would this be a dealbreaker for her?

    It sucks when the walls are crumbling and the masks are falling... But it's life!

    So yep, you're right. Moving too fast AND thinking you're going to be alright coz' you know it deep inside is bollocks.

    Funny thing, I realised my answer didn't reply to JJ's question at all. :laugh: But it might not be evil intentions from any part basically, you might end up disappointed "mechanically" as this is how relationships work (so not necessarily for: "More than likely he's only doing for show, or ego, upset an ex, or some other ulterior motive. And hot sex. And once that itch is sufficiently scratched, he will likely disappear.").
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I sometimes think every situation out there can be spun to make men the problem. A couple gets married, spends 60 blissful years together then the husband dies from a long drawn out illness; leaving his wife all alone with a cavernous emptiness and the pain of watching a long drawn out painful death. I suspect the women would blame him for abandoning her because statistically speaking men have shorter life expectancies and he should have known it would end badly for her.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Honestly, I have only found this to be true when the woman mistakenly identified his actions as 'moving fast' when he was really just a better flirt than her and she was seeing what she wanted to see so badly and then got her heart broken when he realised she was in far deeper than he was.

    OR when she played toooooo hard to get and he just had to get her even if he didnt want to- because she presented him with a challenge - o of course he wooed the hell out of her.

    OR they get really close and they move fast and then all of a sudden, she shows her crazy.

    You know what I mean. Two days before her period she is suddenly questioning everything about him, abotu her, she's getting random hormonally triggered emotions coming out and she's scrambling to assign them to any situation to be justified and he's like.... wait wait wait... why am I too good for you again? what? wait - isnt it my choice if youre the one i want to be with? no? wtf. fine. bye. - And the next day she's head*desking all day.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I sometimes think every situation out there can be spun to make men the problem. A couple gets married, spends 60 blissful years together then the husband dies from a long drawn out illness; leaving his wife all alone with a cavernous emptiness and the pain of watching a long drawn out painful death. I suspect the women would blame him for abandoning her because statistically speaking men have shorter life expectancies and he should have known it would end badly for her.

    sorry to mess up your hypothesis homie :(
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I think everyone pretty much agrees with you anyway JJ. Guys as much as ladies.

    The synthetic answer is this:
    You can't start lovin' each other for real before you have farted loudly in the same bed. Only then can you accept the other one for what he/she is truly.

    Honeymoon period lasts about 3 months (longer for long distance relationships, so don't think you're past it if you're seeing each other once a week for 3 months), so before that you *definitely* haven't seen each other's true face (hell, if I'm honest, it truly takes years - but before 3 months there is too much lust involved and too much passion, and too much to discover).
    Hypothetical scenario, imagine some girl meets the best in the world BUT he isn't romantic - would she be able to look past this and accept that nobody is perfect? Would this be a dealbreaker for her?

    It sucks when the walls are crumbling and the masks are falling... But it's life!

    So yep, you're right. Moving too fast AND thinking you're going to be alright coz' you know it deep inside is bollocks.

    Funny thing, I realised my answer didn't reply to JJ's question at all. :laugh: But it might not be evil intentions from any part basically, you might end up disappointed "mechanically" as this is how relationships work (so not necessarily for: "More than likely he's only doing for show, or ego, upset an ex, or some other ulterior motive. And hot sex. And once that itch is sufficiently scratched, he will likely disappear.").

    So is it a good sign that my "friend" who treats me more like a "girlfriend" farted in front of me last Friday??? And Saturday morning when we woke up??? I felt like I was married again :)
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    OR they get really close and they move fast and then all of a sudden, she shows her crazy.

    You know what I mean. Two days before her period she is suddenly questioning everything about him, abotu her, she's getting random hormonally triggered emotions coming out and she's scrambling to assign them to any situation to be justified and he's like.... wait wait wait... why am I too good for you again? what? wait - isnt it my choice if youre the one i want to be with? no? wtf. fine. bye. - And the next day she's head*desking all day.

    This goes back to all women are bat **** be fair I guess some men are as well.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    OR they get really close and they move fast and then all of a sudden, she shows her crazy.

    You know what I mean. Two days before her period she is suddenly questioning everything about him, abotu her, she's getting random hormonally triggered emotions coming out and she's scrambling to assign them to any situation to be justified and he's like.... wait wait wait... why am I too good for you again? what? wait - isnt it my choice if youre the one i want to be with? no? wtf. fine. bye. - And the next day she's head*desking all day.

