Quick Question on Eating Exercise Calories

Today I burned (per my HRM) 488 calories on a trail walk/run and 369 calories during my heavy leg weight circuit. Giving me 857 exercise calories. With that, and eating at cut (1900ish) my net is 1060......do I eat back 500 calories to bring my net up to 1500 (my BMR) OR do I ignore the weight training calories and just worry about the cardio calories, which would put me at or close to my BMR? I log both in MFP and am not sure I did it right eating wise yesterday - I had a similar burn. Thanks for any guidance!!!!


  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    Eat back to your BMR, please and thank you!:bigsmile:
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Eat back to your BMR, please and thank you!:bigsmile:

  • jwkime
    jwkime Posts: 37
    Thanks Ladies! I thought that was what I was supposed to do, but then was confused by other info that said weight training calories were over estimated by HRM's so I should kinda ignore them..... Guess I need a snack before bed - LOL.