
akyraj2006 Posts: 83 Member
Hi! Im Akyra! I have been on my fitness journey since Sept. 22, 2011. Started out at 278lbs and am currently at 213lbs. I haven't made it to my goal weight as of yet. I want to get down to 185lbs. For the past month I have been fluctuating in weight which discouraged me to the point I didn't want to eat right, log my food, and even do my workout! Now I'm ready to get back on it! Who's ready to join me?


  • brandneweyesnd
    brandneweyesnd Posts: 40 Member
    Hi guys! This group is perfect for me as my entire motivation to lose weight/tone up is to get back my summer body I had last year! (and maybe be a lil smaller still *maybe*) Like on my dp.

    I'm Natalie, from the UK, 5'3 and I'm 8st 13 at the moment (125lbs). In summer I am really lucky to be going away with my boyfriend for a week, with my family for a week, and then a week away with my friends too. Also, being in the UK we are taking full advantage of the summer's Olympics!! So I'm down in London for a week too, soooo many pictures will be taken :(

    So basically that's my motivation and my goal is to reach the 8st mark by the time I go away on July 3rd. It may seem a smaller amount but it all counts the same x
    Good luck to everyone :-)!
  • summeroflove99
    summeroflove99 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi everyone,

    This is the first time I've joined a group on here so apologies for any technical mistakes!

    This group is perfect for me as my 40th birthday is coming up in July and I am determined to finally lose the last stone of baby weight that I've never managed to shift before (youngest is nearly 3).

    Me and my husband are going to Barcelona on 3rd July so my goal is to reach 8st by then. I am 8st 12lbs at the moment and 5' 3". I have lost 6 lbs up to now but gotten a bit off track in the last 2 weeks and ready to get back to it. I'll be really grateful for the extra encouragement and motivation from this group :-))
  • kt2312
    kt2312 Posts: 10 Member
    Love the group name, what a great goal to work for. My name is Katie, I'm from Australia. I'm pretty active and love my exercise but unfortunately I love to eat too. I really need to work on balancing the two and making better choices with food. My other hurdle is loosing motivation, I tend to be really good for a week, then a bit relaxed the next week, so I kinda go two steps forward one step back.

    I've just returned from an overseas trip where I put on 2kg's (4.4 pounds) in 4 days, so I'm motivated and ready to go.

    Looking forward to sharing with like minded people. I love MFP as it makes you accountable for your choices in food and shows you exactly where you've gone wrong.
  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Anna. A little like Katie - I'm in australia, love my exercise, but also love my food! We're heading into the middle of winter but i have a tropical holiday booked for August and would love to have the bikini body I had back when I was 17 (13years ago now! and before having my daughter).

    I have 3months to lose 10kgs to reach my goal weight of 65kgs (166cm) and I'm hoping this might kick start me in the right direction and keep the motivation going.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • EmmaL92
    EmmaL92 Posts: 3
    Hi Anna, Hi Kate, And everyone else :)

    My name is Emma and I am from Australia as well. I don't like exercise very much and I LOVE food which is not a good combination. I have gained 10kgs since this time last year. My goal weight is also 65kg (171cm) but I wouldn't complain if I lost a bit more too. If Anna can do it, so can I!

    My main problem is fast food. I love fast food. I really need some help to get motivated to start exercising and to stay away from bad foods! I would be very grateful if that support came from this group.

    Thanks everyone.
  • EmmaL92
    EmmaL92 Posts: 3
    Katie* oops
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member

    I'm Kalie. I live in Maine, orginally from Ohio. I'm very active now and I eat really well. I have a few more inches to lose.... I can't say I need to lose weight because my number on the scale doesn't move much or often. I really enjoy learning new recipes and workout ideas from other MFP users. This will be a fun four week journey with ya'll.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Mikhaila, I'm 23 from Bath, England. I am aiming to be back in the 150's this summer with the aim of eventually being 138lbs. I'm currently 177lbs.

    I'm currently doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred which I am planning on following with Ripped in 30.

    I am going on a two week summer holiday on 20th August 2012 and I want to really enjoy myself and be body confident! Loving the new group pages, soo much better!

    What sorts of ideas have people got for this group? Sit up and squats challenges or something?

    Really looking forward to starting on 21st

    Mik :flowerforyou: !
  • This sounds great- count me in! I'm Jamie, from Virginia. I've been traveling a fair amount these last few weeks, and trying to maintain any kind of structure when you're out of your usual environment is pretty tough- I've gained 10 lbs in the last two months alone! Could use some focus and support to help me shed some weight and get back on track. . . Looking forward to it, everyone!!
  • akyraj2006
    akyraj2006 Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome Natalie, Bikinibabe, Katie, Anna, Emma, Kalie, Mikhaila, & Jamie!!
    Glad you all are joining us! I really look forward to this challenge. This is my first time starting something like this so please feel free to offer any suggestions you may have for the group...