    This goes back to all women are bat **** be fair I guess some men are as well.

    Hormones, they're a b***h.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Personally, I don't do things to intentionally hurt someone. If I say it, do it, or show a desire for something, it's because I do. But, I can't speak for everyone else, and I wouldn't try to associate my situation with someone else.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    So far..
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Ok guys... on another thread I posted this which I didn't realize was gonna make some of the ladies sad. I know the people involved in the post, so I'm not gonna delete it... but please answer HeLovesMe's question... in your experience... when someone moves real fast (whether guy or gal) does it usually result in heartbreak?
    It's because you are moving much faster than normal. Most guys who do this end up breaking the girl's heart in a big way.

    If my friend were showered with gifts, facebook "relationshipped," told he was "in love" with her from the get go and started talking about moving after only knowing the guy for 2 months I would tell her to enjoy it while it lasts but prepare for a huge rude awakening down the road. More than likely he's only doing for show, or ego, upset an ex, or some other ulterior motive. And hot sex. And once that itch is sufficiently scratched, he will likely disappear.

    May not be true in your case. But that's what usually happens.

    Is this really true?

    I wasn't going to respond to this, in fact, I was considering just leaving the group after being called out like this, but I like y'all and frankly this is not a proper depiction of me at all. And since this entire thread is about me, I figure it is time for me to own it.

    I was frankly, a very happy single man. I got laid when I wanted (actually more often than I ever did when I was married or in a committed relationship) and I travel the world having fun. I met a great woman through and from the start told her I wasn't in a hurry to commit. We spent time together, cuddled, kissed, enjoyed each other's company. She has many great qualities. But...

    She and I have very different theological beliefs. She needed someone who was comfortable not being sexual. She has a young son (he's awesome, but something that I had to really think about since I know I'm not a great role model). And, well, I could keep going on about things that I considered. She's great, I'm great, but we're not great together. I decided we'd be great friends and every time we went out, I made it clear we were just friends.

    Months pass...

    God works in mysterious ways. I am still going about my life, doing my thing, which is usually busy/fun/here/there. In an instant, something amazing happened. I met a woman that just blew me away. I'm 46 years old and I can tell you that I'm not new to chemistry and hormones. My eyes are wide open and I see what is what. She isn't what I envisioned, but it turns out, she's what I needed. We speak the same language. And while our FB is the best of us, we are both comfortable talking and dealing with the worst of us (we're just not sharing that in a public forum).

    We are planning a future together. Planning, thinking, talking. Neither of us likes the distance between us. So, we are wanting to have a clear path to being together that fits our needs and those of our children. Our gravity is shifting each other's orbit a little. She's thinking of moving a little, I'm thinking of moving a little. I'm falling short of calling that a compromise because I know that we'll both be happier as a result.

    I have no intention of hurting her. I am in love.

    Things I never thought I needed are now my priority. This woman changed me and guess what? I'm happier than I've been in decades. If a friend can't accept that, well, then they aren't my friend. If they think I'm a bad man (because I am a man) and going to hurt a woman, they are sadly mistaken. My girlfriend has earned my admiration, my adoration and I will give my all to her because, she's worth it.

    I don't do things in public in spite of other people. I do things in public because I am myself. My username on here is my real name and my profession (and also my email on gmail and yahoo). While I know this is the Internet, I consider you all my friends. I'm not single (I have a beautiful girlfriend), but I still enjoy the camaraderie here. If/when I marry this woman, I'll extend an invite to all of you to the wedding/reception (open bar :drinker: ).

    I am terribly sorry that I earned a thread here. I want to be part of a group, friends. Not a topic. I thank all of you that understand where I'm coming from. I'm 100% committed to this woman and I will treat her well.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I had one super-fast-sizzle relationship. It was magic. Honestly, parts of it tell like a fairytale. And, yes, it ended in super-heartbreak. So much so that when we broke up, I couldn't eat and when I tried I couldn't keep it down. I still see those short two months as some of the most magical in my life, but it did end sadly.

    I don't think there is always an ulterior motive though. I think it's just that a flame that burns really hot can't always sustain itself.

