
Can I get some help all you fabulous forty plus-ers out there? I have multiple herniated discs and so far the pains been tolerable. A week ago I threw my back out and now I can't lift my 21 month son AT ALL. I workout, or I did, regularly. I'm a good weight, and on a whole I eat pretty well. My question is what kind of exercises can I do to help with my back. Daily the pain is at about a 6, I want it to be down around a 3. Anyone out there have any injuries they area dealing with? Pilates is my next step and I'm stretching 2-3 times a DAY! Hhhhheeeeeelllllllppppppp!!!!!


  • rrumbolt
    rrumbolt Posts: 94 Member

    im in the same boat as you, when my desk is out and hurts like hell; i do alot of floor exercises, this help tremendously
  • jinglett
    jinglett Posts: 69
    herniated discs are no joke! Check with your doctor about what is safe. Gentle walking should be good, healing/gentle yoga too. When my children were small the funny exercise that finally healed my back was belly dancing--I didn't do the jarring motions but the increase flexibility in my spine finally stretched and strengthened my muscles enough to release the pain. I also had a lot of physical therapy exercises from my doctor including cat/cow stretches, several hamstring stretches, etc.
  • briebebe
    briebebe Posts: 21
    Thanks for the input. Gentle exercises are my friend right now, although I'd love to start lifting again.
  • briebebe
    briebebe Posts: 21
    I like floor exercises too. ;)
  • debra4647
    debra4647 Posts: 71 Member
    My husband has the same problem. He's been getting pain management for his. Injections at the disk. We asked the doctor what he could do to strenghthen his back. All he said was to be easy with whatever you do. Walking is good and do what you can tollerate. He's afraid to do much though because it poped just bending to let the dog out one morning.
  • briebebe
    briebebe Posts: 21
    My husband has the same problem. He's been getting pain management for his. Injections at the disk. We asked the doctor what he could do to strenghthen his back. All he said was to be easy with whatever you do. Walking is good and do what you can tollerate. He's afraid to do much though because it poped just bending to let the dog out one morning.
  • briebebe
    briebebe Posts: 21
    @debra4647 I heard about injections, I've been stretching and it feels better. BTW, love your garden pic.