What's your C25K training schedule?

secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
1. Where are you in the C25K program right now?
2. Do you always take rest days in between run days?
3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all?
4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late?
5. Is there a particular race you're training for?
6. Also... How fast do you generally run?


  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    1. Week 6, Day 2
    2. So far, yes.
    3. I extended in Week 4 because I was trying to run too fast. Once I slowed down, I was able to progress without issue.
    4. I usually run Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays so I complete one week in 7 days.
    5. I'm training for the Warrior Dash in September and maybe the Color Me Rad in July/August.
    6. I started at 5mph, but have dropped to 4.0 and 4.5 depending on the distance.

    Disclaimer: I was asthmatic as a child so I've NEVER run. Never. Not once in my life. So, I had absolutely no conditioning or endurance. When I started, 90 seconds was too hard. So, even at a turtle's pace, I feel triumphant to be on Week 6. My heart rate is coming down and I'm enjoying it more. When I finish the first round, I intend to go back to say Week 4 and increase my speed. And keep doing that until I can run faster, longer.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    1. today is week 3 day 2
    2. yes i run mon/wed/fri and lift weights the other 4 days
    3. im on schedule so far
    4. so far always w/n 7 days
    5. no race. just wanting to improve cardio to start playing sports agian
    6. not sure
  • stomcavage
    stomcavage Posts: 3
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now?

    Week 4, Day 2

    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days?


    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all?

    I did the first week twice because I wasn't able to complete it the first time I tried. But since then I've been able to get at least one day a week where I complete the runs. On Monday I surprised myself by being able to do the entire Week 4 program on the first day of the week, so I'm definitely seeing improvement.

    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late?

    Usually complete it in a 7 day period, but a couple times it's been tight. It's hard to find the time to get a run in with matching up schedules for me, my wife, and our kids.

    5. Is there a particular race you're training for?

    Yes, I entered the 5K Run for Literacy on June 16th - http://brynmawrrunningco.com/wpp/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Run-For-Literacy-2012-Race-App.pdf. It's been my motivation on days when I don't feel like running - like Monday when I ran in the rain. I don't think I'll have the program finished by race day, but I'll be close.

    6. Also... How fast do you generally run?

    I don't run very fast. I go about 1.5 miles during the 20 minute program - that's walking and running combined.
  • bexblonde
    bexblonde Posts: 80
    1. Week 5, run 3
    2. Always
    3. No, been following the program as per the podcasts so far
    4. I do mine within a 7 day period, I usually run Sundays, Tuesdays & Thursdays
    5. I'm training for the Race for Life at the beginning of July, then planning to sign up for a 10K after that to do in the autumn
    6. Just looked at my running app data, and my average pace is 4.3-4.7mph the last few runs. I'm assuming that will get faster as I get fitter, and do less walking.
  • s00sh
    s00sh Posts: 91
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now?
    - Tomorrow is Week 5 Day 2

    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days?
    -I lift weights on my non-c25k days and usually jog for 5 min or so just to warm up

    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all?
    -Not yet, but there may be a couple runs I need to re-do

    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late?
    -I always run TUE, THU, SAT but missed an entire week due to a vacation

    5. Is there a particular race you're training for?
    -Nothing in particular, but I do plan on signing up for a 5K once I finish

    6. Also... How fast do you generally run?
    -Walk speed ~3.6, Run speed ~5.2
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 267 Member
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now?
    Tomorrow will be Week 7 Day 1
    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days?
    Not usually, but the past two runs I have.
    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all?
    I'm ahead of schedule
    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late?
    So far yes. and yes.
    5. Is there a particular race you're training for?
    I have not picked my race yet. Maybe the New Orleans Color Race in November. But I plan on doing a few in the fall.
    6. Also... How fast do you generally run?
    My walking pace is 3.8 and my running pace is 5 (Right now I am working on endurance and hope to improve speed eventually. After I finish C25K I plan to start working on the C210K - I downloaded the ap yesterday :)
  • hcdawg
    hcdawg Posts: 69
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now?
    Week 5 day 1

    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days?

    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all?
    No, following iPhone app

    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late?
    In a 7 day period I usually run on Saturday, Monday and Thursday!

    5. Is there a particular race you're training for?
    5k on the 4th of July. Just signed up so I'm excited about that! Just wanting to finish without walking

    6. Also... How fast do you generally run?
    I get the 2.5 road I live on done in about 33 minutes! But that gets better the less I walk
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now? Just finished W4D3 this morning.

    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days? YES!

    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all? Not yet, and I'm hoping not to at all. I know, listen to your body...but the first time I take a break is the time I'm afraid I'll make excuses not to pick it back up.

    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late? Yes, I do it M/W/F.

    5. Is there a particular race you're training for? Not particularly - but my new goals are to jog an entire 5k I'm entered in on 6/15 (I'll be at W9D1 by then) and then finish sub-40minutes in another I'm entered in on 9/14.

    6. Also... How fast do you generally run? I'm not really sure, my overall average is 13:30min/mile
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great responses so far!! I guess I should answer too...

    1. Week 2 Day 3

    2. I haven't been taking enough rest days. Yesterday I had to force myself, I'm going to try to alternate running and resting.