    If you want to read the whole story, go to , click on ink, click on Searching for Our Happily Ever After.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    Ok guys... on another thread I posted this which I didn't realize was gonna make some of the ladies sad. I know the people involved in the post, so I'm not gonna delete it... but please answer HeLovesMe's question... in your experience... when someone moves real fast (whether guy or gal) does it usually result in heartbreak?
    It's because you are moving much faster than normal. Most guys who do this end up breaking the girl's heart in a big way.

    If my friend were showered with gifts, facebook "relationshipped," told he was "in love" with her from the get go and started talking about moving after only knowing the guy for 2 months I would tell her to enjoy it while it lasts but prepare for a huge rude awakening down the road. More than likely he's only doing for show, or ego, upset an ex, or some other ulterior motive. And hot sex. And once that itch is sufficiently scratched, he will likely disappear.

    May not be true in your case. But that's what usually happens.

    Is this really true?

    I wasn't going to respond to this, in fact, I was considering just leaving the group after being called out like this, but I like y'all and frankly this is not a proper depiction of me at all. And since this entire thread is about me, I figure it is time for me to own it.

    I was frankly, a very happy single man. I got laid when I wanted (actually more often than I ever did when I was married or in a committed relationship) and I travel the world having fun. I met a great woman through and from the start told her I wasn't in a hurry to commit. We spent time together, cuddled, kissed, enjoyed each other's company. She has many great qualities. But...

    She and I have very different theological beliefs. She needed someone who was comfortable not being sexual. She has a young son (he's awesome, but something that I had to really think about since I know I'm not a great role model). And, well, I could keep going on about things that I considered. She's great, I'm great, but we're not great together. I decided we'd be great friends and every time we went out, I made it clear we were just friends.

    Months pass...

    God works in mysterious ways. I am still going about my life, doing my thing, which is usually busy/fun/here/there. In an instant, something amazing happened. I met a woman that just blew me away. I'm 46 years old and I can tell you that I'm not new to chemistry and hormones. My eyes are wide open and I see what is what. She isn't what I envisioned, but it turns out, she's what I needed. We speak the same language. And while our FB is the best of us, we are both comfortable talking and dealing with the worst of us (we're just not sharing that in a public forum).

    We are planning a future together. Planning, thinking, talking. Neither of us likes the distance between us. So, we are wanting to have a clear path to being together that fits our needs and those of our children. Our gravity is shifting each other's orbit a little. She's thinking of moving a little, I'm thinking of moving a little. I'm falling short of calling that a compromise because I know that we'll both be happier as a result.

    I have no intention of hurting her. I am in love.

    Things I never thought I needed are now my priority. This woman changed me and guess what? I'm happier than I've been in decades. If a friend can't accept that, well, then they aren't my friend. If they think I'm a bad man (because I am a man) and going to hurt a woman, they are sadly mistaken. My girlfriend has earned my admiration, my adoration and I will give my all to her because, she's worth it.

    I don't do things in public in spite of other people. I do things in public because I am myself. My username on here is my real name and my profession (and also my email on gmail and yahoo). While I know this is the Internet, I consider you all my friends. I'm not single (I have a beautiful girlfriend), but I still enjoy the camaraderie here. If/when I marry this woman, I'll extend an invite to all of you to the wedding/reception (open bar :drinker: ).

    I am terribly sorry that I earned a thread here. I want to be part of a group, friends. Not a topic. I thank all of you that understand where I'm coming from. I'm 100% committed to this woman and I will treat her well.

    Congrats that is fantastic! And for the record, I don't and I doubt anyone here thinks of you as a topic! We've all shared conversations, thoughts, opinions and we all know you are a good man and great friend! Again congratulations!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I think in some instances definitely not. But for the most part, I think people should move slowly, because in the beginning of the relationship you're in that "honeymoon" phase and your mind is all this way and that way because you like the person so much. When decisions are made fast, I think people tend to regret them. You owe it to yourself to slow down when you're in a relationship. Once you settle in, you see things more clearly - so that is why I believe in taking things slowly.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    More than likely he's only doing for show, or ego, upset an ex, or some other ulterior motive. And hot sex. And once that itch is sufficiently scratched, he will likely disappear.

    frankly this is not a proper depiction of me at all.
    I made it clear we were just friends.

    Allan, nowhere in that description did I say that was you. You asked why someone would tell your new girlfriend things were moving too fast and I gave you reasons why I, personally, would tell one of MY friends to watch out if her new man was as initially gung-ho as you are. I had hoped that would help you understand what they were thinking.

