HELP! Muscle aches & pains...

TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member
Okay, first I apologize for my complete wimpiness. I did the first workout (Stage 1, Workout A-1) on Tuesday. Def. had some soreness on Wednesday. Now today I'm way more sore. Is that normal to be more sore on the second day? Also, am I okay to do workout B-1 today, or will it be counterproductive with such sore muscles? Thank you SO much for advice!


  • SammiFrancs
    SammiFrancs Posts: 28 Member
    I'm always more sore two days after, so I know what your talking about. Only you can tell how your body feels though, but for me personally I usually pop a Motrin an hour or two before the gym and when I get to the gym I make sure to do a few good stretches and warm up. I don't want to tell you to move forward with your workout but see how you feel from there. An extra day to recover isnt bad. It's better to not hurt yourself, just listen to your body.
  • TiffyChick
    TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member
    I worked out - and I'm paying for it. MAJOR pain in my quads, where I can barely get up the stairs or off the couch or bend down. I actually had to modify my workout because the pain got so intense in the gym that I thought I would cry (NOT good for the cool "rep" you want to have at the gym!). Crossing my fingers that I'll be able to move tomorrow. I warmed up, stretched, stretched afterwards - still in major pain. Going to keep drinking lots of water, pop and ibuprofen and take an epsom salt bath and PRAY that I feel better tomorrow...I'm a nanny, so picking up two year old twin girls several times a day is a must in my job. : /