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  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    Hi !

    I will turn 50 this May 2012, and my target is to reduce 62 lbs (6'1", started with 249lbs)

    I have lost 41 already in 4 months of MFP, so I am ok on that front, but now I want to be fit !
    I want to look great (some muscles, please !) by end of this year 2012

    Anyone here has suggestions on strength training for 50 year olds, beginners?
    (I have a somewhat bad lower back, so I don't want to do one of those quick and intense programs that may hurt me)

    Great to join this group !


    P.S.: Feel free to friend me !:bigsmile:
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Greetings. I am 57 and have been working on this since the end of October (well, this time).
    I've already lost about 40 lbs already, and have about 15 left to get to 175.
    I've hit a sort of plateau now, but I think a little stepping up on the resistance training will help out; just waiting to finish recovery from a minor medical procedure to hit it hard.
    I used the Couch to 5k program to begin my cardio workout,and I have found that I really love running.
    I'll run my first 5k in May, if not sooner, with my wife.
    I have children ranging from 25 years to 6 months, so I am heavily motivated to regain, restore, and maintain my health.
    I'm glad to see so many in this age group finding the time and the strength (inner and outer) to pursue these similar goals.
    I welcome friend requests.
  • joanneonline
    Welcome! Congrats on the 40lbs lost - that's fantastic! You must really be feeling the benefits. That's wonderful you found a new love in running and a countdown to your first 5K - that's exciting.

    I'm sure you'll knock that last 15 out of the park! Can't wait 'till I'm there :smile:
  • libro55
    libro55 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm Lisa. I'm 56, and retired since 10/1/10 from the federal government. I remember being a part of a group (South Beach Online, I think) before I was 50 and I called myself "50 by 50" there, i.e. trying to lose 50 lbs. by the time I was 50 years old. I wanted to be in shape by the time I retired. I needed to lose more than 50 lbs. then, but thought getting to 50 would be a good start (and it would!). ... Well, fast forward to over 6 years later, and I didn't lose the 50, definitely weigh more now than then, and am still trying. I bought a Fitbit a week ago, and then found this site. I'm impressed with the ease of this site to track foods and activity. I'm looking forward to encouraging and being encouraged through our mutual efforts to get healthier.
  • joanneonline
    Hi Lisa! Sorry for the delayed welcome. I've been out of town caring for my Dad post heart surgery.

    Good for you for making the decision to get healthy and enjoy your retirement. Let me know how you like the Fitbit. I've had mine for about a month and half and love it. It definitely motivates me to keep moving throught the day :)

    Feel free to add me as a friend and good luck on your journey! We can do this!
  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Lisa! Welcome. As you can see by my screen name my goal is to be fit by 52 (it started at 50 and every year I change the age! :laugh: ) Truth is I only have 17 days to reach my goal. Unless I lose 31 pounds in that time I won't reach my goal of BY 52. But you know what.? It doesn't matter. I keep trying every day. Some days are good, some days are not. But I just get right back up, dust myslef off and try again.

    I have a Fitbit too! And I really find it motivates me. I challenge myself to just a few more steps or 1 more flight of stairs!

    Feel free to add me as a friend too! We're all here for each other!
  • toomeysgirl
    My name is Terri and I turned fifty in October of 2011. I don't have a lot of weight to lose as I worked to lose 40 lbs or so a few year ago. I managed to put 15 back on, 5 i probably needed but the other 10 just keep hanging around. I've always worked out and stayed fit - but age and injuries have prevented me from keeping up my old 'good' habits.

    So I'm just getting back to the gym in the past several months and working toward trying to drop these remaining lbs. I think I haven't been able to do so because I'm really not good about counting calories. My personal trainer just introduced me to MFP and I'm hoping with a little more focus on my exercise regimen and getting serious about changing eating habits I can once again drop those last 10 lbs. and get toned again.

    I may never be in the shape I was at 30, but I don't have to be 50 and flabby! :-) So, good to join you all and looking forward to your posts and getting to the end goal - whatever it may be for each of us - with you.
  • joanneonline
    Welcome Teri!

    Sounds like you've got a great plan in place. I look forward to sharing the journey with you!

  • Cathy060
    Cathy060 Posts: 26
    Hi - I'm not new to MFP, but would love to join your group. I'm 51 and have at least 50 pounds to lose. I'd love to make some friends on here that are in the same boat. It's so helpful when you can be motivated and be a motivator for others.

    Looking forward to getting to know you!

  • joanneonline
    joanneonline Posts: 158
    Hi Cathy and Welcome!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I look forward to sharing the journey with you :smile:

  • IBetterShapeUp
    Hi. My name is Cheryl. I just turned 50 and want to shed some lbs. I will be thrilled if I can lose 30 and 50 would be wonderful. I did weight watchers years ago but now I have gained it all back and then some. Now it is time for me to get back into taking care of myself. I just lost 10 lbs prior to joining MFP and came to a standstill for a few weeks and discovered and joined. It is all about tracking for me. I look forward to losing weight. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I would love support and encouragement. It is had to do this on my own.

    Looking forward to meeting new people.