May 15th: Weigh In

Diana7021 Posts: 61 Member
Today is the first weigh in for this group "Beach Weigh In!" so I thought we can create a new thread and post our progress. Good luck to everyone and we are all here to motivate. I'm looking forward to every 1st and 15th of every month. Let's do it :)

SW: 165 lbs.
CW: 149 lbs
GW: 120 lbs

I worked really hard this past week and lost 3 pounds. Hopefully I can lose all the baby weight.


  • Billybea
    Billybea Posts: 23 Member
    Good luck
    Your baby is adorable
  • wonderlark
    wonderlark Posts: 6
    Been running to my pilates/yoga class and back. Feeling a lot stronger. I'd like to be feel comfortable in a bikini. I'm short so a healthy weight for me may sound very low to taller girls.

    SW: 150 lbs
    CW: 124 lbs
    GW: 110 lbs

    Height: 5 Feet
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Height: 5'8

    AF is here, and I had a ton of sodium over the weekend. I'll take it.
  • Billybea
    Billybea Posts: 23 Member
    Sw- 167- when i had my baby may 24 2011- almost a year ago
    Cw- 144.6
    Gw- 125-130
    Im 5'3

    Lets do this!
  • Diana7021
    Diana7021 Posts: 61 Member
    Good luck
    Your baby is adorable

    Thank You:smile:
  • chesneyfan01
    chesneyfan01 Posts: 51 Member
    SW- 133
    CW - 131.2
    GW - 120
    Height 5'2"

    Beach bound in 6 weeks!! :drinker:
  • BlackLabLover
    BlackLabLover Posts: 81 Member
    Been skipping rope and started walking my dog again after her ACL surgery. I lost 9 pounds in the beginning of January, when i started a Jillian Michaels Jump START diet with a 16-minute (very difficult) workout and detox receipes. My family is going to FL on June 30 for our annual beach vacation and I want to feel comfortable wearing shorts again - short shorts, that is. ;) I'm also short so my goal weight might sound low to taller girls. (I used to be 106 when I was 26, but I don't think that will look good at 41 yrs old!)

    SW - 145 (01 Jan 12)
    CW - 133 (17 May 12)
    GW - 112 (10 Aug 12)
    Height: 5'
  • esech
    esech Posts: 8
    Sorry I am late posting. Crazy week with dance recitals and all. Lots of temptations but I need the push. Swimuits are looming on the horizon.

    SW: 158
    Weight on the 15th of May 155.7 Not to bad for a indulgent week. can't wait to get my exercise going so I feel stronger.

    My GW: is around 125 which I think is reasonable for a 40 + girl I weighed from 120 to 125 till I was 32 and started my family so I would think that would be a good goal. not sure but I want to feel energetic and strong again!!
  • altizers4
    altizers4 Posts: 2
    Sorry I did not post on the 15th but I did weigh! Here are my results so far!

    CW:205 (May 15)
  • kelichik32
    kelichik32 Posts: 27 Member
    I just added the group so I'm posting a week late! I will post my weight as of May 15th, instead of posting my current!

    HW: 160 lbs. (2003)
    SW: 127 lbs. (01/01/12)
    CW: 123 lbs. (05/15/12)
    GW: 110 lbs. (Summer!)
  • SarahandtheRoad
    SarahandtheRoad Posts: 39 Member
    Hey all!

    I didn't post, but my weigh in was on 5/15... here you go...

    Starting weight (on 4/19): 146.5
    Current weight (on 5/15): 140.5
    Goal weight: 130
    Height: 5'7

    Thanks for all of the support!
  • elizdiaz77
    elizdiaz77 Posts: 4 Member
    Sorr i forgot to post!

    Starting Weight on 4/15 was: 180
    Weight in on 5/15 was: 175
    Goal Weight is : 130
    Height: 5' 4
  • wonderlark
    wonderlark Posts: 6
    I forgot to check in!
    SW: 150
    CW: 122
    GW: 110

    Been doing my usual running, yoga and pilates. I'm starting to realize that one of the best ways to get away from a weight plateau is to eat more! I swear just eat 500 more calories once or twice a week and it just shakes things up : )
  • Billybea
    Billybea Posts: 23 Member
    Weigh in sooon!!