Where is everyone?



  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    Am back at it today .. I am sure Killian I mean Jillian will beat me up today for missing a few days. I however, had a great and wonderful bridal shower over the weekend and am caught up on everything that had me so busy. 43 days till my wedding and will be finishing up the shred with another round before the big day. :love:

    p/s I got my bridesmaid to buy the Shred and started yesterday :) she is so excited!

    Love it...Killian! :) Glad you had a great shower. I bet you are getting so excited. Are you going on a honeymoon?

    Yes we are going in December my best friend is paying for us to go to Disney for a week :)
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    I did Level 2, Day 5 this morning - had to take 2 days off and took it easy today due to injury (not sure what I did, but have pain in my sciatic nerve when I bend over). I ended up doing the modified plank moves and had to do other ab excercises when the lower abs were being worked out (the double crunch and the one right before it where you lift your legs and butt up). Hope to be back at 100% tomorrow!

    I modify in Level 2 because I have a very hard time with planks .... I do as many as I can and then do a move that works the same musle areas

    well done on day 5 :flowerforyou:
  • ChasityLindsey
    ChasityLindsey Posts: 36 Member
    Glad to hear from everyone. I finished day 6 today!! Cant wait to get to level 3, I'm just not in love with level 2 :grumble: ! To the poster that feels like they aren't making progress. I have days where I get down and out, but I know slow and steady is better. I'm my worst critic. I think my biggest problem is I expect those 8 pounds I have lost(some before 30 day shred) to look like 50 lol. I'm sticking with it though.
    Whats is everyone's plan after shred? I think I am going to do Butt Bible next :bigsmile:
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Whats is everyone's plan after shred? I think I am going to do Butt Bible next :bigsmile:

    I'm planning on doing JM's Ripped in 30. :noway:
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 285 Member
    Whats is everyone's plan after shred? I think I am going to do Butt Bible next :bigsmile:

    I'm planning on doing JM's Ripped in 30. :noway:

    Ripped in 30 for me. Downloaded to my iPad and sweating already. :sad:
  • jetsgirl
    jetsgirl Posts: 50
    I did Level 2, Day 5 this morning - had to take 2 days off and took it easy today due to injury (not sure what I did, but have pain in my sciatic nerve when I bend over). I ended up doing the modified plank moves and had to do other ab excercises when the lower abs were being worked out (the double crunch and the one right before it where you lift your legs and butt up). Hope to be back at 100% tomorrow!

    I feel your pain girl! I did the shred for 16 days in March/April and level 2 MESSED my back up badly. Pretty sure bc of all the plank stuff so this time around, I only do the walk out plank and thats it. With the other planks, I use the cardio from level 1 and so far my back has been doing much better.
  • jetsgirl
    jetsgirl Posts: 50
    Whats is everyone's plan after shred? I think I am going to do Butt Bible next :bigsmile:

    I'm planning on doing JM's Ripped in 30. :noway:

    Ripped in 30 for me. Downloaded to my iPad and sweating already. :sad:

    Ripped in 30 for me too! I see our group continuing!! YAY!!!!!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    Whats is everyone's plan after shred? I think I am going to do Butt Bible next :bigsmile:

    I'm planning on doing JM's Ripped in 30. :noway:

    Ripped in 30 for me. Downloaded to my iPad and sweating already. :sad:

    Ripped in 30 for me too! I see our group continuing!! YAY!!!!!

    Ohhh I was going to do 30DS with 5lb weights but maybe I will do Ripped with ya'll .... I have it already :)
  • hmerri
    hmerri Posts: 54 Member
    I almost don't want to post...and had to drag myself in here. I've not shredded for 10 days now...I can't tell you how freaking upset I am at myself!! I logged back in to track food today, and need to find the determination to shred again. I hate...hate...HATE that I stopped it, as I felt like I was doing well(ish).

    Part of me was frustrated that I was eating fairly good, shredding and barely seeing much happen with weight and inches.
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 285 Member
    I almost don't want to post...and had to drag myself in here. I've not shredded for 10 days now...I can't tell you how freaking upset I am at myself!! I logged back in to track food today, and need to find the determination to shred again. I hate...hate...HATE that I stopped it, as I felt like I was doing well(ish).

    Part of me was frustrated that I was eating fairly good, shredding and barely seeing much happen with weight and inches.

    Beating yourself yourself up does nothing but give you bruises. It's one day at a time...we're here to hear your issues, motivate you and even understand. We have all been there at one point or another.

    But bear in mind that in order to see progress, it takes time and effort. One or two days is not enough. It's about consistency.
    It takes four weeks for you to notice your body changing, eight weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the ret of hte world to notice. Give it 12 weeks. Granted, that's longer than a 30 day shred, but a 12 week program gives space that you need to adjust. A 30 Day Shred is designed specifically for muscle confusion and cardio...that takes effort, but is doable that is why it's a 20 minute daily program. Put in DVD, press play.

    You joined because you want to make a difference in how you feel and how you look. Take your steps and take as many as necessary, but take those steps. This group and others will be here. Friend some of the folks here for accountability purposes if you are up for that. We can't do this alone, that's why we join a group to be motivated, to believe, to share in the frustrations, and ultimately share in the triumphs. That fact that you posted again is a triumph in of itself. That means you haven't given up on yourself.
    Please don't be scared or frustrated...that's just part of the journey. Just hold out your hand and we'll take it and travel this journey with you. :-)