May 200 Reps Quick Choice Challenge



  • Tracey1147
    Tracey1147 Posts: 951 Member
    I done 110 lunges. Will get to 140 and I'll take the Sit ups next
  • Bullly
    Bullly Posts: 136 Member
    For my sins I will do press ups this week (let me know if it's not free - looks like it is)


  • Jerterem
    Jerterem Posts: 7
    I will do lunges
  • stevesf
    stevesf Posts: 35 Member
    Put me down for the squats Terry
  • TerryPT
    TerryPT Posts: 94 Member
    I'll do Burpees because I know no-one else wants them!

    Sit Ups (Tracey1147)
    Star Jumps (Notfatand30)
    Squats (Stevesf)
    Lunges (Jerterem)
    Tricep Dips ()
    Mountain Climbers ()
    Press Ups (Bullly)
    Burpees (TerryPT)

    Tricep Dips and Mountain Climbers still up for grabs.

    140 starting today until next Monday 15th. Remember that if you finish early come back and reserve your next exercise.
  • fallguy
    fallguy Posts: 6
    I will do burpees :(
  • fallguy
    fallguy Posts: 6
    Sorry didn't see you was doing burpees terry so I will do dips :smile:
  • TerryPT
    TerryPT Posts: 94 Member
    Just finished my 140 burpees. Can only get easier for me next week. I'll do mountain climbers next.
  • Notfatand30
    Notfatand30 Posts: 35 Member
    I'll do the next 'easiest' thing on the list - Squats!!!

    Think I preferred the sit up challenge! lol
  • Tracey1147
    Tracey1147 Posts: 951 Member
    I'll take Star Jumps next.
    I agree, the sit up challenge was much easier lol
  • Bullly
    Bullly Posts: 136 Member
    Almost made it but not quite. Am I allowed to repeat? If so I will do the press ups again. I'm going to do it!!!

    If not let me know and it is only fair as a forfeit you chose my exercise!


  • TerryPT
    TerryPT Posts: 94 Member
    So the next week starts today and we have

    Sit Ups ()
    Star Jumps (Tracey1147)
    Squats (Notfatand30))
    Lunges ()
    Tricep Dips ()
    Mountain Climbers (TerryPT)
    Press Ups (Bullly) - no-one else really wants press-ups so you are allowed to repeat this week!
    Burpees (fallguy) - well you said you wanted them last week so you can have them this week instead.

    So 3 not too hard exercises left for anyone still to choose
  • Jerterem
    Jerterem Posts: 7
    I will have sit ups
  • Lynsey75Williams
    Lynsey75Williams Posts: 17 Member
    Burpees. to make up for last week. I fell over, hurt myself and decided to rest for a week or so for anyone who's listening.
  • Bullly
    Bullly Posts: 136 Member
    Wahay. I completed my challenge for last week (press ups)!

    Therefore, as I seem to be first, is it ok and re-visit the challenge I failed first time up - the Sit ups?


  • TerryPT
    TerryPT Posts: 94 Member
    That's fine Karl. I'll take Squats next. There's 3 spare days at the end of the month for us to finish any exercises we didn't quite get done the first time around
  • Tracey1147
    Tracey1147 Posts: 951 Member
    I've finished my Star jumps, I'll take Squats next if thats ok
  • Scampersxx
    Scampersxx Posts: 4
    I will do star jumps
  • Jerterem
    Jerterem Posts: 7
    I will do triceps dips
  • Bullly
    Bullly Posts: 136 Member
    For those that are interested I did my challange by Sunday, but as I was away this weekend couldn't update this!