    It's like asking a guy why he won't date a religious girl. Well, because she's likely a prude with sex issues. I'm sure glad someone explained it to me so I can understand what a guy is thinking (even if I don't think it's true in my case).

    And yes, you were very clear for a long time that we were just friends. I was cool with that and enjoyed the company of other guys. But when a man gives you a spa day for Christmas, begins to text/call almost every day, and plans weekend trips together... with your kid... after a year of sporadic "just friends" contact... well... you kinda start to hope he's slowly changing his mind about being "just friends."

    I certainly hope you don't leave the group. You have a lot of wisdom that we've all benefited from.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    More than likely he's only doing for show, or ego, upset an ex, or some other ulterior motive. And hot sex. And once that itch is sufficiently scratched, he will likely disappear.

    frankly this is not a proper depiction of me at all.
    I made it clear we were just friends.

    Allan, nowhere in that description did I say that was you. You asked why someone would tell your new girlfriend things were moving too fast and I gave you reasons why I, personally, would tell one of MY friends to watch out if her new man was as initially gung-ho as you are. I had hoped that would help you understand what they were thinking.

    It's like asking a guy why he won't date a religious girl. Well, because she's likely a prude with sex issues. I'm sure glad someone explained it to me so I can understand what a guy is thinking (even if I don't think it's true in my case).

    And yes, you were very clear for a long time that we were just friends. I was cool with that and enjoyed the company of other guys. But when a man gives you a spa day for Christmas, begins to text/call almost every day, and plans weekend trips together... with your kid... after a year of sporadic "just friends" contact... well... you kinda start to hope he's slowly changing his mind about being "just friends."

    I certainly hope you don't leave the group. You have a lot of wisdom that we've all benefited from.

    You gotta admit Janie, its pretty close in situations yeah? Pretty much Allan's real life scenario!

    Good for you though mate, I think its awesome that you have found someone like that and that you are both taking steps to getting closer geologically and well as emotionally! Nice to see.
  • The_Iron
    The_Iron Posts: 288
    If you want to read the whole story, go to , click on ink, click on Searching for Our Happily Ever After.

    Ouch! :brokenheart: :flowerforyou:
  • The_Iron
    The_Iron Posts: 288
    IMO my experience with the 'Super-Fast-Sizzle' does not lead to Super-Heartbreak. My ex got together the very first night and we were stuck together like glue for the first 6 years of an 8 year relationshp.

    EDIT: And I wouldn't change anything about what we had because we have the most beautiful daughter to show for it.
  • ItsMandeeBitch
    ItsMandeeBitch Posts: 159 Member
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Not saying it's gonna be the same for every situation, but every time I get into a new "relationship" that goes very quickly, it ends very quickly, normally by me. It seems like I end up with clingy guys a lot.

    So far with Sugar Lips it's going very slow (almost painfully so actually), and I still get super excited to see him all the time.

    Oh hai guyz! I'm still here btw, lurking haha.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    More than likely he's only doing for show, or ego, upset an ex, or some other ulterior motive. And hot sex. And once that itch is sufficiently scratched, he will likely disappear.

    frankly this is not a proper depiction of me at all.
    I made it clear we were just friends.

    Allan, nowhere in that description did I say that was you. You asked why someone would tell your new girlfriend things were moving too fast and I gave you reasons why I, personally, would tell one of MY friends to watch out if her new man was as initially gung-ho as you are. I had hoped that would help you understand what they were thinking.

    It's like asking a guy why he won't date a religious girl. Well, because she's likely a prude with sex issues. I'm sure glad someone explained it to me so I can understand what a guy is thinking (even if I don't think it's true in my case).

    And yes, you were very clear for a long time that we were just friends. I was cool with that and enjoyed the company of other guys. But when a man gives you a spa day for Christmas, begins to text/call almost every day, and plans weekend trips together... with your kid... after a year of sporadic "just friends" contact... well... you kinda start to hope he's slowly changing his mind about being "just friends."

    I certainly hope you don't leave the group. You have a lot of wisdom that we've all benefited from.

    But in this instance you know and are friends with the guy in question. That would change my advice. I read it as you were stating he is just in it to get laid/scratch an itch and when that wears off be prepared for heartache. That may not have been what you were trying to say but is exactly how I took it, and in this case you were describing one of your friends to another one of your friends and to the entire group here.

    I can see why he would think the entire thread is about him and be a bit offended.