    3. I started week 2 a bit early but I think I'm going to compensate by going an extra couple of days with this week's routine before starting week 3

    4. Too soon to tell, but I'm shooting to do one week of C25k per one "real" week

    5. http://runforyourlives.com/

    6. With walking factored in, I'm averaging about a 12 minute mile. I like to run at about 6mph

    I need to learn to pace myself better. Since I'm not exactly starting from "couch" I have the tendency to run faster or more frequently than I should, so I'm going to try to slow it down a bit.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    1. Week 8, Day 2 (almost done!)
    2. Yes.
    3. If I can run for another minute or two, I do.
    4. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Every week.
    5. No.
    6. Just under 10 minute miles. I'm just a hair shy of hitting 5K in 30 minutes. Maybe I'll make it today :smile:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    6. Just under 10 minute miles. I'm just a hair shy of hitting 5K in 30 minutes. Maybe I'll make it today :smile:

  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Thanks, I made it!! (29 min, 58 sec) :happy:
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now? I just finished week 5 day 3!!!! YAY!!!
    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days? Usually yeah
    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all? No I have done each workout one time each.
    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late? Haha Helllll no. I think I started this b*tch like 10 weeks ago and I'm only on week 5! I just do each workout when I can. I was having a hard time finding the time to go because of my 4 year old son but within the last couple of weeks I've decided to just go run at night after he's in bed. (I was nervous to do that at first because I'm afraid of getting kidnapped or something lol)
    5. Is there a particular race you're training for? Yes the color run! july 1
    6. Also... How fast do you generally run? I just calculated it after my 20 minute run and I ran approx. 5.7 mph.
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    1. Week 4
    2. Always - Run day, Rest Day, Run Day, Rest Day (in an ideal world, would be getting other exercise in on rest days)
    3. Repeated Week 3 because I got sick and had a week off, about to repeat week 4 because I had 2 weeks off due to leaving my shoes at my parents house when I went home to visit! Whoops!
    4. I run every second day, so some weeks I run 3 times and some I run 4 times - so my weeks are shorter every 2nd week.
    5. No, but once I can run 5k will start looking for races
    6. Slow - as slow as possible, haha - at my pace I think I would run 5k in 30 minutes, but I have long legs - my flatmate does maybe 3 steps for my 2 for us to run at the same pace?
  • JoniRiaya
    JoniRiaya Posts: 79
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now?
    Did W3D2 tonight
    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days? Rest from C25K but sometimes do other exercises
    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all? Definitely haven't shortened it lol. But haven't had to extend it yet either. I might repeat a week at some point.
    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late? So far been keeping to 7 days
    5. Is there a particular race you're training for? Nope. Have no desire to do a race as of right now.
    6. Also... How fast do you generally run? About 4.5 mph with walking and running
  • 152dbs
    152dbs Posts: 116 Member
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now?
    yesterday was W2D2

    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days?
    no. but plan on resting weekends and doing it M-F everyday Lord knows i need it and its therapy.

    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all?
    just started

    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late?
    a week is a week. trying to keep wife included in it as much as possible. figure we motivate each other as well.

    5. Is there a particular race you're training for?
    just racing again father time.

    6. Also... How fast do you generally run?
    right now we are knocking back about 2.5M in the 20minute time slot.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now?

    Finished about 2 months ago

    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days?

    absolutely and do weights or spin class

    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all?

    Yes, on W5D3 i felt so good at 19min i added a further 5min and another, and another and realised i had covered 4.2k so decided to do the 5k on that day, it was done on a treadmill and i then decided to take it outside and totally failed as i was going to fast outside so i now use runkeeper app which gives me voice prompts on my speed, pace etc

    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late?

    I did up until W5D3

    5. Is there a particular race you're training for?

    Yep, ive entered the Llanelli waterfront John Hartson foundation 10K on June 17th

    6. Also... How fast do you generally run?

    The embarrassing bit, very slow i can cover 5k in about 45min 10k in 86min
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now?::: starting week 6 day 2 today.

    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days?::: not always- depends on my schedule

    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all?::: I repeated week 5.

    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late?::: again, it just depends on my schedule-- I start each week typically on sunday or monday, but it all depends on what days I have to work/when my husband gets home from work.

    5. Is there a particular race you're training for?::: not at this time-- I just want to be able to run for a long time... lol

    6. Also... How fast do you generally run?::: I really am not sure-- I have been focusing more on endurance right now. I'll probably start keeping track this week/next.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    right now we are knocking back about 2.5M in the 20minute time slot.

    If you're running 2.5 miles in 20 minutes, you do not need C25K. That's an 8-minute mile.
  • tdicande
    tdicande Posts: 6 Member
    Great Questions... I have wondered the same..

    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now? I'm on week 8
    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days? Yes - and noticed if I take too many rest days it's harder to run the next time. My schedule is hectic so sometimes I have to take off when I don't want to. I'm thinking about running daily or every other day once I finish the program.
    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all? Neither, following it on my iPhone.
    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late? I'd like to, however my schedule does not always allow it.
    5. Is there a particular race you're training for? Yes I signed up for a 5K 'Spriti of Gettysburg' in June.
    6. Also... How fast do you generally run? My app says I'm running less than a 10 minute mile, but I think it's buggy. I think I'm running more like an 11 minute mile.