something new and strange for me

Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue. During my last 2 workouts, I've noticed less endurance. I have no idea this is diet related or just normal peak and valley kind of stuff.

average 1200-1300 calories/day
20-30 net carbs per day
110-130 gm protein

Zumba 90 minutes 3 times a week for the last 2 months
30 day shred with 5lb weights 1-2 per week

Weight loss- averaging 1lb per week. My body composition analysis shows I am maintaining my muscle mass. Total loss since December 8th 22lbs.

During my last 2 Zumba workouts, I noticed my endurance was nothing-.I just felt weak in general.
I feel like I've been doing really well in Zumba and have always been able to finish strong with high energy.

Just wondering why the sudden slump in endurance and strength. The best thing I knew to do was add an extra protein shake tonight and a few extra carbs.

Has anyone else noticed this kind of issue? If so, how did you prevent it or deal with it?



  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I had a similar issue last month, and honestly - I increased my calories (and carbs, but not by a lot). Only 150 more cals/day, but at least I'm not so fatigued all the time now and not falling asleep after lunch anymore. I also started tracking my potassium and increased it - but some days I still can't hit my goal. But both of these have helped me.

    ETA: I haven't noticed any weight gain from the increased calories.
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    I also had the same problem--upped both calories and good carbs. I stayed at 20 net carbs for a month and just felt like I didn't have enough energy when I worked out. Upped my calories to my BMR and I set my macros to 20% carbs, I try to stay 50-80 net. This broke a four week plateau and I feel great. I also do the Shred w/5 pound weights 2-3 times a week, and I just couldn't push that the way I wanted to on 20g carbs.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Caloric intake is the key when you have increased your workouts/exercise activity.

    I just recently had some numbers run because Ive incorporated strength/weight training-related exercises... my clothes the past week are getting roomy on me and Im LOVING it....

    I do believe, and mind you this is only my personal opinion, I do believe that the meal you decide to have in the morning should have a well balance to them and perhaps a slightly larger count on the carb-intake.

    I didnt even realize how horribly low it was until I damn near passed out from the pain of the migraine I had. When I reviewed my intake, I had only consumed 4 net grams of carbohydrates.... UGH, not good! Had myself checked by the Endocrinologist just to make sure there werent other things going on, and I brought it up to her about my morning breakfast being extremely low on total carb intake. She had suggested to get at least 25g of healthy carbs in for the morning meal, but for me, not to go over 40g for the meal itself..

    So, I planned out some breakfasts for the week to target that ... and SONOVAGUN! I felt 100% better!

    For me, I needed to make that adjustment for my unique situation/medical health/prescription intake - all of that factored in together.

    Experiment with your intake but do increase your caloric intake where you are going full force with the workouts that you are doing... (By the way, that is awesome!)
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    you need silica, magnesium, copper, zinc to your diet.

    supplementing the essential minerals you exercise out is key. B vitamins and other vitamins are processed by the water soluble minerals. With out replenishing these essential minerals that you sweat and pee out everyday, you will become anemic just from your exercising.

    I add 1 teaspoon up to one tablespoon of angstrom liquid supplements to some coconut juice every day. I also make sure I eat organ meats in my diet. That's key!

    happy training, you are doing great.
  • cristaine
    cristaine Posts: 87
    usually I just add more quality sodium and potassium and I am good. If I eat too much protein I also get like that, so I up my fats. My protein needs are fairly consistent (on my carb refeed day once a week I lower the fat) -- basically fat and carbs trade off, fat + carb for me is a kiss of death to the scale. But for me, my body personally, I need the one day carb-up. My body still runs on FAT (just like ketosis) as it is just a single day, and the next day I have only fats (fat fast) morning only with coconut oil in my coffee (blended in a blended with cinnamon and a bit of unsweetened cocoa - tastes JUST like a latte!!! no cream, just unsalted butter and coconut oil whipped on high with my brewed coffee for 30 seconds, super yummy). But this speeds up the return of a good ketosis apparently. This coffee gives me a lot of energy and easily gets me through to about 2 when I eat normally again and start to fit in that days calories. =)

    Not sure what will work for your plan and your body physiology, but just try a few things (even making sure you are eating enough calories etc) and maybe you can narrow it down. Best of luck!
  • vegansassy
    vegansassy Posts: 13 Member
    up your fat, if you are low carbing the fat is what gives you the energy. Make sure to get enough salt too. Lack of sodium can cause weakness, so make sure you aren't skimping on the sodium. I have been really successful with keep ing my fat at 65%-70% of my total calories for the day. I can jog for almost an hour doing that at induction level of carbs. But my speed is less when I am 20 carbs or fewer, I have noticed. Since you reduce the carbs you have to increase the fat for is hard to get used to high fat when we've been told over and over that fat will give us heart disease if we eat it. It is essential. You may want to up your calories if you are exercising, but it depends on your height and weight. Calculate your BMR and you need at least that for sure. Plus a little more if you exercise regularly. www. has several calculators to help you figure out where you need to be based on height & weight.

    good luck!
  • sansouchi1050
    sansouchi1050 Posts: 137
    Thank you for all of the great suggestions. I appreciate all of the advice.

    I've made a couple changes to my intake- Upped my calories to 1300-1400/day and increased my fat% I was pretty low in comparison to some of you. I'm kind of easing my way into higher fat. So far I'm substituting cream for milk in my coffee of any recipe. With just these two little changes I started to feel better within a couple of day.

    I added my B complex and multi-vitamins back. I add stopped taking them because the taste is so vile!! I started having some nasty muscle cramps and twiching in my legs. I'm hoping by adding the vitamins back in and increasing my sodium intake,I can eliminate the cramps.

    My energy level and endurance is back. I've been to Zumba 3 times this week and felt really strong doing it.
    Thanks again for all of the tips and suggestions