    Im so excited and ready to start! 2 more days ladies!!!
  • ybbuhc
    ybbuhc Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Janis ans I live in the Palm Springs area in Cali. I've never joined a group before and am looking forward to exchanging motivational support and ideas with a group of like minded friends! :happy:
  • TinaHumphries
    TinaHumphries Posts: 130 Member
    Hi, I'm Tina, I live in Montrose, Scotland.

    Love the idea of aiming to be Sexy by Summer :D

    This is my first group too.
  • Hi Everyone,

    Love the idea :) A little bit about me. I have been up and down on the scale since mid twenties and yo yo dieting. In there I have had 3 kids and was determined to lose the weight and this time keep it off by the time I reached 40 (turned in April). After my last child October 2010, I started my journey. As of February 2012 I lost all my weight and am at goal. I lost 98 lbs in total and have managed to keep it off thus far by watching my portions, tracking everything and running. I need to join a group to keep me motivated, this looks like it is :)

  • Hi everyone! I'm Ashley and i'm from Illinois. I have been really struggling with my weight ever since I had my two childen 1.5 years apart. All together I gained about 70 lbs and could never really motivate myself enough to get the weight off. I currently weigh 190 lbs and i'd like to at least be down to 160 before I put on a bathing suit!
  • Yeah!! Love the group name! I have 5 pounds to lose, determined and focused! :)
  • Jenni0101
    Jenni0101 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everybody! My name is Jen and I would love to reach my goal by June 21st although I'll settle for halfway between here and there by June 21st. I don't want to push myself too hard. That is the reason I love MFP, because it is a sensible lifestyle and not a promise to lose 500 pounds in a month fad.

    I am getting married at the end of July and have my final bridal fitting June 29, so this challenge ties in nicely. :blushing:

    Feel free to add me
  • 130ismygoal
    130ismygoal Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! This is a great challenge! I'm joining in an effort to stay motivated on my weight loss journey. I've been on my journey almost 4 years now just to lose 38lbs....yeah I know it shouldn't have taken me this long but life happens. Now that my view has changed to this being a LIFESTYLE change its become easier to cope with the downfalls I have from time to time. Those things happen naturally...just got to get back on track the next day :)

    At my heaviest I was 171lbs (2007). I was about 168lbs when I started my journey (2008). I'm currently 148lbs and my goal is 130lbs (or wherever my body is comfortable). Hoping to lose the other 18lbs in 2012!
  • brittmg
    brittmg Posts: 42 Member
    Hola =0)

    I'm Brittney. I've started my weight loss and MFP at the beginning of January. So far I've lost 25lbs, but for some reason with exercise and a somewhat strict diet I'm GAINING. I started at 230 and went down to 205. But I'm fluctuating up to 211 and its pissing me off. Idk if its water weight or what. I've already done some challenges and have succeeded in losing weight so I wanna get back on track and have structure and a main source of support.

    I have a baby girl who will be 1 on July 14! Shes the sweetest meanest girl ever<3 I've got 3 more classes to go until I get into the OTA program.(Occupational Therapy Assistant) I can't wait to finish school and start making that money$$$$
    I also just recently got a job as housekeeping at the Weatherford Hospital so I'm gonna be working hard pretty soon. I'm excited to be moving and sweating while getting paid for it.

    My goal loss during this challenge is 10lbs.
  • mellisowik
    mellisowik Posts: 29 Member
    hi there i have been on an ongoing battle this last while.. and the description soooo says it for me.. Im Melanie 40 years old.. and i have been losing weight my entire life.. Right now have had scale going WRONG way.. Need to get my sexy back.. so this is perfect.. I Aim to lose 10 pounds before June 13th so far its not happening so well.. so hope you all can motivate me back into it.. I have been walking/biking and doing yardwork every day for last 2 weeks.. and Monday plan on starting adding in some workout dvds... this morning my weight is 154.6 sadly In October i was 145 :( i really want to get to 140 but taking baby steps have not ever been lower then the 145.. soooo here i am.....
  • batgreen
    batgreen Posts: 66
    Hi everyone! I am new to MFP and this is my first group. I am 5'5 and weight 141. I would like to lose ten pounds and stay there. MY highest weight was about 155 and my lowest was 129. 132 ish is fine with me. I just started running and I do my Zumba Kinect once in a while. I am staying below my caloric daily intake for the most part. Looking forward to being a part of this group :)